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Author Topic: The best match of my life  (Read 9121 times)


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The best match of my life
« on: March 24, 2014, 08:47:33 PM »
Hi this is my first post, and i will paste the log of my last match against plattenspieler, for me was a great match and plattenspieler is a great rival
i hope you can enjoy that

fapostol turns 'Forcemaster' face up.
'Forcemaster' spends Action Marker
'Forcemaster' readies Action Marker
'Forcemaster' readies Quick Cast action
fapostol turns 'Forcemaster Stats' face up.
plattenspieler turns 'Druid' face up.
'Druid' spends Action Marker
'Druid' readies Action Marker
'Druid' readies Quick Cast action
plattenspieler turns 'Druid Stats' face up.
fapostol rolls 0 attack dice
fapostol rolled a 8 for initiative
<plattenspieler> hf & gl :-)
plattenspieler rolls 0 attack dice
plattenspieler rolled a 5 for initiative
fapostol is choosing whether or not to go first.
fapostol has elected to go first!
Setup is complete, let the battle begin!
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
plattenspieler is done with Planning phase
fapostol moves 'Battle Forge' to Table
fapostol moves 'Mana Flower' to Table
Phase changed to Deploy
plattenspieler creates 1 'Vine Marker Green'
fapostol is done with Deploy phase
Phase changed to Quick
fapostol is done with First quick cast phase
Phase changed to Actions
'Forcemaster' spends Quick Cast action
fapostol turns 'Mana Flower' face up.
Printed casting cost of Mana Flower is 5
fapostol payed 5 mana from pool for Mana Flower
'Forcemaster' spends Action Marker
fapostol turns 'Battle Forge' face up.
Printed casting cost of Battle Forge is 8
fapostol payed 8 mana from pool for Battle Forge
fapostol is done with Actions phase
'Druid' spends Action Marker
facebreaker has joined the game
facebreaker is ready
Unlocking game
facebreaker is ready
Unlocking game
plattenspieler turns 'Druid's Leaf Ring' face up.
murphy has joined the game
murphy is ready
Unlocking game
murphy is ready
Unlocking game
Printed casting cost of Druid's Leaf Ring is 2
plattenspieler payed 2 mana from pool for Druid's Leaf Ring
'Druid's Leaf Ring' becomes ready
'Druid's Leaf Ring' becomes used
'Druid' spends Quick Cast action
plattenspieler turns 'Vine Tree' face up.
Printed casting cost of Vine Tree is 9
plattenspieler payed 8 mana from pool for Vine Tree
<murphy> hi
plattenspieler moves 1 Treebond marker(s) from Druid to Vine Tree
<plattenspieler> hi !
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Channeling counter to 10 (+1)
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Life counter to 34 (+4)
Phase changed to Quick2
fapostol sets fapostol's Channeling counter to 11 (+1)
plattenspieler is done with Final Quick cast phase
Phase changed to
Ready Stage: Performing Initiative, Reset, and Channeling Phases
fapostol channels 11
plattenspieler channels 10
Mana added to 'Battle Forge'
Mana added to 'Vine Tree'
<murphy> oh that's an interesting matchup
fapostol is done with Phase Upkeep phase
Phase changed to Planning
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
<murphy> two very different mages
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
plattenspieler is done with Planning phase
<plattenspieler> yep
<murphy> both players experienced with these mages
<plattenspieler> is the ini marker blue ?
fapostol moves 'Thoughtspore' to Table
fapostol moves 'Hand of Bim-Shalla' to Table
fapostol moves 'Hand of Bim-Shalla' to fapostol's Hand
fapostol moves 'Nullify' to Table
Phase changed to Deploy
fapostol is done with Deploy phase
plattenspieler creates 1 'Vine Marker Green'
<murphy> can u flip it?
Phase changed to Quick
plattenspieler takes control of 1st Player Token Blue
<fapostol> blue
<fapostol> for you
<plattenspieler> yeah
<plattenspieler> strange
<plattenspieler> but i have chosen yellow
<plattenspieler> xD
<murphy> i think blue is the new yellow
<plattenspieler> :-)
<fapostol> the token always broke when spectator join to the game
plattenspieler is done with First quick cast phase
<murphy> not for me
Phase changed to Actions
<plattenspieler> ah ok
'Druid' spends Quick Cast action
'Druid' readies Quick Cast action
'Druid' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler turns 'Spitting Raptor' face up.
