Harris thought quickly. Had this crazy woman come up with some way to bypass the Nameless one's restrictions on magic in the simulation? All magic in the simulation was supposed to be tied only to the cards and the passwords. How did she make an enchanted key that emulated the properties of harshforge? There was no Mage Wars card in existence that could do something like that. It had to be just a test for Zacharias Shortel. It had to be! But there was a chance that he was wrong. A small chance, but a chance nonetheless.
"I must warn you, that the explosive has a radius of about a couple miles, and if it is not disarmed in five minutes, it will go off, destroying the whole town."
Vincent's face screwed up in betrayal.
"Why are you doing this? Your grandson is still in the house!" Vincent shouted.
"You are the chosen one of Malakai! If you cannot sacrifice even a single innocent person for the sake of all, then you are not worthy of that choice!"
Vincent froze in shock. Almost as if on automatic, his hand slowly reached into his pocket and pulled out a Mage Wars card. It was a creature, White Cloaked Knight. With his horror, determination and shock in his eyes, he scanned the card with his white armored smartphone, which now was glowing with red stripes. The White Cloaked Knight appeared.
"White Cloaked Knight," said Vincent. He hesitated. But then his resolve firmed. If he didn't do this, the entire town would be destroyed, taking the lives of everyone living there with it. "White Cloaked Knight," said Vincent. "Attack Tanya."
The White Cloaked Knight obeyed, and ran towards Tanya, it's sword pointed at her and ready to impale her.
"I'm sorry," Vincent whispered.
"I reveal my enchantment! Block!" said Tanya. In her right hand was a white-armored smartphone with silver stripes. She had drawn it from a holster at her waist so fast that if Vincent had blinked he might have missed it.
A magical barrier appeared around Tanya, and White Cloak Knight's sword bounced harmlessly off it.
She tossed the remote key to Vincent, who caught it, confusion in his eyes as he dismissed his summoned knight.
"I am sorry for having lied to you," she said. "There is no explosive. That's just what I use to open my car. Make sure you give it back when you're done inspecting it."
Vincent's mouth was gaping open, and Harris couldn't stop laughing, both from relief at the fact that they weren't in any danger after all, and from the humor of the situation.
When Harris stopped laughing and Vincent stopped gaping like a fish, Tanya spoke.
"What, you didn't really think I'd engineer a magical explosive to go off in my own home, especially not while my grandson is here!" Tanya said admonishingly. She continued.
"Today you have learned that, as a champion of Malakai, you must do not what is easy, nor what is purely moral, but rather...what is necessary."
Vincent nodded, reluctantly.
"Malakai is a consequentialist..." Harris breathed, suddenly having newfound respect for the archangel.
"Well, that brings me to the end of the lesson. Any questions?"
"Yes," said Vincent. "Your lesson was...useful, and I'm going to have some things to think about for a while. But, please don't pull something like that on me again."
"Alright. Though I encourage you to seek out other teachers who will likely do something like that," said Tanya seriously. "How else can you learn?"
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