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Author Topic: My Priestess Book  (Read 10613 times)

Brian VanAlstyne

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My Priestess Book
« on: April 14, 2014, 04:19:32 PM »
I'm pretty new to Mage Wars and was introduced by The Silverclaw Grizzly who posts here. I played my first few games with a generic Priestess book as I liked the idea of healing and fighting for the side of light. But over the weeks now, I've made some tweaks and would like opinions on the book itself and strategies I should use. I'm doing this off the top of my head with regards to what's in the book, but I think I have everything. Also, we're allowed to use some promos in our games so those are included:

Mage Wand x1
Elemental Wand x1
Sunfire Amulet x1
Eagleclaw Boots x1
Ring of Asyra x1
Elemental Cloak x1
Crown of Protection x1
Storm Drake Hide or Dragonscale Hauberk x1

Mana Crystal x2
Archer's Watchtower x1
Altar of Iron Guard x1
Battleforge x1
Temple of Asyra x1
Wall of Thorns x1

Dispel x2
Dissolve x1
Group Heal x1
Heal x1
Minor Heal x2
Power Strike x1
Teleport x1

Asyran Cleric x2
Brogan Bloodstone x1
Gray Angel x1
Guardian Angel x1
Highland Unicorn x1
Knight of Westlock x2
Royal Archer x2
Samandriel, Angel of Light x1
Valshalla, Lightning Angel x1
Asyran Guardian x1
Joseph Trueblood, High Cleric x1

Thunderbolts x1
Lightning Bolt x1

Bear Strength x1
Cheetah Speed x1
Divine Intervention x1
Harmonize x1
Hawkeye x1
Sacred Ground x1

I think that would be 120 with the promos as I'm at 111 in the card builder, Trueblood is 3, Defender is 2, Iron Guard is 2 and I'm probably missing a 2 point card somewhere but can't recall. So, what say you Mage Wars forum? What do I need to add/get rid of? What strategy should I employ?


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Re: My Priestess Book
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2014, 05:24:23 PM »
You have ALOT of spellbook points dedicated to creatures. 42 if my calculations are correct. I don't believe it is possible for you to use all of these in a single game, so I would take some out. I would look at which ones you use the most and keep them, removing the others. This should free up some space for you.

I would add Leather boots and gloves. They're both cheap armor that will be easy to cast with battleforge. Depending on the matchup, you might want them more than eagleclaw boots. But definitely add the gloves at least. If you can make room, throw in a staff of Asyra as well. It's a good weapon with a high chance of daze.

I'd also add a Hand of Bim-Shalla. It's a GREAT card.

Probably want at least 1 more dissolve and teleport as well. If you bind your only one to mage wand and it gets dissolved, you're kinda out of luck there.

You need some nullifies. Another pretty standard card that's very useful. Healing charms work great with priestess as well. They're very cheap spellbook point wise and once you cast it face down, you can send your creature off to battle and not have to be near it to heal. A regrowth would be good also, for when you take some damage.
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Brian VanAlstyne

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Re: My Priestess Book
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2014, 06:14:48 PM »
Yea, it probably is a bit too creature heavy, but I really like the options depending on the opponent I'm playing. If I'm playing someone who wants to hang back, I can bring out the Archer's with the Watchtower and attack that way or if they're a bit more agressive, I can bring out the Guardian Angel and Valshalla. The Knights and Brogan are just useful all the way around. What I should probably get rid of is the Defender and one of the Clerics to add some of the stuff you mentioned. I should also probably get rid of Samandriel for some added flexibility with the spells you mentioned but I'd hate for it to come down to me losing too many creatures and then not having any real offensive firepower left since the Priestess herself doesn't have a great attack.

I had a question regarding attacks, since I only have the two, is the Elemental Wand even worth it since it's likely to get Dissolved. Or should I add more attack spells even if they're cheaper like the Pillar of Light and simpler things like that?


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Re: My Priestess Book
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2014, 07:39:42 PM »
Apologies, I just saw this.

I understand the desire to have loads of creatures, but like I said, I think you could use the spellbook points for things that you need more badly, like another teleport, etc.

Could you elaborate on the strategy you like to play with this book?

I would remove one of the big angels for sure. Which one is up to you. And the guardian. I don't think you'll be in trouble of losing because of lack of creatures. You should be able to keep them alive with your healing cards. If you have to, you can bind it to a mage wand and cast it over and over.