'Spitting Raptor' spends Action Marker
Printed casting cost of Spitting Raptor is 11
plattenspieler payed 11 mana from pool for Spitting Raptor
plattenspieler is done
plattenspieler is done with Actions phase
'Forcemaster' spends Quick Cast action
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 17 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 16 (-1)
fapostol targets 'Forcemaster'
'Forcemaster' spends Action Marker
'Forcemaster' readies Quick Cast action
Phase changed to Quick2
'Forcemaster' spends Quick Cast action
fapostol is done with Final Quick cast phase
'Druid' spends Quick Cast action
'Druid's Leaf Ring' becomes used
plattenspieler turns 'Mana Flower' face up.
Printed casting cost of Mana Flower is 5
plattenspieler payed 4 mana from pool for Mana Flower
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Channeling counter to 11 (+1)
Phase changed to
Ready Stage: Performing Initiative, Reset, and Channeling Phases
plattenspieler channels 11
fapostol channels 11
Mana added to 'Vine Tree'
Mana added to 'Battle Forge'
plattenspieler is done with Phase Upkeep phase
Phase changed to Planning
fapostol moves 'Force Ring' to Table
fapostol moves 'Thoughtspore' to fapostol's Hand
fapostol moves 'Force Hammer' to Table
fapostol moves 'Force Hammer' to Table
facebreaker has left the game.
facebreaker has joined the game
facebreaker is ready
Unlocking game
facebreaker is ready
Unlocking game
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
<facebreaker> thats better. cards where out of place for me before i renentered
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
fapostol moves 'Force Ring' to fapostol's Hand
fapostol moves 'Psi-Orb' to Table
fapostol is done with Planning phase
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
Phase changed to Deploy
fapostol turns 'Psi-Orb' face up.
'Psi-Orb' becomes ready
fapostol removes 1 Mana marker(s) from Battle Forge
fapostol removes 1 Mana marker(s) from Battle Forge
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 26 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 25 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 24 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 23 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 22 (-1)
plattenspieler creates 1 'Vine Marker Green'
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 14 (-1)
plattenspieler creates 1 'Vine Marker Green'
plattenspieler turns 'Tanglevine' face up.
Printed casting cost of Tanglevine is 5
plattenspieler payed 3 mana from pool for Tanglevine
plattenspieler removes 2 Mana marker(s) from Vine Tree
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Tanglevine'
<fapostol> ????
<fapostol> ok ok
plattenspieler is done with Deploy phase
<facebreaker> yea surprised me too
Phase changed to Quick
fapostol is done with First quick cast phase
Phase changed to Actions
'Forcemaster' spends Quick Cast action
fapostol turns 'Force Hammer' face up.
Printed casting cost of Force Hammer is 9
fapostol payed 9 mana from pool for Force Hammer
fapostol targets 'Vine Tree' with 'Force Hammer'
fapostol rolls 8 attack dice
fapostol rolled 5 normal damage, 3 critical damage and 7 on effect die
Damage added to 'Vine Tree'
Damage added to 'Vine Tree'
Damage added to 'Vine Tree'
Damage added to 'Vine Tree'
Damage added to 'Vine Tree'
Damage added to 'Vine Tree'
fapostol discards 'Force Hammer'
'Forcemaster' spends Action Marker
fapostol turns 'Force Hammer' face up.
Printed casting cost of Force Hammer is 9
fapostol payed 9 mana from pool for Force Hammer
fapostol targets 'Vine Tree' with 'Force Hammer'
fapostol rolls 8 attack dice
fapostol rolled 2 normal damage, 5 critical damage and 3 on effect die
Damage added to 'Vine Tree'
Damage added to 'Vine Tree'
Damage added to 'Vine Tree'
Damage added to 'Vine Tree'
Damage added to 'Vine Tree'
fapostol discards 'Force Hammer'
fapostol is done with Actions phase
<fapostol> 1 ponit
<fapostol> point
'Spitting Raptor' spends Action Marker
<plattenspieler> yeah
<plattenspieler> very close
'Druid' spends Quick Cast action
plattenspieler turns 'Enchanter's Ring' face up.
