This format uses the full ability cards aside from the stats (which are the same as in Apprentice Mode Lv2), 3x3 arena and a shared card pool for spellbook building. If analysis paralysis is a worry, limit the size of the card pool to 2, 1, or 0 expansions and the core set.
Only 1-2 copies of any spell can be included in a spellbook.
The less skilled/newer apprentice player is always first to build their spellbook.
1. The less-skilled/newer apprentice player chooses their mage and builds a custom 60-pt spellbook.
2. The more-skilled/not as new apprentice player Chooses their mage and builds a custom 60-pt spellbook.
3. Play.
This format is meant to help newer players to delve into spellbook building and begin experimenting with different mages and strategies in a shorter and easier format, while also familiarizing them with more of the cards in the game.
What do you think?