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Author Topic: Basic decks for Core and FW  (Read 2305 times)


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Basic decks for Core and FW
« on: February 16, 2016, 09:27:37 PM »
I was wondering if people had balanced (against each other) decks for all 6 classes in the core and FM vs W that could be made simultaneously.  Yes, I know that are provided decks but I've heard they aren't that balanced, especially the warlord.  Thanks.


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Re: Basic decks for Core and FW
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2016, 08:41:32 AM »
The recommended spell books aren't that badly balanced.  Make sure you use the most recent recommended books for the core set mages (available in the latest version of the rulebook).

As for the Warlord feeling under-powered, well, that won't change much until you get the Forged in Fire expansion.  Or play Domination.  Bloodwave Warlord is awesome in Domination - with cards from Domination, of course - e.g. Altar of the Iron Guard for free guards, Slaknir for Elusiveness on all your Goblins, Galaxxus is cheapest for Warlord, ditto for Gravikor when necessary, then use Construction Yard with your Barracks and Garrison Post, and maybe Archer's Watchtower to fire arrows over walls... and so many choices of earth and war school Walls!

But I digress.  For starter books for Arena mode only, the recommended ones aren't that bad.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2016, 11:11:15 AM by iNano78 »
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