i cant say for sure. but i am pretty sure most of the cards will be reprinted in expansions in the future. the question is when....
Maybe they go the Game of Thrones (fantasy flight LCG) route, where they reprint cards, but only after the original production of the chapter pack that card came in is sold out across the board from every distributor. :S
I hope they do release things and re-release things with some frequency.
That said, while I know I want to add more copies of certain things to my decks, I also think that new things coming out is better than reprints of old things. I know for a fact there is at least 1 company out there already selling singles of cards, so you never know there might eventually be a flourishing secondary market for this game, like there is for lots of other games. As long as you're able to find the cards you need without having to lay out the $$$ for a whole new base set I think I'd prefer new cards to old cards for the immediate future, but that's just me, maybe?
Basically, I get a lot more stoked over new cards (and am thus much more likely to buy the whole release) than if they do, like, half new cards and half reprints, because then I'm more likely to want to piecemeal my collection through a secondary market dealer than buy from Arcane Wonders the whole set.
Then again, if AW sells out of the base set entirely, and you can't get it anymore, then that would also go for the secondary market, and so NO ONE would be able to get it, and at that point I'd be thrilled to see reprints. Haha...it's a see-saw.