<fapostol> always the same
Printed casting cost of Enchanter's Ring is 2
plattenspieler payed 2 mana from pool for Enchanter's Ring
'Enchanter's Ring' becomes ready
<fapostol> fu dices
'Druid' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler turns 'Thornlasher' face up.
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
'Druid's Leaf Ring' becomes used
Printed casting cost of Thornlasher is 7
plattenspieler payed 6 mana from pool for Thornlasher
plattenspieler discards 'Vine Marker Green'
Phase changed to Quick2
fapostol is done with Final Quick cast phase
Phase changed to
Ready Stage: Performing Initiative, Reset, and Channeling Phases
plattenspieler channels 11
fapostol channels 11
Mana added to 'Vine Tree'
Mana added to 'Battle Forge'
fapostol is done with Phase Upkeep phase
Damage removed from 'Vine Tree'
Damage removed from 'Vine Tree'
Damage removed from 'Vine Tree'
Damage removed from 'Vine Tree'
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 2 (+2)
Phase changed to Planning
fapostol moves 'Force Hammer' to Table
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
fapostol moves 'Mind Control' to Table
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to plattenspieler's Hand
fapostol moves 'Hurl Boulder' to Table
fapostol moves 'Hurl Boulder' to fapostol's Hand
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to plattenspieler's Hand
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
plattenspieler is done with Planning phase
Phase changed to Deploy
fapostol is done with Deploy phase
Phase changed to Quick
'Druid' spends Quick Cast action
plattenspieler turns 'Wall of Thorns' face up.
Printed casting cost of Wall of Thorns is 5
plattenspieler payed 4 mana from pool for Wall of Thorns
'Druid's Leaf Ring' becomes used
plattenspieler is done with First quick cast phase
'Forcemaster' spends Quick Cast action
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 14 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 13 (-1)
Phase changed to Actions
fapostol turns 'Mind Control' face up.
Printed casting cost of Mind Control is 2+2X
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 12 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 11 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 10 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 9 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 8 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 7 (-1)
fapostol removes 1 Action Yellow marker(s) from Spitting Raptor
fapostol takes control of Spitting Raptor
'Spitting Raptor' spends Action Marker
'Spitting Raptor' readies Action Marker
Stun added to 'Spitting Raptor'
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Thornlasher'
<fapostol> def
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 6 (-1)
fapostol rolls 0 attack dice
fapostol rolled 0 normal damage, 0 critical damage and 4 on effect die
'Forcemaster' uses deflect


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Re: The best match of my life
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2014, 08:48:10 PM »
plattenspieler rolls 3 attack dice
plattenspieler rolled 3 normal damage, 0 critical damage and 3 on effect die
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 1 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 2 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 3 (+1)
plattenspieler is done
'Spitting Raptor' spends Action Marker
fapostol removes 1 Action Green Back marker(s) from Spitting Raptor
fapostol removes 1 Stun marker(s) from Spitting Raptor
'Spitting Raptor' spends Action Marker
'Spitting Raptor' readies Action Marker
'Spitting Raptor' spends Action Marker
fapostol is done
'Druid' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler turns 'Etherian Lifetree' face up.
