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Author Topic: Multiplayer Domination: Priest of Malakai  (Read 8270 times)


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Multiplayer Domination: Priest of Malakai
« on: June 30, 2016, 04:53:34 PM »
An untested book (which includes some spoiled cards from Paladin vs Siren and Lost Grimoire v1) that I have some hope for.  Probably needs a lot of work, and I have fewer copies of some key cards than I'd like, but here's my starting point.

[spellbookname]Sanctimonious Supremacy[/spellbookname]
[mwcard=mw1a01]2 x  Blinding Flash[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]2x  Luminous Blast[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWA02]1 x  Force Hammer[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWA03]1 x  Hail of Stones[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWBG1J02]1 x  Gravikor[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1j08]1 x  Hand of Bim-Shalla[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1x  Malakai's Basilica[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1J12]Mana Crystal[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1j22]2 x  Tanglevine[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1j23]1 x  Temple of Asyra[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1j24]1 x  Temple of Light[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWW01]2 x  Wall of Pikes[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1c02]1 x  Asyran Cleric[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1x  Aurora Lucere, Dawnbreaker's Chosen[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]3x  Disciple of Radiance[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1x  Gloranna, Avenging Angel[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX1CKC06]1 x  Guardian Angel[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1c20]1 x  Highland Unicorn[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1x  Lowland Unicorn[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1x  Meditating Monk[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1x  Messenger of Bim-Shalla[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1x  Temple High Guard[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]3x  Temple Sentry[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1x  Victorian Griffin[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1x  Ballad of Courage[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]2x  Blessed Focus[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1x  Circle of Protection[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1e11]1 x  Divine Intervention[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1x  Divine Reversal[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1e20]1 x  Harmonize[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1e21]1 x  Hawkeye[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1e28]1 x  Mongoose Agility[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1 x  Paladin's Valor[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1x  Panther Stealth[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1x  Restore[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1E36]1 x  Rhino Hide[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1e37]1 x  Sacred Ground[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1x  Second Chance[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWBG1E03]1 x  Sentinel of V'Tar[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1x  Asyran Robes[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1q27]1 x  Dawnbreaker Ring[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1x  Resplendent Bow[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1i02]1 x  Battle Fury[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWBG1I01]1 x  Cascading Force Wave[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1x  Cure[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFI06]2 x  Defend[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1i07]1 x  Dissolve[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWI04]1 x  Force Wave[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1i13]1 x  Group Heal[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1x  Group Mend[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1i15]2 x  Knockdown[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1i17]1 x  Minor Heal[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWBG1I02]1 x  V'Tarrian Healing Song[/mwcard]
[cost]Total cost: 120 pts[/cost]

Looking at it quickly, I have way too much healing and not enough action advantage cards (like Whirling Strike / Badger Frenzy / Battle Fury) ... so I think that will be a good place to start.  I just wanted to make sure I had plenty of fuel for those lovely Disciples of Radiance.

* This is part of a series of spell books designed for Free-for-all Multiplayer Domination.  The main discussion can be found here. *
« Last Edit: January 27, 2017, 09:30:34 AM by iNano78 »
  • Favourite Mage: Salenia Forcemaster


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Re: Multiplayer Domination: Priest of Malakai
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2017, 01:24:23 PM »
I pulled out a win with my Malakai Priest book towards the end of 2016. Here's where it sits after the releases of PvS and Lost Grimoire v1.

[spellbookname]Sanctimonious Supremacy v2.0[/spellbookname]
[mwcard=mw1a01]1 x  Blinding Flash[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1 x Dazzle[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]2 x  Luminous Blast[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWA03]1 x  Hail of Stones[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWJ02]1 x  Archer's Watchtower[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]3 x  Consecrated Ground[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1j08]1 x  Hand of Bim-Shalla[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1 x  Malakai's Basilica[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1 x  Steep Hill[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1 x  Pillar of Righteous Flame[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1j23]1 x  Temple of Asyra[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1j24]1 x  Temple of Light[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1 x  Temple of Meraveran[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWW01]1 x  Wall of Pikes[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFW01]2 x  Wall of Earth[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1 x  Aurora Lucere, Dawnbreaker's Chosen[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]3 x  Crusader Griffin[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]3 x  Disciple of Radiance[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX1CKC06]1 x  Guardian Angel[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]3 x  Light of Dawn[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1 x  Meditating Monk[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1 x  Messenger of Bim-Shalla[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]3 x  Temple Sentry[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1 x  Victorian Griffin[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1 x  Circle of Protection[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1e11]1 x  Divine Intervention[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]2 x  Divine Reversal[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1e20]1 x  Harmonize[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1E21]1 x  Hawkeye[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1 x  Healing Madrigal[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1 x  Life Link[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFE06]1 x  Lion Savagery[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1 x  Restore[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1e37]1 x  Sacred Ground[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWBG1E03]1 x  Sentinel of V'Tar[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1q27]1 x  Dawnbreaker Ring[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1 x  Resplendent Bow[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1 x  Radiant Breastplate[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1 x  Cure[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFI06]2 x  Defend[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1I06]1 x  Dispel[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1i07]1 x  Dissolve[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWI04]2 x  Force Wave[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1i13]1 x  Group Heal[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1 x  Group Mend[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1i15]2 x  Knockdown[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]2 x  Lesser Teleport[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1 x  Martyr's Restoration[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]2 x  Mending Wave[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWBG1I02]1 x  V'Tarrian Healing Song[/mwcard]
[mwcard=]1 x  Whirling Strike[/mwcard]
[cost]Total cost: 120 pts[/cost]

* This is part of a series of spell books designed for Free-for-all Multiplayer Domination.  The main discussion can be found here. *

Recent changes:
-[mwcard=MW1A11]2 x  Pillar of Light[/mwcard]
-[mwcard=]1 x  Dorseus, Stallion of Westlock[/mwcard]
-[mwcard=]1 x  Lowland Unicorn[/mwcard]
-[mwcard=]1 x  Dawnbreaker's Initiate[/mwcard]
-[mwcard=]1 x  Metatron, Angelic Templar[/mwcard]
-[mwcard=]1 x  Messenger of Bim-Shalla[/mwcard]
-[mwcard=]1 x  Helm of Justice[/mwcard]
-[mwcard=]2 x  Eye for an Eye[/mwcard]
-[mwcard=]1 x  Gator Toughness[/mwcard]
-[mwcard=]1 x  Martyr's Restoration[/mwcard] 
-[mwcard=FWW01]1 x  Wall of Pikes[/mwcard]   
-[mwcard=mw1j22]2 x  Tanglevine[/mwcard] 
+[mwcard=]2 x  Crusader Griffin[/mwcard]
+[mwcard=]1 x  Disciple of Radiance[/mwcard]
+[mwcard=]1 x  Light of Dawn[/mwcard]
+[mwcard=]1 x  Divine Reversal[/mwcard]
+[mwcard=MW1E21]1 x  Hawkeye[/mwcard]
+[mwcard=FWJ02]1 x  Archer's Watchtower[/mwcard]
+[mwcard=MWSTX2FFW01]2 x  Wall of Earth[/mwcard]
+[mwcard=FWI04]2 x  Force Wave[/mwcard]
« Last Edit: February 26, 2017, 11:04:51 AM by iNano78 »
  • Favourite Mage: Salenia Forcemaster