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Author Topic: Mage Wars at GenCon 2015 - The Tournament!  (Read 6255 times)


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Mage Wars at GenCon 2015 - The Tournament!
« on: August 14, 2015, 12:17:46 PM »
Hi everyone!

We're finally releasing our coverage of the tournament at GenCon! Commentary is done by Harry Poppins and Coshade (with some Intangible later on). Rounds 1 - 5 are snippets of the actual matches (because we don't have the budget for 10 cameras), and the Semi-Finals and Finals we'll have full matches for you all.


Day One
Round 1 | Part 1 - https://youtu.be/rHuAy86mj90
Round 1 | Part 2 - https://youtu.be/N955hXoCOHY
Round 2 - https://youtu.be/YEUN3I82jwg
Round 3 - https://youtu.be/PIb5WhV2M_E
Round 4 - https://youtu.be/39g_0E0iNTc?a
Round 5 - https://youtu.be/Y4BcDg-I3AM

Day Two
Semi Finals | John Eckert VS Hanma - http://youtu.be/AsDvL-KcNkc?a
Semi Finals | Gdieckhaus VS Tim McCury - http://youtu.be/2CHk2lsvNBQ?a
Finals - http://youtu.be/Lcy4RKNt-Tg?a
« Last Edit: August 19, 2015, 12:37:52 PM by ArcaneDuels »
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Re: Mage Wars at GenCon 2015 - The Tournament!
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2015, 12:54:27 PM »
Thank you for your hard work! "Beer and Pretzels" mode activated! :)
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Re: Mage Wars at GenCon 2015 - The Tournament!
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2015, 01:51:35 PM »
Hi everyone!

We're finally releasing our coverage of the tournament at GenCon! Commentary is done by Harry Poppins and Coshade (with some Intangible later on). Rounds 1 - 5 are snippets of the actual matches (because we don't have the budget for 10 cameras), and the Semi-Finals and Finals we'll have full matches for you all.


Day One
Round 1 | Part 1 - https://youtu.be/rHuAy86mj90
Round 1 | Part 2 - https://youtu.be/N955hXoCOHY
Round 2 - https://youtu.be/YEUN3I82jwg
Round 3 - Coming soon!

Tremendous coverage guys, thanks for joining us!
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Re: Mage Wars at GenCon 2015 - The Tournament!
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2015, 04:34:45 PM »
Hey guys!

Just thought I would let you guys know that we have the Semi-Finals posted up! Enjoy!

Gdieckhaus VS Tim McCurry --->https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CHk2lsvNBQ

John Eckert VS Hanma  -------->https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsDvL-KcNkc
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Re: Mage Wars at GenCon 2015 - The Tournament!
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2015, 04:36:32 PM »
And if you haven't caught rounds 3-5, here you go! Intangible also joins us!

Round 3----> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIb5WhV2M_E

Round 4 ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39g_0E0iNTc

Round 5----> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4BcDg-I3AM

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Re: Mage Wars at GenCon 2015 - The Tournament!
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2015, 05:27:07 PM »
  Just finished watching round 1 of the finals posted by the great Arcane Duel folks. I have to publicly apologize to Gdieckhaus.

   When he first rolled the hammer against the tower, I saw tons of crits and just assumed the tower was down. Then after he gathered up the dice, I only saw one 2 crit, and if the rest were 1 crits, then the tower lives. The non crit dice were absorbed by the tower armor. I have watched and rewatched the section of the video for the hammer roll using a magnifying glass. And there is a spot at 6:26, where there are clearly two 2 crit dice, with three other crit dice left to count, which is enough to drop the tower since it has 7 points. So, Haus got screwed out of playing the remainder of the game. I still push him through the wall on the next turn with first qc, but still, that was 12 dice of damage that he did not have to take. And, who knows how the game would have gone from that point forward with his angels coming online. While I would have had a strong advantage with so much damage on him, it certainly would have been a challenge. I would have kept the pressure up, but it is still unfair that it went the way it did. We should have stopped the match, paused the clock, and reviewed the tape.

   Sorry man. It was a spot of confusion that should have been cleared up right then. Especially since there was a video.


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Re: Mage Wars at GenCon 2015 - The Tournament!
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2015, 07:36:32 PM »
I just want to point out that 2 armor DOES statistically do better against Wall of Thorns push than 1 armor. 2 armor does not do better than 1 armor against a 2 die attack that does the expected amount of damage (1 normal and 1 critical), but sometimes your opponent will roll 2+ normal damage. If you don't consider that possibility, you're not really taking a statistical approach. The expected damage of Wall of Thorns push against a mage with 1 armor is about 7.22, and the expected damage of Wall of Thorns push against a mage with 2 armor is about 5.56, if I've done my math right.

