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Author Topic: Battle Orders and Gurmash  (Read 6205 times)


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Battle Orders and Gurmash
« on: August 09, 2016, 08:04:21 AM »
Warlord can use his Battle Orders once per round. Gurmash can cast WarLord's battle orders. If he does, does this count against the Mage's once per round or can they each cast one Battle Order?

Also, I tried to find this in the rules, but didn't have luck (only played Warlord once, so pls forgive my ignorance): Do battle orders effect all rolls of a creature? For instance, Ludwig has triple strike at a 1-1 range. If I use the range +1 Battle Order- does he add one die to all three rolls, or is it only the first roll?

« Last Edit: August 09, 2016, 08:10:01 AM by Ravepig »
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Re: Battle Orders and Gurmash
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2016, 09:25:18 AM »
Gurmash's ability does not count against the Warlord's once per round limitation. They can both use Battle Orders in the same round. The traits provided by Battle Orders persist through the end of the round and function as normal for that trait. The Ranged +1 trait only affects the first attack of an attack action, regardless of where you got that trait from.


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Re: Battle Orders and Gurmash
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2016, 09:33:27 AM »
Zuberi is on top of this. Well done.


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Re: Battle Orders and Gurmash
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2016, 09:58:16 AM »
Gurmash's ability does not count against the Warlord's once per round limitation. They can both use Battle Orders in the same round. The traits provided by Battle Orders persist through the end of the round and function as normal for that trait. The Ranged +1 trait only affects the first attack of an attack action, regardless of where you got that trait from.

Thanks for the clarification! Good to know about the Ranged + 1 only affecting the first attack regardless of where the trait comes from. After playing the first game with Ludwig, I was tempted to enchant him with Hawkeye for my  next game, but that doesn't make as much sense if it would only benefit the first attack. Though stacked with Battle Orders, that would still be a roll of 5 dice followed by two rolls of 3 dice. I guess that's something to consider. 11 dice in one turn- maybe it's not a bad idea!
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Re: Battle Orders and Gurmash
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2016, 10:04:38 AM »
Its not so hot an idea when it costs you 4-5 mana and 2 actions to add 2 dice to a 9 dice attack. Use that mana on a hurl rock and add a whole 5 dice attack to the mix.
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Re: Battle Orders and Gurmash
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2016, 10:19:38 AM »
Its not so hot an idea when it costs you 4-5 mana and 2 actions to add 2 dice to a 9 dice attack. Use that mana on a hurl rock and add a whole 5 dice attack to the mix.

That's a valid point, except issuing a battle order is not an entire action just for Ludwig only. The Battle Order action would benefit the entire zone and with the Warlord's horn, the entire arena- so that's an action that's going to happen with or without ludwig since this particular spellbook uses mostly ranged creatures (not to mention, my reason for having Gurmash in play).

I see your point with the hurl rock- but I have a limited supply of those, where as if I get Ludwig out early, he's likely to have 5+ attacks the entire game. As an added bonus, my opponent would have to give careful consideration before sending a baddie to close to my zone as Ludwig's 11 dice has the potential to take almost any creature out in one turn (and definitely so with a little support from Goblin slingers). Add Dwarf Panzergarde to the zone protecting Ludwig against ranged attacks, it would be a deadly combination I think. And if my opponent did move in and dispel Hawkeye, well then, that's one less dispel I have to worry about. I could be off-base. Thoughts?
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Re: Battle Orders and Gurmash
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2016, 12:41:08 PM »
When attacking creatures with 2-3 armor use the other warlord to give him piercing +2  - it will help all his attacks.

Much more efficient.


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Re: Battle Orders and Gurmash
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2016, 01:58:40 PM »
When attacking creatures with 2-3 armor use the other warlord to give him piercing +2  - it will help all his attacks.

Much more efficient.

So, if it's a piercing + it benefits all three attacks from triple-strike, but if it's a ranged + or Melee + attack, only the first attack? Do we have a document that explains the nuances around the rules of all the different modifiers?
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Re: Battle Orders and Gurmash
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2016, 02:11:41 PM »
When attacking creatures with 2-3 armor use the other warlord to give him piercing +2  - it will help all his attacks.

Much more efficient.

So, if it's a piercing + it benefits all three attacks from triple-strike, but if it's a ranged + or Melee + attack, only the first attack? Do we have a document that explains the nuances around the rules of all the different modifiers?

The supplment has a chart about that very thing. The individual traits should be pretty clear.


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Re: Battle Orders and Gurmash
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2016, 02:34:07 PM »
When attacking creatures with 2-3 armor use the other warlord to give him piercing +2  - it will help all his attacks.

Much more efficient.

So, if it's a piercing + it benefits all three attacks from triple-strike, but if it's a ranged + or Melee + attack, only the first attack? Do we have a document that explains the nuances around the rules of all the different modifiers?

The supplment has a chart about that very thing. The individual traits should be pretty clear.

Just reviewed- very helpful- thank you!
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Re: Battle Orders and Gurmash
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2016, 02:57:55 PM »
When attacking creatures with 2-3 armor use the other warlord to give him piercing +2  - it will help all his attacks.

Much more efficient.

So, not to be a pain, but I'd like to have this discrepancy resolved. Unfortunately, that chart in the supplement does not include Piercing specifically, but if we follow the logic of all trait modifiers listed in the supplement, only the first die roll of any attack benefits from the modifier and not the subsequent die rolls. Doesn't it seem Piercing would follow suit? Thus, if that is true, then Jacksmack's comment causes confusion since it gives the impression that piercing (from the Warlord's Battle Command) on a creature with triple-strike would benefit all three dice rolls. If this is indeed true, where is it written so I can have this rule verified when my opponent challenges me (unless I am misinterpreting Jacksmack's comment, which may very well be the case).

Somebody please clarify (and thank you for being patient with this post)!
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Re: Battle Orders and Gurmash
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2016, 03:00:00 PM »
Piercing +X effects all attacks which it is on. Melee +X only effects the first.


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Re: Battle Orders and Gurmash
« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2016, 03:04:45 PM »
Piercing +X effects all attacks which it is on. Melee +X only effects the first.

Awesome- I'll print this page and keep with my supplement. I'm confident it will be challenged.
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Re: Battle Orders and Gurmash
« Reply #13 on: August 09, 2016, 04:04:57 PM »
Piercing +X effects all attacks which it is on. Melee +X only effects the first.

Awesome- I'll print this page and keep with my supplement. I'm confident it will be challenged.

When you look up the Piercing +X trait it does not have the same limitations as the Melee +X (or Ranged +X) trait. You can show them that too.


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Re: Battle Orders and Gurmash
« Reply #14 on: August 10, 2016, 07:36:43 AM »
Piercing +X effects all attacks which it is on. Melee +X only effects the first.

Awesome- I'll print this page and keep with my supplement. I'm confident it will be challenged.

When you look up the Piercing +X trait it does not have the same limitations as the Melee +X (or Ranged +X) trait. You can show them that too.

Ha ha ha ha- didn't think to use the actual codex. Duh. Again, sorry to be such a pain with this. Thanks again for clarifying!
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