Printed casting cost of Etherian Lifetree is 7
plattenspieler payed 7 mana from pool for Etherian Lifetree
plattenspieler is done
plattenspieler targets 'Druid'
plattenspieler targets 'Druid'
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Etherian Lifetree'
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Life counter to 36 (+2)
fapostol sets fapostol's Life counter to 33 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Life counter to 34 (+1)
plattenspieler is done
plattenspieler is done with Actions phase
'Forcemaster' spends Action Marker
fapostol targets 'Tanglevine' with 'Forcemaster'
fapostol rolls 3 attack dice
fapostol rolled 3 normal damage, 0 critical damage and 5 on effect die
Damage added to 'Tanglevine'
Damage added to 'Tanglevine'
Damage added to 'Tanglevine'
Phase changed to Quick2
fapostol is done with Final Quick cast phase
Phase changed to
Ready Stage: Performing Initiative, Reset, and Channeling Phases
plattenspieler channels 11
fapostol channels 11
Mana added to 'Vine Tree'
Mana added to 'Battle Forge'
'Psi-Orb' becomes used
fapostol targets 'Mind Control'
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 16 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 15 (-1)
Damage removed from 'Vine Tree'
Damage removed from 'Vine Tree'
Damage removed from 'Vine Tree'
Damage removed from 'Vine Tree'
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 4 (+2)
fapostol moves 'Force Ring' to Table
fapostol moves 'Force Ring' to fapostol's Hand
fapostol moves 'Defense Ring' to Table
fapostol moves 'Force Hammer' to fapostol's Hand
plattenspieler targets 'Mind Control'
<fapostol> i paid
<plattenspieler> you have to pay 3
fapostol targets 'Psi-Orb'
<plattenspieler> but only 2
<plattenspieler> ah ok
plattenspieler is done with Phase Upkeep phase
Phase changed to Planning
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
fapostol moves 'Hand of Bim-Shalla' to Table
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
fapostol moves 'Defense Ring' to fapostol's Hand
fapostol moves 'Dancing Scimitar' to Table
fapostol moves 'Dancing Scimitar' to fapostol's Hand
fapostol moves 'Galvitar, Force Blade' to Table
fapostol moves 'Force Ring' to Table
fapostol moves 'Force Ring' to fapostol's Hand
fapostol moves 'Nullify' to Table
fapostol is done with Planning phase
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to plattenspieler's Hand
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to plattenspieler's Hand
Phase changed to Deploy
fapostol turns 'Galvitar, Force Blade' face up.
Printed casting cost of Galvitar, Force Blade is 11
Printed casting cost of Galvitar, Force Blade is 11
fapostol payed 9 mana from pool for Galvitar, Force Blade
fapostol removes 1 Mana marker(s) from Battle Forge
fapostol removes 1 Mana marker(s) from Battle Forge
fapostol is done with Deploy phase
plattenspieler creates 1 'Vine Marker Green'
Phase changed to Quick
fapostol is done with First quick cast phase
'Druid' spends Quick Cast action
plattenspieler turns 'Dispel' face up.
plattenspieler targets 'Vine Marker Green' with 'Dispel'
plattenspieler targets 'Mind Control' with 'Dispel'
<fapostol> 8
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 6 (-8)
plattenspieler discards 'Dispel'
fapostol discards 'Mind Control'
fapostol removes 1 Action Green marker(s) from Spitting Raptor
fapostol gives control of Spitting Raptor to plattenspieler
'Spitting Raptor' spends Action Marker
'Spitting Raptor' readies Action Marker
Stun added to 'Spitting Raptor'
<plattenspieler> right ?
<fapostol> yep
Phase changed to Actions
'Forcemaster' spends Quick Cast action
fapostol turns 'Hand of Bim-Shalla' face up.
Printed casting cost of Hand of Bim-Shalla is 5
fapostol payed 5 mana from pool for Hand of Bim-Shalla
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes ready
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes used
fapostol targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Hand of Bim-Shalla'
<fapostol> armor
'Forcemaster' spends Action Marker
fapostol targets 'Tanglevine' with 'Forcemaster'
fapostol rolls 4 attack dice
fapostol rolled 2 normal damage, 1 critical damage and 12 on effect die
Damage added to 'Tanglevine'
Damage added to 'Tanglevine'
Damage added to 'Tanglevine'
fapostol rolls 4 attack dice
fapostol rolled 6 normal damage, 0 critical damage and 4 on effect die
plattenspieler discards 'Tanglevine'
fapostol is done with Actions phase
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Thornlasher'
<fapostol> def
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 0 (-1)
'Forcemaster' uses deflect
fapostol rolls 0 attack dice
fapostol rolled 0 normal damage, 0 critical damage and 10 on effect die
'Druid' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler turns 'Thornlasher' face up.
