Mage Wars > League / Tournament Play
How do I start a Tournament in my local gamestore?
Hellow fellow gamers,
I`m playing MW for 3months now and I really like it!!
Now I`m thinking of starting a little tournament in my local gamestore.
I`ve already seen tournaments of Warhammer Fantasy, 40K, Malifaux,... But never one of MW.
So my question is:`` How do I do this?``
Is there a certain rulespack? Is it also with the swiss-pairings?
Spellbooks? I only have one Core set so it is shure not enough for a tournement, where do I get more arena`s?
I know it are alot of questions.... but if they all got answered I would be a real happy gamer ;)
Thanks in advance
Hi HerrMaximuss,
I did not see any official package yet but I find this post very good and it is a good starting point:
Key questions for most card game tournament:
How many players are you expecting?
Do you have a marketing/publicity plan? How are you going to let your players know about the event?
Where and when is it going to take place?
What are the prizes?
If players cannot agree or are not sure about certain rules; then, who responsible to resolve rules issues. In other words, who is the judge?
What are the allowed game components? What expansions? Promo cards?
When it comes to Mage Wars "End of time" is the only rule modification I can think of. Basically, you need to clarify who is the winner when the time ends.
--- Quote from: HerrMaximuss on August 01, 2014, 03:41:47 AM ---Hellow fellow gamers,
Is there a certain rulespack?
--- End quote ---
I do not think so.
--- Quote from: HerrMaximuss on August 01, 2014, 03:41:47 AM ---Hellow fellow gamers,
Is it also with the swiss-pairings?
--- End quote ---
Yes for most cases.
--- Quote from: HerrMaximuss on August 01, 2014, 03:41:47 AM ---I only have one Core set so it is shure not enough for a tournement, where do I get more arena`s?
--- End quote ---
If is a small tournament; then, I would suggest to ask some players to bring their arenas/tokens/etc. In these cases, tournaments are generally among friends and there aren't too many issues in bringing their own stuff.
These are my opinions, these are not official answers; but, I think it can help you to organizer your thoughts.
--- Quote from: HerrMaximuss on August 01, 2014, 03:41:47 AM ---Hellow fellow gamers,
I`m playing MW for 3months now and I really like it!!
Now I`m thinking of starting a little tournament in my local gamestore.
I`ve already seen tournaments of Warhammer Fantasy, 40K, Malifaux,... But never one of MW.
So my question is:`` How do I do this?``
Is there a certain rulespack? Is it also with the swiss-pairings?
Spellbooks? I only have one Core set so it is shure not enough for a tournement, where do I get more arena`s?
I know it are alot of questions.... but if they all got answered I would be a real happy gamer ;)
Thanks in advance
--- End quote ---
Hello HerrMaximuss, this is great to hear! We have an organized play system where your local retailer can purchase a kit fro $12 from almost any distributor they work with (If they say their distributor doesn't have them, just let me know and I can help with that, but they should). The latest, OP KIt #5 is Malignant Intentions. These kits come with promo cards for prize support, and can be run by the store, by an ambassador (if one is local) or sometimes shop owners let a passionate fan like yourself run with them as well.
In any case, they provide story background and objectives for organized play. If you'd like to see the story guide for the last kit, OP Kit 4, converging Front, for an example, you can see it here:
The kits come with promo cards, event posters and the story guides. Promo cards are offered to winners, as well as people who have completed story objectives in the course of play.
From there, it's a matter of coordinating the community, which can be the trickiest. I suggest a few things to everyone doing this for the first time. First, use the local store as much as possible. Banners, flyers, anything that can be shared locally to let those coming into the store that you plan on organizing play is a good thing.
Second, post the event times and days on both our fourm's events section, and our facebook page ( Those drive a lot of awareness.
Big thing is identifying who is who in your neck of the woods that is interested and ensuring they know they can play at a local store, where and when.
Let me know if I can help at all. My email is scottmorris[at], hit me up anytime. Hope all this helps.
First obvious question is .... Where are you located? Maybe you can join us? What is your local game store? Maybe we can join in?
Adding a sticky to this.
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