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Author Topic: Reach, Guard and Flying  (Read 3412 times)


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Reach, Guard and Flying
« on: June 05, 2014, 11:26:26 AM »
Imagine the following situation:

A Warlock is in the zone with two enemies (a guarding creature on the ground and a flying creature). The Warlock has the Lash of Hellfire equipped and wants to attack the flying creature with the Reach Ability of the Weapon.

Two possibilities
-> first: A guard on the ground cannot prevent 2 flying units in the air from fighting. The Warlocks attack goes in the air. Although it is a melee attack, its target domain is not in the guards reach. The Warlock may attack the flying creature.

-> second: The guard redirects all melee attacks made in that zone onto itself, so the Warlock has to attack the guard and cannot attack the flying creature.

Whats the answer to this problem?
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Re: Reach, Guard and Flying
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2014, 11:35:29 AM »
Since it is a melee attack the Guard re-directs the attack to himself. There was any extremely long thread that covered this a while back which Shad0w ruled on which also included an Intercept component.
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Re: Reach, Guard and Flying
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2014, 12:57:21 PM »
Since it is a melee attack the Guard re-directs the attack to himself. There was any extremely long thread that covered this a while back which Shad0w ruled on which also included an Intercept component.

The guard doesn't redirect melee attack. It is the attacker that is obligated to attack a guard before any other target in the zone. Subtil nuance. But anyway, if you check the rulebook it says you cant melee attack any object in a zone with enemy with guard marker unless it has a guard marker.


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Re: Reach, Guard and Flying
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2014, 04:24:26 PM »
Since it is a melee attack the Guard re-directs the attack to himself. There was any extremely long thread that covered this a while back which Shad0w ruled on which also included an Intercept component.

The guard doesn't redirect melee attack. It is the attacker that is obligated to attack a guard before any other target in the zone. Subtil nuance. But anyway, if you check the rulebook it says you cant melee attack any object in a zone with enemy with guard marker unless it has a guard marker.

Correct. When attacking you must choose a guard first if applicable. Thus guard and bloodthirsty rules made for a long weekend.  :P
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