perhaps the issue is casual versus tournament play. tourneys usually have a time limit, and if you cannot win in that time, then you essentially loose. whether that is a die, or tie. dying should be worth no points, and a tie should be worth less than an outright win. and 2 ties should not be more valuable than 1 win.
turtling is a viable strategy for mw. some can be quite fun. however, tourneys have constraints that are outside of the game. like the physical space where the event is taking place. they may have limits on when people are allowed to occupy that space, costs for that space, volunteers, aw folks running the event have things they have to do, etc. so there are parameters affecting the length for a whole tournament. which when broken down means a time limit per match. that limit is generally much less than what a turtle strategy needs to build enough to win.
Yes, and that is a serious problem for MW organized play. When the official tournaments run by arcane wonders are artificially made less balanced than unofficial or casual tournaments run by players, it is a problem. Plus, I'm pretty sure that arcane wonders does not intend to make half the playstyles of this game less playable in tournaments. If a priestess is much more likely to get a modified win and a warlock is much more likely to get a full win, who do you think will have a better chance of winning official tournaments?
Either we need more space or more time at conventions, or we need some way to make due with the space and time we have,
without it interfering with the balance of the game.It is a fact about mage wars arena that the time it takes to play a full game varies drastically. Something I noticed the last time I was at an official Mage Wars tournament is that some people would finish their games very early, and some people would still be going right up to the time limit while the early birds had to wait for them to finish before they could start another game. That time is valuable time that could have been used for more games. I suspect the obstacle to that is that it's harder to keep track of things if everyone's starting games at different times. We would need more judges.
Maybe convention halls are not the optimal space for a full Mage Wars Arena tournament. Maybe you could have the swiss rounds elsewhere, and the single elimination rounds for the top 8 would be located in a convention hall.
Maybe once Arena is up on Tabletopia, we could have the swiss rounds for some of the busier conventions on there. That way there won't be the risk of not having enough time or space.
Considering that they take TWO DAYS for the single elimination rounds (top

, it's pretty silly to think that they can run all the swiss rounds in the same amount of time the way they're doing it right now, without messing with the gameplay. They probably either need more space or time, more judges so they can better use the time they have, or they need to somehow convince the convention hosts to be a bit less ridiculous.
I mean really, it's not rocket science--the amount of space and time that a gaming tournament ACTUALLY NEEDS per game varies with the game, not with how expensive or successful the game is. convention hosts should be willing to distribute space and time at their conventions proportional to how much each game actually needs. Otherwise new games that aren't super quick to play will need more money backing them than new games that are shorter, lest the longer games face artificial balancing issues in their official tournaments like MW Arena currently is. And some prospective new players would SEE the balancing issues at these conventions, and decide they'd rather play something else.
And if a convention is unwilling to allow a gaming tournament into its event schedule without crippling it, then what's the point of even having that tournament on the schedule?
I kinda suspect that this is part of what happened with origins--that Arcane Wonders needed more time/space for a tournament than the convention hosts were willing to give them, and so they had to go back to just doing demos. Especially since the last origins tournament, which was a couple years ago, only had 6 people in it!