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Author Topic: The League of Extraordinary Mage Warriors  (Read 63222 times)


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The League of Extraordinary Mage Warriors
« on: May 06, 2016, 03:09:31 PM »
I am Shark bait, and I wanted to gauge the interest of the community in the following proposal.

I would like to put together a Mage Wars league for play via OCTGN. The current idea in my head is that if we can get 10 interested and committed players, we can play a round robin schedule (everyone plays each other player once) on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Once those 9 weeks (or 18 if we do bi-weekly) are up, the players in the top 4 of the standings will play-off in a double elimination style tournament to determine the league's winner. If successful, more seasons of the league will follow with a possible expanded player pool.

I was planning on having everyone schedule their own matches with their opponent due to potentially large differences in time zone, and then posting a battle report of the match. If there is sufficient interest in this league, I will gladly flesh out the rest of the details. Post either on here or message me if you're interested.


After some last minute shuffling around, I think we're ready to kick this off. We have 15 participants in the league. Once everyone has played 14 matches (One against each other player), the top 4 records will go into a double elimination playoff to determine the winner of the first season of The League of Extraordinary Mage Warriors.

A couple of quick notes:


I will list everyone's name and their first 3 opponents here and will update the front post. Everyone has 3 weeks from 22 May to play their first 3 opponents and report the result back. This gives a bit of scheduling flexibility so you can knock all 3 out right away if you want to (or have a week that's better than others). Any matches not reported will be counted as a draw for both players. If you have tried to contact your opponent and receive no response within a couple of weeks, let me know and I'll give you the win by forfeit instead.

Card Pool:

Any card available on OCTGN at the time of the match being played is legal for a book. Promos will be allowed as they are with the following exceptions: If the card has been released and has changed, the released version takes precedent. Ballista will be counted as Unique and War Mage Only.


Standings can be found >>HERE<<

You can use any mage/book you want for each match. There is no restriction.

Alright, we're now into the second phase! If you haven't played your first 3 games, you still have time. However, you should get a move on! Prizes are at stake!

Suggested opponents for 12 June - 3 July:

1. Drefan :RomeoXero, Ad_Yer, gaspode77

2. Schwenkgott : Drmambo, Ad_Yer, RomeoXero

3. Frozen : BigL16, Kaarin, Biblofilter

4. Biblofilter : drmambo, Ad_Yer, Frozen

5. Coshade : gaspode77, Sharkbait, Kaarin

6. Kaarin: Juli, Ad_yer, Coshade

7. DevilsVendetta: gaspode77, Schwenkgott Biblofilter

8. Sharkbait: BigL16, Coshade, Sailor Vulcan

9. Juli: Kaarin, Biblofilter, Schwenkgott

10. gaspode77: Coshade, DevilsVendetta, BigL16

11. Ad_Yer: Biblofilter, Schwenkgott, Kaarin

12. Sailor Vulcan: Sharkbait, Kaarin, Schwenkgott

13. Drmambo: Biblofilter, Juli, RomeoXero

14. BigL16: Frozen, Sharkbait, gaspode77

15. RomeoXero: Ad_yer, Drefan, drmambo

I have also decided that the following prizes will be given out:
- The top 4 in the regular season will all receive their choice of Priestess or Warlock Academy
- The two mages who play in the final playoff match will receive the other in addition to their choice for making the playoffs (So the top 2 mages will receive BOTH academy sets)
- The Winner of the League of Extraordinary Mage Warriors season 1 will receive a copy of The Lost Grimoire in addition to the two academy sets and a Trophy to go with it (picture not available yet).

A note on rerolls: If you roll the wrong number of dice, just reroll with the correct number of dice and treat the first roll as if it didn't exist

If there are any questions/concerns/I messed something up please let me know.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2016, 02:43:31 PM by SharkBait »
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Re: The League of Extraordinary Mage Warriors
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2016, 03:20:50 PM »
I'm IN
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Re: The League of Extraordinary Mage Warriors
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2016, 03:36:35 PM »
Im in as well :)

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Re: The League of Extraordinary Mage Warriors
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2016, 03:44:12 PM »
Question: is this open to all continents?

