In free for alls, making the win condition be "last mage standing" biases the game in favor of control mages.
I agree - that is the natural tendency but aggro play has worked on occasion especially when the opponents were too focused on control/turtle-ling.
If the win condition were "first to kill an enemy mage", this biases in favor of aggro. In a 4 player free for all, having exactly two winners and two losers doesn't really work.
We've never tried this but I would agree it would definitely encourage aggro and discourage control.
If you're looking for balance, I would say play a game with two teams of even size, or a much larger free for all.
Agreed - We enjoy team-play the most. Very interesting mage-combos and inter-player collaboration open a whole new aspect to the game.
We are in the process of training a 6th player into our group and looking forward to a 2v2v2 or 3v3 game. Wish you [Imaginator] and others were close by; I'd like to introduce you to the group and the hex board. I've solicited for others in the San Antonio - Austin corridor but no takers yet
BTW - see the following topic regarding the "hex board" I was referring to.