Arcane Ward might be useful at some point, You may just want to run it because you can since it's novice. Look them in the face and say "See, I can cast arcane stuff too!"
Gator Toughness, Wolf Fury (Especially on Guard Dog), Giant Size (for Goblins), Iguana Regrowth, Panther Stealth, Wychwood Ironvine, Tangleroot (against hydras and jellies). All of the buffs there can be super useful if you're running Orc Butchers because they only have one armor, You can increase their survival chances by maybe two attacks depending on circumstances.
Satyr Guff is a soldier... Don't think I'd pay 6 SBP's for him though.
Slaknir is an obvious choice if you have Domination.
In promos, besides Ballista, I'd say Critical strike and/or Gravikor for conjurations.