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Author Topic: How does passing work in many player games?  (Read 2534 times)


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How does passing work in many player games?
« on: August 29, 2015, 12:48:11 PM »
My friends and I played a 3 player Domination game yesterday, and one friend's horde of Bitterwood foxes raised the question of how passing works in a 3 player game. We played by the rule that only the player with the fewest active creatures can pass actions, but it might also make sense that you just need to have fewer actions than the player with the most. How is passing intended to work in games like these?
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Re: How does passing work in many player games?
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2015, 01:58:57 PM »
According to the rule book for Domination, on pg 4, in the multiplayer rules it states " may pass if one or more of your opponents has more active creatures than you, you may pass. If none of the other players have more active creatures than you, you cannot pass."

So basically I'd say it works pretty similarly to a regular 2 player game, though it sounds like both you and one of your opponents had less creatures than your friend's horde of Bitterwood Foxes. In that case, you both should have been able to pass until they had the same amount of active creatures as you.
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Re: How does passing work in many player games?
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2015, 04:02:48 AM »
Oh, that would've been really useful in stopping him from getting 4 orbs in 1 turn. (We screwed up letting him have that potential anyway) Woops! Thanks a bunch for tracking this down in the rule book for me. We'll get him next time!

Interestingly, I looked in the normal Arena book for this and could only find the rule for two people. The fact that multiplayer rules were in the Domination book completely slipped my mind! Thanks again!
« Last Edit: August 30, 2015, 04:04:33 AM by Erebus »
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Re: How does passing work in many player games?
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2015, 01:03:26 PM »
Multiplayer games are so fun! Enjoy!
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