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
'Druid's Leaf Ring' becomes used
Printed casting cost of Thornlasher is 7
plattenspieler payed 6 mana from pool for Thornlasher
plattenspieler discards 'Vine Marker Green'
'Spitting Raptor' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler removes 1 Stun marker(s) from Spitting Raptor
Phase changed to Quick2
fapostol is done with Final Quick cast phase
Phase changed to
Ready Stage: Performing Initiative, Reset, and Channeling Phases
plattenspieler channels 11
fapostol channels 11
Mana added to 'Vine Tree'
Mana added to 'Battle Forge'
Damage removed from 'Vine Tree'
Damage removed from 'Vine Tree'
plattenspieler is done with Phase Upkeep phase
Phase changed to Planning
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
fapostol moves 'Charm' to Table
fapostol moves 'Charm' to Table
fapostol moves 'Nullify' to fapostol's Hand
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
fapostol moves 'Force Ring' to Table
fapostol moves 'Force Ring' to fapostol's Hand
fapostol moves 'Defense Ring' to Table
fapostol moves 'Defense Ring' to fapostol's Hand
fapostol moves 'Force Ring' to Table
fapostol is done with Planning phase
Phase changed to Deploy
plattenspieler creates 1 'Vine Marker Green'
fapostol turns 'Force Ring' face up.
'Force Ring' becomes ready
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 10 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 9 (-1)
fapostol removes 1 Mana marker(s) from Battle Forge
fapostol is done with Deploy phase
plattenspieler creates 1 'Vine Marker Green'
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 10 (-1)
Phase changed to Quick
'Druid' spends Quick Cast action
plattenspieler turns 'Tanglevine' face up.
Printed casting cost of Tanglevine is 5
plattenspieler payed 4 mana from pool for Tanglevine
'Druid's Leaf Ring' becomes used
plattenspieler discards 'Vine Marker Green'
plattenspieler is done with First quick cast phase
'Forcemaster' spends Quick Cast action
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 8 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 7 (-1)
Phase changed to Actions
<fapostol> wai
<fapostol> there
fapostol turns 'Charm' face up.
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 6 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 5 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 6 (+1)
'Force Ring' becomes used
<plattenspieler> ok
<plattenspieler> but this can only be revealed between action phases
<plattenspieler> first sentence
<fapostol> we are in action phase
<plattenspieler> "between action phases"
<fapostol> and we are between action phase
<plattenspieler> anwser from the arcane forums to this topic:
<plattenspieler> "1) You can reveal the enchantment between action phases, so you can cast Charm and reveal it before your opponent gets a chance to activate a creature."
<facebreaker> that text only exits to prevent the card from being used to waste an action.
<plattenspieler> ok
<facebreaker> much in the same way you cannot gain flying during an attack
<plattenspieler> hmmm
<fapostol> thanks facebreaker
<facebreaker> np
<fapostol> play please
<plattenspieler> ok
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Thornlasher'
<fapostol> def
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 5 (-1)
'Forcemaster' uses deflect
fapostol rolls 0 attack dice
fapostol rolled 0 normal damage, 0 critical damage and 5 on effect die
plattenspieler rolls 3 attack dice
plattenspieler rolled 2 normal damage, 1 critical damage and 10 on effect die
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 4 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 5 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 6 (+1)
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes used
fapostol targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Hand of Bim-Shalla'
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 5 (-1)
'Forcemaster' spends Action Marker
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 4 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 3 (-1)
fapostol turns 'Charm' face up.
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 2 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 1 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 0 (-1)
fapostol is done with Actions phase
'Druid' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler turns 'Hand of Bim-Shalla' face up.
Printed casting cost of Hand of Bim-Shalla is 5
plattenspieler payed 5 mana from pool for Hand of Bim-Shalla
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes ready
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes used
plattenspieler targets 'Druid' with 'Hand of Bim-Shalla'
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 3 (-1)
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler targets 'Wall of Thorns' with 'Thornlasher'
plattenspieler rolls 3 attack dice
plattenspieler rolled 0 normal damage, 1 critical damage and 1 on effect die
Damage added to 'Wall of Thorns'
'Spitting Raptor' spends Action Marker
Phase changed to Quick2
Phase changed to
Ready Stage: Performing Initiative, Reset, and Channeling Phases
fapostol channels 11
plattenspieler channels 11
Mana added to 'Battle Forge'
plattenspieler is done with Final Quick cast phase
Mana added to 'Vine Tree'
Damage removed from 'Wall of Thorns'
'Psi-Orb' becomes used
Damage removed from 'Vine Tree'
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 2 (-1)
plattenspieler is done with Phase Upkeep phase
Phase changed to Planning
plattenspieler targets 'Charm'
plattenspieler targets 'Charm'
fapostol targets 'Psi-Orb'
<plattenspieler> i will always forget
<plattenspieler> ^^
fapostol moves 'Defense Ring' to Table
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
fapostol moves 'Defense Ring' to fapostol's Hand
fapostol moves 'Wall of Thorns' to Table
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
fapostol moves 'Forcefield' to Table
fapostol moves 'Dancing Scimitar' to Table
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
fapostol is done with Planning phase
Phase changed to Deploy
fapostol moves 'Forcefield' to fapostol's Hand
fapostol moves 'Forcefield' to Table
fapostol turns 'Dancing Scimitar' face up.
