Aggro and Control are different in domination than regular arena. In fact, all of the playstyles are kind of different in domination:
Domination Swarm: get control of as many orbs as possible so you're gaining a lot of v'tar per round. (long game aggro)
Domination (not sure what to call this): Kill as many enemy creatures as you can, so that you can start taking orbs easily once the board is clear. (long game aggro-control, in the same way as Johktari BM plays in standard arena.)
Domination Turtling: get control of only one orb plus a galaxxus and minimize your opponent's v'tar acccumulation by protecting sslaks or otherwise stopping enemy creatures from attacking them effectively. This way you are only gaining 1 or 2 v'tar per round. (midgame control using few to no nonmage creatures.)
Domination Buddy Rush: summon a buddy creature and start killing the nearest sslak as soon as possible to take it's orb, then move onto the next one. Get an early v'tar lead as fast as possible and keep that lead. Should use galaxxus here. You don't necessarily need to control all the orbs, just enough to have more orbs than your opponent. (early game aggro using one nonmage creature)
When I said control had been overlooked, I meant specifically playstyles that win with a slow v'tar accumulation by minimizing the v'tar accumulation of the oppponent. It seems like Arcane Wonders just overlooked this kind of thing. It seems like there's barely any card support for it.
In fact, it seems like a surprising number of people seem to believe that swarming is the only good way to play domination. The impression I've gotten is that a lot of people haven't even tried buddy rushing for domination victory and even seem to think that it's not possible, and it's even worse for turtling.