I noticed that this hasn't been updated in a really long time. This might work better if we nominate spellbook archetypes and an example of each rather than just individual spellbooks. Even if there's no link to a spell list on the forum knowing that the archetype exists is good to know for future reference. I nominate Forge Forcemaster, johktari canines, guardian angel priestess, sectarus curse warlock, Druid kill zone/assembly line, straywood buddy, attack spell wizard, mana denial wizard, buddy forcemaster, buddy priest, anvil throne forged, Adramelech kiting. Additionally, I would like to nominate my 4th edition core set x1 only arraxian crown warlock as a good example of a solid build using a limited card pool, so beginners can see how it is possible to play mage wars competitively on a budget if they play smart. Should make an archetype category called "budget spellbooks" for that.