Many of the Priestess books I've seen don't run an Elemental Wand. Holy spells aren't too powerful so most people don't want to cast them over and over; they only use them when the time is right. Taking it out would free up 4 points which would be useful. I'd actually use these to throw in another Mage Wand in case your first gets dissolved.

Here is a link to a Priestess book that has had some pretty good success. The people on that thread are alot more knowledgeable than I am about the game, and with the Priestess in particular. I don't actually use her too much; the advice I've been giving has been mostly general spellbook advice that could apply to all mages, or things I have seen with other Priestess builds.
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Brian VanAlstyne

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Re: My Priestess Book
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2014, 08:41:05 PM »
Getting rid of the Trueblood, Defender, one of the big angels, and Elemental Wand will open up 14 points. Another Dispel/Dissolve/Teleport trifecta puts 8 back. A Hand of Bim-Shalla will work in half of my games and it's a cheap 1 point add. Maybe a Pillar of Light or 2 to give me a simple attack to keep an opponent back will help as well. And then a Nullify or 2. How's that sound?


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Re: My Priestess Book
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2014, 04:28:40 PM »
That sounds like a good plan. Let me know how it works out for you!
  • Favourite Mage: Darkfenne Necromancer
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Brian VanAlstyne

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Re: My Priestess Book
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2014, 09:42:55 PM »
Had the tournament today and made the changes mentioned for the most part, adding in some nullifys and dissolve with some other stuff while taking out the creatures. I had put in a Bim-Shalla, but didn't play it in any of the 3 games and just never see the opportunity to get it out so it helps, but maybe in time.

As for results, I won the first match in a drawn out passive game against a Warlock but had the build to really do some damage in the next few rounds. The second match was just a massive beatdown against me by a fellow Priestess. My attacks didn't do the damage I needed because of the armor my opponent put up which put my attacks down multiple dice and after he destroyed my Temple of Asyra in a very early round, I was battling from the defensive all game. I was able to survive until the time limit but lost due to damage sustained. And in the 3rd round, I made a few crucial mistakes against a Necromancer and wound up getting knocked out, but won a secondary condition that was added specifically for the tournament by lasting 5 consecutive rounds in the opponents starting space. Moral victory, I suppose.

I think I need to change up an attack or 2 because being so dependent on Lightning really becomes an issue if my opponent brings out an Elemental Cloak & Storm Drake Hide. Other than that, I think my biggest problem is I'm not a very aggressive player so I plan the first few rounds all around getting out Mana Crystals, Battle Forge, & Temple of Asyra with my Clerics to build up Mana but if I'm facing anyone aggressive like I did today with the other Priestess & Necromancer, I basically have no offensive capabilities and getting out my own equipment takes a bit of time with the Battle Forge.

Here's my normal opening so I'd like some advice on what to do strategy wise since I like the deck for the most part now:

Round 1 (20): Mana Crystal in the space above me, move to the center and either Battle Forge in that location or Temple of Asyra in a corner

Round 2 (18 assuming Forge): Temple w/Harmonize or Forge and then Harmonize Temple either way.

Round 3 (15): Altar of Iron Guard in the other corner and Asyran Cleric w/guard token

Round 4 (17): Here's where I suppose I need to figure out the best plan, I've been doing a Guardian Angel since he comes in with a guard token, but not sure if I should just save my mana now to build up for some other stuff. I'll use my Cleric going forward to add Mana to the Temple but in general, I need to know if I'm doing something wrong with this start or how to manage better. Should I forego the mana crystal and just get right to my spawnpoints and clerics quicker to get bigger fighters out sooner?


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Re: My Priestess Book
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2014, 09:52:35 PM »
I saw you lose the Temple and I had to wonder where the guard was. I would honestly recommend getting the Iron Sentry out first then just summoning a Guardian Angel(maybe even Rhino Hide it) to protect your temple.
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Re: My Priestess Book
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2014, 10:25:51 PM »
I was going to say a Guardian Angel or two will just about put a stop to an Agro deck (if you keep off Elusive traits). Your Priestess is running Lightning? Not Light attacks? I would recommend that you get the [mwcard=MW1Q27]Dawnbreaker Ring[/mwcard] + [mwcard=MW1Q29]Staff of Asyra[/mwcard] + [mwcard=MW1E01]Bear Strength[/mwcard] + [mwcard=MW1Q11]Gauntlets of Strength[/mwcard] and all of that Elemental stuff goes to the side and then you dissolve the Chest piece, and start pounding away. Bring along a Morning Star for heavy defense types (Unavoidable), and once Vorpal Blade is tourney legit add it in too for the Piercing.