'Dancing Scimitar' becomes ready
Printed casting cost of Dancing Scimitar is 5
fapostol payed 4 mana from pool for Dancing Scimitar
fapostol removes 1 Mana marker(s) from Battle Forge
fapostol is done with Deploy phase
plattenspieler creates 1 'Vine Marker Green'
plattenspieler turns 'Raptor Vine' face up.
'Raptor Vine' spends Action Marker
Printed casting cost of Raptor Vine is 9
plattenspieler payed 5 mana from pool for Raptor Vine
plattenspieler discards 'Vine Marker Green'
plattenspieler removes 4 Mana marker(s) from Vine Tree
Phase changed to Quick
'Forcemaster' spends Quick Cast action
fapostol turns 'Wall of Thorns' face up.
Printed casting cost of Wall of Thorns is 5
fapostol payed 5 mana from pool for Wall of Thorns
fapostol is done with First quick cast phase
'Druid' spends Quick Cast action
plattenspieler targets 'Druid' with 'Card'
'Enchanter's Ring' becomes used
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 6 (-1)
Phase changed to Actions
'Forcemaster' spends Action Marker
fapostol targets 'Tanglevine' with 'Forcemaster'
fapostol rolls 4 attack dice
fapostol rolled 0 normal damage, 1 critical damage and 1 on effect die
Damage added to 'Tanglevine'
fapostol rolls 4 attack dice
fapostol rolled 4 normal damage, 3 critical damage and 1 on effect die
Damage added to 'Tanglevine'
Damage added to 'Tanglevine'
Damage added to 'Tanglevine'
Damage added to 'Tanglevine'
Damage added to 'Tanglevine'
Damage added to 'Tanglevine'
Damage added to 'Tanglevine'
'Dancing Scimitar' becomes used
fapostol targets 'Tanglevine' with 'Dancing Scimitar'
fapostol rolls 3 attack dice
fapostol rolled 2 normal damage, 2 critical damage and 12 on effect die
plattenspieler discards 'Tanglevine'


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Re: The best match of my life
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2014, 08:48:38 PM »
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes used
fapostol targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Hand of Bim-Shalla'
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 4 (-1)
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Thornlasher'
<fapostol> def
'Force Ring' becomes used
fapostol rolls 0 attack dice
fapostol rolled 0 normal damage, 0 critical damage and 1 on effect die
plattenspieler rolls 3 attack dice
plattenspieler rolled 3 normal damage, 0 critical damage and 3 on effect die
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 5 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 6 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 7 (+1)
fapostol is done with Actions phase
'Spitting Raptor' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler adds a Guard to 'Spitting Raptor'
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler adds a Guard to 'Thornlasher'
'Druid' spends Action Marker
Phase changed to Quick2
fapostol is done with Final Quick cast phase
Phase changed to
Ready Stage: Performing Initiative, Reset, and Channeling Phases
plattenspieler channels 11
fapostol channels 11
Mana added to 'Vine Tree'
Mana added to 'Battle Forge'
'Psi-Orb' becomes used
fapostol is done with Phase Upkeep phase
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 0 (-2)
Phase changed to Planning
fapostol moves 'Gauntlets of Strength' to Table
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
fapostol moves 'Charm' to Table
facebreaker has left the game.
fapostol is done with Planning phase
Phase changed to Deploy
fapostol turns 'Gauntlets of Strength' face up.
