What lore about Etheria are you most interested in?
- The Creatures/Plants of Etheria
3 (13.6%)
- The Realms of Infernia, Celestia and Voltari (Demons and Angels and Magic Essence)
2 (9.1%)
- The History of the Nations of Etheria
4 (18.2%)
- Academies, Spellcraft and the Ten Spells Schools
4 (18.2%)
- The stories of "legendary" creatures, people or objects
5 (22.7%)
- Current events in Etheria
3 (13.6%)
- Plots of the Arraxian Crown and other subversive organizations
1 (4.5%)
- Other! OK, what is it?
- 0 (0%)
Total Members Voted: 22