No I'm not. Melee attacks work like you can attack whatever is in your zone. And that's one of the most basic rules of Mage Wars at all! Following this, walls can be considered as in two zones for attacking purposes, because melee creatures in both zones can attack them.
But that is not how the rules work......
Melee attacks targeting a wall is a special rule, much like how ranged attacks ignore minimum range when targeting flyers in the same zone.
Attacking Walls"A creature in either of the zones bordering a wall may make
a melee attack against that wall. Ranged attacks may target
a wall if either of the adjacent zones is in range, the wall is
in LoS. Walls do not occupy a zone, and are not affected by
Zone Attacks or spells that target a zone."
See walls don't occupy a zone. For melee attacks to be able to target walls you have to have a special rule defined for that interaction. When teaching new players basic rules you must stress that walls are not in zones and are not effected by zone attacks and so on.
As Kich very well knows melee attacks technically have a 0.5 range
"In order to cast a spell or make a ranged attack
against a target, you must have a clear “line of sight”
(called “LoS” for short). Normally, a creature has
LoS to the entire game board, even into zones that
are out of range. But, some walls block LoS. You
cannot cast a spell or make a ranged attack through
a wall that blocks LoS.
When you count range to your target, you must
also check if you have clear line of sight (LoS).
Draw an imaginary straight line from the center of
the attacker’s or caster’s zone to the center of the
target’s zone. LoS is blocked if the line crosses
through a zone border that has a wall on it with the
blocks LoS trait. Walls do not normally block LoS if
the line crosses diagonally through the corner of a
wall border, as long as at least one side of that
corner does not block LoS. When drawing LoS to a
wall, draw it to the center of the zone border"