First I have to say that I also would like to see expansions more regulary. But there will be a bunch of cards coming. With LG, Priestess academy, Warlock Academy and PvS also do come quite many.
Also from Playtesting I can tell you that the larger the overall spell base gets the harder testing and balance gets. Also there are different things to consider also. And a big point is spellbook size and building and that to really identify if a strat/deck and cards are too weak or too good need a large sample size and to judge on a (competive ) level and balance in general you really need to build full spellbooks. Cause it really makes a difference on seing the influence on cards on the amount of enchantment removals, creatures and also equipment removal. Just 90 points book, or shortly built ones won't do it. Secondly you need to play against lots of other decks...
And you also have to check the cards in Domination
Now to some other points: Mainly talking my experience on OCTGN: Domination hardly people play and if I ask often comes: havent played, have no deck, dont know the rules. And it is a rather complex thing to exploit too. Also team games. I wouldnt cosider myself playing extremly much, but on octgn and offline without playtesting i have like 230 games. But I havent played so many possible decks yet and on every mage with the current card pool are still possibilities.
If I look at 90% of the decks they have a huge development potential yet, exploit that, playing a new deck every game is not using the full potential of the game. (I never play the same deck twice for a long time and even now probably change, but I play it again soon after). The decks play differently against other mages, other strats etc.
Try domination
Arcane duels made a lot of videos over the tournament, those are very valuable show a lot and in the latest time there are lots of new decks.
"the scene in europe isn't dying, there never was one" The german speeking part is growing a lot, the last Thunderdome G was a real boost for the community. There was a game every week for each player, double elemination and Schwenkgott did cast and record all those games. It also had decks posted after and written summary by the players and some strat insight. This is really huge for the community and keeps all focused and interessted. Of course for the short time it is time consuming, but you really get a large value out of it.
Generally from what I see of octgn players havent yet exploit the game at this state. Of course I myself currently also play less as i desperatly wait for Priestess/warlock to include those cards in my decks.
sailor sad no games on octgn surprise him, powlichs 4 quicksand/domination surprised me, and as I had extremly good results using fellela curse builds it also seems to surprise a lot. The thing is if you are not surprised you should be able to built a deck that can beat all assuming you play slightly better level.
Lastly someone sad there are no decks posted: I see so many more of the same decks posted with then a discussion. I posted all decks from Thunderdome G here ( noone responed, its not that there isn't something available....
It is cool that AW gets something out soon, but I feel most of us havent exploit the full extent or even most of the game yet