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 12 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 11 (-1)
plattenspieler creates 1 'Vine Marker Green'
fapostol removes 1 Mana marker(s) from Battle Forge
plattenspieler is done with Deploy phase
Phase changed to Quick
plattenspieler is done with First quick cast phase
'Forcemaster' spends Quick Cast action
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 10 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 9 (-1)
Phase changed to Actions
'Druid' spends Action Marker
'Druid's Leaf Ring' becomes used
plattenspieler turns 'Tanglevine' face up.
Printed casting cost of Tanglevine is 5
plattenspieler payed 4 mana from pool for Tanglevine
'Druid' spends Quick Cast action
plattenspieler turns 'Corrosive Orchid' face up.
Printed casting cost of Corrosive Orchid is 7
plattenspieler payed 7 mana from pool for Corrosive Orchid
'Corrosive Orchid' becomes ready
plattenspieler discards 'Vine Marker Green'
'Corrosive Orchid' becomes used
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Corrosive Orchid'
fapostol turns 'Forcefield' face up.
'Force Ring' becomes used
Printed casting cost of Forcefield is 2+10
fapostol payed 9 mana from pool for Forcefield
Mana added to 'Forcefield'
Mana added to 'Forcefield'
Mana added to 'Forcefield'
fapostol targets 'Forcefield'
<plattenspieler> unavoidable
fapostol removes 1 Mana marker(s) from Forcefield
<plattenspieler> orois thi stronger
<fapostol> im not avoiding
<fapostol> im blockig
<fapostol> blocking
<fapostol> im cancel the attack
<plattenspieler> ok
'Forcemaster' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler is done
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes used
fapostol targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Hand of Bim-Shalla'
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 6 (-1)
fapostol targets 'Corrosive Orchid' with 'Forcemaster'
plattenspieler targets 'Spitting Raptor'
fapostol targets 'Spitting Raptor' with 'Forcemaster'
fapostol rolls 5 attack dice
fapostol rolled 1 normal damage, 4 critical damage and 9 on effect die
Damage added to 'Spitting Raptor'
Damage added to 'Spitting Raptor'
Damage added to 'Spitting Raptor'
Damage added to 'Spitting Raptor'
plattenspieler removes 1 Guard marker(s) from Spitting Raptor
fapostol rolls 4 attack dice
fapostol rolled 5 normal damage, 1 critical damage and 3 on effect die
Damage added to 'Spitting Raptor'
Damage added to 'Spitting Raptor'
Damage added to 'Spitting Raptor'
Damage added to 'Spitting Raptor'
'Dancing Scimitar' becomes used
fapostol targets 'Spitting Raptor' with 'Dancing Scimitar'
fapostol rolls 3 attack dice
fapostol rolled 0 normal damage, 2 critical damage and 2 on effect die
Damage added to 'Spitting Raptor'
Damage added to 'Spitting Raptor'
<fapostol> ok
fapostol discards 'Charm'
<plattenspieler> ?
<fapostol> charm destroy when i attack you
<plattenspieler> ah ok
<plattenspieler> did not know
<plattenspieler> thx
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Thornlasher'
fapostol targets 'Forcefield'
fapostol removes 1 Mana marker(s) from Forcefield
'Spitting Raptor' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Spitting Raptor'
fapostol targets 'Forcefield'
fapostol removes 1 Mana marker(s) from Forcefield
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes used
plattenspieler targets 'Spitting Raptor' with 'Hand of Bim-Shalla'
Damage removed from 'Spitting Raptor'
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler removes 1 Guard marker(s) from Thornlasher
plattenspieler adds a Guard to 'Thornlasher'
fapostol is done with Actions phase
'Raptor Vine' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 5 (-1)
Phase changed to Quick2
fapostol is done with Final Quick cast phase
plattenspieler is done with Final Quick cast phase
Phase changed to
Ready Stage: Performing Initiative, Reset, and Channeling Phases
fapostol channels 11
plattenspieler channels 11
Mana added to 'Battle Forge'
Mana added to 'Vine Tree'
Mana added to 'Forcefield'
plattenspieler is done with Phase Upkeep phase
fapostol moves 'Mind Control' to Table
fapostol moves 'Charm' to fapostol's Hand
fapostol moves 'Nullify' to Table
'Psi-Orb' becomes used
Phase changed to Planning
<plattenspieler> you have 4 upkeep ?