I ask because I would have to play my games after 7pm EST...    which complicates things with the European players :/

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Re: The League of Extraordinary Mage Warriors
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2016, 03:46:18 PM »


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Re: The League of Extraordinary Mage Warriors
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2016, 04:03:25 PM »
Question: is this open to all continents?

I ask because I would have to play my games after 7pm EST...    which complicates things with the European players :/
Open to everyone, and I figure we can be flexible on match dates. If you are against a European opponent, you may just have to schedule a weekend or something. It's between you and your opponent :)
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Sailor Vulcan

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Re: The League of Extraordinary Mage Warriors
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2016, 04:17:07 PM »
My availability varies a LOT, and I only know my work schedule about a week in advance. Would "at least once a month except on really busy months" be acceptable?

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  • Favourite Mage: Salenia Forcemaster
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Re: The League of Extraordinary Mage Warriors
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2016, 05:00:38 PM »
My availability varies a LOT, and I only know my work schedule about a week in advance. Would "at least once a month except on really busy months" be acceptable?

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Acceptable is up to you. If we run with it weekly, you'll have to forfeit once in a while, but if you're ok with that then it won't bother me. I want to keep the games semi regular to ensure that it doesn't fade out
  • Favourite Mage: Adramelech Warlock
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Sailor Vulcan

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Re: The League of Extraordinary Mage Warriors
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2016, 05:06:26 PM »
My availability varies a LOT, and I only know my work schedule about a week in advance. Would "at least once a month except on really busy months" be acceptable?

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Acceptable is up to you. If we run with it weekly, you'll have to forfeit once in a while, but if you're ok with that then it won't bother me. I want to keep the games semi regular to ensure that it doesn't fade out

Ok then I'm in!
  • Favourite Mage: Salenia Forcemaster
I am Sailor Vulcan! Champion of justice and reason! And yes, I am already aware my uniform is considered flashy, unprofessional, and borderline sexually provocative for my species by most intelligent lifeforms. I did not choose this outfit. Shut up.


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Re: The League of Extraordinary Mage Warriors
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2016, 05:34:16 PM »
I'm in.
I hope that the battles won't be timed though. In the course of ADMW I discovered that my computer is a bit too old for OCTGN, as it freezes for few minutes during reset phase (and recently they dropped the support for my Windows).
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Re: The League of Extraordinary Mage Warriors
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2016, 06:56:09 PM »
I'd love to join!
  • Favourite Mage: Wychwood Druid
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Re: The League of Extraordinary Mage Warriors
« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2016, 09:53:11 PM »
Is there any reason to limit the number of players?

A 12 round monrad tournament were you have to play all the mages sound cool - and would force someone like me to play a few mages I never tried or really don´t have a high opinion on. :)

That way we could have a few hundred players in this tournament  ;)
  • Favourite Mage: Wychwood Druid
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Sailor Vulcan

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Re: The League of Extraordinary Mage Warriors
« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2016, 06:54:44 AM »
Is there any reason to limit the number of players?

A 12 round monrad tournament were you have to play all the mages sound cool - and would force someone like me to play a few mages I never tried or really don´t have a high opinion on. :)

That way we could have a few hundred players in this tournament  ;)

There are currently nowhere near a few hundred Mage wars players who play on OCTGN. I don't think there's ever been more than ten on a given day, and nowadays I can usually only find 0-2 players on a given day, and half the time they're already in a game or playing something else, or they just forgot to close out of OCTGN.
  • Favourite Mage: Salenia Forcemaster
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Re: The League of Extraordinary Mage Warriors
« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2016, 07:21:32 AM »
I'd be interested, not sure whether I would prefer weekly or bi-weekly though.


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Re: The League of Extraordinary Mage Warriors
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2016, 07:48:09 AM »
Is there any reason to limit the number of players?

A 12 round monrad tournament were you have to play all the mages sound cool - and would force someone like me to play a few mages I never tried or really don´t have a high opinion on. :)

That way we could have a few hundred players in this tournament  ;)

10 was just a starting point for discussion. If I got more than 10 interested I was going to look into expanding. Seeing as we're basically at that number now, I'll start writing the formal details and post here when I've finished them
  • Favourite Mage: Adramelech Warlock
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