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Re: My Priestess Book
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2014, 10:38:43 PM »
Yeah when playing aggressive builds, you probably shouldn't spend so much time building up your conjurations. By the time you get them running well, your opponent will be in your face and smashing it, lol.

Without thinking about it too much, here's what I'd do (in general)

Turn 1: 20 mana
QC: Battleforge (12)
FC: Asyran Cleric (7)

Turn 2: 17(1)
Deployment: Meditation amulet (you'll need to add this) (14)
QC: Temple of Asyra in starting corner (4)
FC: Use meditation amulet (7)
Use cleric to place a mana on Temple

Turn 3: 17(1 BF) (2 ToA)

This is the turn where you need to decide what type of strategy your opponent is going for. If they've been sitting back and casting conjurations, not moving towards you, then you're probably okay and you can keep going for the slow style.

However, when facing an aggro mage, this is the turn where you need to bring out a creature. Use BF to cast some sort of armor, then use Temple to cast something (I'd do Knight of Westlock)

So it'd go like this:
Deployment: BF casts Leather Gloves (16 mana), then Temple casts Knight of Westlock (5).
Skip QC for now.
FA: Meditate (8 mana), then cast your Altar of the Iron Guard (4 mana) or have a Rouse the Beast handy to active your Knight (5 mana). Depends where the enemy mage is. I'd probably do the Altar, and then next turn you could bring out a Guardian Angel with a guard marker on it to protect your temple.

I think my numbers are correct, but I'm tired so no guarantee. I'll look at this again tomorrow and make sure my numbers (and logic) are sound.

Sorry you weren't able to win, but often times you learn more from the losses than you do the wins. That seems to have happened in this particular match.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2014, 11:09:42 PM by Lord0fWinter »
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Brian VanAlstyne

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Re: My Priestess Book
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2014, 10:58:11 PM »
I saw you lose the Temple and I had to wonder where the guard was. I would honestly recommend getting the Iron Sentry out first then just summoning a Guardian Angel(maybe even Rhino Hide it) to protect your temple.

I never even considered guarding my Temple or anything like that because no one has ever gone after them before. That's why I was so shocked about the strategy and by the time I had another creature out to guard it, I figured it'd still be smarter to guard my mage. I probably won't make that mistake again.


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Re: My Priestess Book
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2014, 11:37:18 PM »
Learn from every game is a smart rule to play by. I fought the dreaded Force Master of our group in a fight down at Spandex City once and he Dissolved my Lash of Hellfire on my Warlock. I had to rely on my Sectarus which is just NOT the way I want to go. Lesson learned? Take out Sectarus and put in an extra Lash of Hellfire :)
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Re: My Priestess Book
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2014, 09:38:14 AM »
Lesson learned?
Drop multiple curses on the FM Magebane, Poisoned Blood, Chains of Agony, and Ghoul Rot, and run around the board killing his support creatures with Unavoidable attacks so Block doesn't work. Take a spell you want on your Mage and cast it at the Thoughtspore and bam you now have Bear Strength and no Reverse Magic to deal with. Follow that immediately with a Attack Spell using your Quick Cast.

Reverse Attack is an awesome spell to put on yourself in FM matches but I am sure that you know this.......
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Re: My Priestess Book
« Reply #13 on: April 28, 2014, 07:45:36 PM »
Learn from every game is a smart rule to play by. I fought the dreaded Force Master of our group in a fight down at Spandex City once and he Dissolved my Lash of Hellfire on my Warlock. I had to rely on my Sectarus which is just NOT the way I want to go. Lesson learned? Take out Sectarus and put in an extra Lash of Hellfire :)

Im the exact opposite.. I took out my lash for an extra Sectarus.

When Sectarus first came out I hated it, but over time its become one of my all time favorite cards.


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Re: My Priestess Book
« Reply #14 on: April 28, 2014, 10:15:57 PM »
Baron I can see where Sectarus would grow on me. I'm thinking of sticking it on my Necromancer in fact.
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