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Author Topic: Questions I have.  (Read 5777 times)


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Questions I have.
« on: September 11, 2015, 12:51:17 AM »
So I got to thinking about the world and lore of Mage Wars and have a few random questions:

1. Is there any connection at all between Brogan Bloodstone and Mort? It seems like it begs for it.

2. How many continents are there in Etheria?

3. How did Sardonyx die?

4. What nation does Sir Corazin hail from?

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Re: Questions I have.
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2015, 04:43:52 PM »
1. Is there any connection at all between Brogan Bloodstone and Mort? It seems like it begs for it.
No direct lore connections.

[mwcard=MW1C06]Brogan Bloodstone[/mwcard] hails from Westlock, where he champions the causes of the Dawnbreaker. (See Divine Might).  He is currently deployed to eastern Westlock, where he lends his might and vorpal sword to the Westlockian forces defending the nation from Trokoth’s Blood Wave forces. 

The undead entity known as “[mwcard=DNC07]Mort[/mwcard]” is an ancient creature that roams the area of the eastern Darkfenne/northern Salenia. Unlike many skeletal undead, he is not mindless, and apparently retains the ability to speak (though he’s not really known for being much of a conversationalist). It is suspected that he may have been a general of the ancient Sen Ahreal Empire, since he speaks  that ancient tongue, and favors a mage-runed blade common during that time. In fact, the name “Mort” began as a nickname by Ivarium soldiers who encountered him, since he barked out orders to the skeletal undead around him, as if he were born to the task. (“Mort” is the old Pellian word for Captain, and is still used formally in the Ivarium tongue (which draws heavily on Pellian).

2. How many continents are there in Etheria?
There are three known continents that the Mage Wars game currently encompasses, a northern, frozen continent, separated from the north of the Anvil Throne and Blood Wave lands by a narrow sea, the main continent on which all the nations you are familiar with are located, and then a southern continent which can be accessed along a curved stretch land southward, starting along the southeastern Ivarium coast. The southern continent contains the lands of Kumanjaro in the north west, and the desert kingdoms of Dsjer-Tet in the northeast.

There may be other continents, but these three comprise the current Mage Wars experience.

3. How did Sardonyx die?
Ah, you’re asking the wrong question. The more important question is “How did Sardonyx live?” Sardonyx was originally known as Shardrake "the Banisher", an ancient dragon that lived and was slain during the Age of Catastrophe in the Elemental Wars. His remains were reassembled and the waning light of his soul shackled to his undead frame by Saldam-Kur and the agents of the Bog Queen in the Darkfenne ruins of Arduulz, and renamed "[mwcard=MWSTX2FFC10]Sardonyx[/mwcard]", a word in ancient Sen Ahreal that means “Blight” or “Plague-ridden”. Now, animated by the strictures of Dark magic and the Bog Queen's nationalistic ambitions, Sardonyx looms as a new threat to the security of the nations.

His story is far from complete.

4. What nation does Sir Corazin hail from?
He is now an Ivarium citizen, though he was born and raised in the rough and tumble Salenian city of Atticara. (The saying “As prickly as an Atticaran Porcupine.” came about for a reason). He grew up tough and fast, fighting for and against the notorious street gangs of the city, learning street tactics, dirty tricks, and the ability to wield the dual daggers favored in the lower quarters of the city, before serving as a member of the City Guard, where he distinguished himself and was noticed by the Ivarium general, Lucius Akirus. Under Akirus’s guideance, Corazin was trained as a member the general’s personal home guard, and later formally adopted him as a member of his family, also granting the title of Ivarium citizen, and eventually, the title of “Sir”. Corazin continued to favor two blades, and is also noted for creating his own fighting style, adapting the dual daggers of Atticara to the larger, Ivarium gladius. He’s also trained several other notable Ivarium knights and soldiers, and other notables (Gallymus for example).
« Last Edit: September 12, 2015, 12:51:45 PM by Sabrath_Kell »
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Re: Questions I have.
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2015, 10:30:40 PM »
Thank you VERY much!
  • Favourite Mage: Straywood Beastmaster
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