Certainly the second point of armor does less for you than the first, but it still lowers the expected damage. The first point of armor saves you from an expected 2.78 damage, while the second point of armor only saves you from an expected 1.66 damage. Notice that even at 2 armor you haven't cut the damage in half. You would need 4 armor for that.

You know what actually cuts the damage from Wall of Thorns in half? Divine Protection.
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Re: Mage Wars at GenCon 2015 - The Tournament!
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2015, 10:50:59 PM »
  Just finished watching round 1 of the finals posted by the great Arcane Duel folks. I have to publicly apologize to Gdieckhaus.

   When he first rolled the hammer against the tower, I saw tons of crits and just assumed the tower was down. Then after he gathered up the dice, I only saw one 2 crit, and if the rest were 1 crits, then the tower lives. The non crit dice were absorbed by the tower armor. I have watched and rewatched the section of the video for the hammer roll using a magnifying glass. And there is a spot at 6:26, where there are clearly two 2 crit dice, with three other crit dice left to count, which is enough to drop the tower since it has 7 points. So, Haus got screwed out of playing the remainder of the game. I still push him through the wall on the next turn with first qc, but still, that was 12 dice of damage that he did not have to take. And, who knows how the game would have gone from that point forward with his angels coming online. While I would have had a strong advantage with so much damage on him, it certainly would have been a challenge. I would have kept the pressure up, but it is still unfair that it went the way it did. We should have stopped the match, paused the clock, and reviewed the tape.

   Sorry man. It was a spot of confusion that should have been cleared up right then. Especially since there was a video.

I was curious about that since Gen Con. I saw the dice roll and initially believed the tower was down. When I was corrected on that however I agreed I hadn't seen the roll that well and went with it. I also wish to apologize, I should have been on the ball a little better there.
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Re: Mage Wars at GenCon 2015 - The Tournament!
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2015, 07:56:51 AM »

You know what actually cuts the damage from Wall of Thorns in half? Divine Protection.

I usually don't let my opponent have armor when I throw theough a Wall of Thorns. Rolling 2 dice, 5 times, is so annoying. Especially when you can just roll 10 dice once.
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Re: Mage Wars at GenCon 2015 - The Tournament!
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2015, 12:54:53 PM »
  Just finished watching round 1 of the finals posted by the great Arcane Duel folks. I have to publicly apologize to Gdieckhaus.

   When he first rolled the hammer against the tower, I saw tons of crits and just assumed the tower was down. Then after he gathered up the dice, I only saw one 2 crit, and if the rest were 1 crits, then the tower lives. The non crit dice were absorbed by the tower armor. I have watched and rewatched the section of the video for the hammer roll using a magnifying glass. And there is a spot at 6:26, where there are clearly two 2 crit dice, with three other crit dice left to count, which is enough to drop the tower since it has 7 points. So, Haus got screwed out of playing the remainder of the game. I still push him through the wall on the next turn with first qc, but still, that was 12 dice of damage that he did not have to take. And, who knows how the game would have gone from that point forward with his angels coming online. While I would have had a strong advantage with so much damage on him, it certainly would have been a challenge. I would have kept the pressure up, but it is still unfair that it went the way it did. We should have stopped the match, paused the clock, and reviewed the tape.

   Sorry man. It was a spot of confusion that should have been cleared up right then. Especially since there was a video.

No problem... as I said other places... 7 crit is extremely outside of the curve.
Odds were, I was doomed.
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Re: Mage Wars at GenCon 2015 - The Tournament!
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2015, 02:46:21 PM »
  Well, thanks. That is very gracious. Maybe it would have been difficult to tell on the video camera even if we had played it back. It took me a while to see it, with a magnifying glass. I thought when you gathered the dice, it seemed smooth and that you had not changed any of the faces except the end die which had become a normal 1 instead of a crit 1. Anyway, still gracious of you.



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Re: Mage Wars at GenCon 2015 - The Tournament!
« Reply #11 on: August 20, 2015, 12:11:20 AM »
Just watched the video of the finals. Great job from ArcaneDuels. I know there have been requests for this in the past for folks who could not be at gencon. This definitely was well done. Thanks guys.

Note I was not offended by the name misspell.  Oh, and when I tanglevined the sentry, Nick had used the sentry action just prior to that to put it on guard. So it was on the ground, and therefore subject to the tv. To answer the question of mana on the tower. I decided to skip attacking his tower, which would let him reposition it. He had the same opinion of mine. I let mana gather on mine rather than waste it scratching the sentry.  Better to try to get a major double punch on him. I knew he had a minor heal left too. I wanted to make sure that after the heal, he would have more damage on him than myself.  I was tight on mana and felt I needed the tower to build for that opportunity, rather than come up short, for a 9-12 cost tport, and a hurl rock, and a hurl boulder, and pay for my shield. I wanted enough mana on the tower that it could pay for a boulder itself if needed.