<fapostol> 3
plattenspieler targets 'Charm'
plattenspieler targets 'Forcefield'
plattenspieler targets 'Dancing Scimitar'
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 10 (-1)
<fapostol> sorry
<plattenspieler> np
<fapostol> i forgot scimitar
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
fapostol is done with Planning phase
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
Phase changed to Deploy
plattenspieler creates 1 'Vine Marker Green'
fapostol is done with Deploy phase
Phase changed to Quick
'Forcemaster' spends Quick Cast action
'Forcemaster' readies Quick Cast action
fapostol is done with First quick cast phase
Phase changed to Actions
'Forcemaster' spends Quick Cast action
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 9 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 8 (-1)
'Forcemaster' spends Action Marker
fapostol targets 'Corrosive Orchid' with 'Forcemaster'
fapostol rolls 5 attack dice
fapostol rolled 2 normal damage, 4 critical damage and 10 on effect die
Damage added to 'Corrosive Orchid'
Damage added to 'Corrosive Orchid'
Damage added to 'Corrosive Orchid'
Damage added to 'Corrosive Orchid'
Damage added to 'Corrosive Orchid'
Damage added to 'Corrosive Orchid'
fapostol rolls 4 attack dice
fapostol rolled 3 normal damage, 2 critical damage and 8 on effect die
plattenspieler discards 'Corrosive Orchid'
'Dancing Scimitar' becomes used
fapostol targets 'Spitting Raptor' with 'Dancing Scimitar'
fapostol rolls 3 attack dice
fapostol rolled 2 normal damage, 3 critical damage and 6 on effect die
plattenspieler discards 'Spitting Raptor'
fapostol is done
fapostol turns 'Mind Control' face up.
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 7 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 6 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 5 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 4 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 3 (-1)
'Force Ring' becomes used
fapostol removes 1 Action Yellow marker(s) from Raptor Vine
fapostol takes control of Raptor Vine
'Raptor Vine' spends Action Marker
'Raptor Vine' readies Action Marker
Stun added to 'Raptor Vine'
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes used
fapostol targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Hand of Bim-Shalla'
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 5 (-1)
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Thornlasher'
fapostol targets 'Forcefield'
fapostol removes 1 Mana marker(s) from Forcefield
'Raptor Vine' spends Action Marker
fapostol removes 1 Stun marker(s) from Raptor Vine
fapostol is done with Actions phase
<plattenspieler> wait
<plattenspieler> id did not finished
plattenspieler targets 'Thornlasher'
<fapostol> ok
'Druid' spends Quick Cast action
plattenspieler turns 'Dispel' face up.
plattenspieler targets 'Mind Control' with 'Dispel'
<fapostol> 8
<plattenspieler> his action phase was not done
'Raptor Vine' readies Action Marker
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 8 (-8)
plattenspieler discards 'Dispel'
fapostol discards 'Mind Control'
fapostol removes 1 Action Green marker(s) from Raptor Vine
plattenspieler takes control of Raptor Vine
'Raptor Vine' spends Action Marker
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
Phase changed to Quick2
grugno has joined the game
grugno is ready
Unlocking game
grugno is ready
Unlocking game
plattenspieler targets 'Druid'
'Druid' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler adds a Guard to 'Druid'
plattenspieler is done with Final Quick cast phase
Stun added to 'Wall of Thorns'
fapostol moves 1 Stun marker(s) from Wall of Thorns to Vine Marker Green
fapostol moves 1 Stun marker(s) from Vine Marker Green to Raptor Vine
Phase changed to
Ready Stage: Performing Initiative, Reset, and Channeling Phases
fapostol channels 11
plattenspieler channels 11
Mana added to 'Battle Forge'
Mana added to 'Vine Tree'
<plattenspieler> but stun will go away
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 13 (-1)
<fapostol> first stun
<plattenspieler> his action was not used
fapostol moves 'Mind Control' to Table
<plattenspieler> ah ok
fapostol discards 'Mind Control'
plattenspieler is done with Phase Upkeep phase
Phase changed to Planning
'Psi-Orb' becomes used
Mana added to 'Forcefield'
fapostol moves 'Force Crush' to Table
grugno has left the game.
fapostol moves 'Nullify' to fapostol's Hand
fapostol moves 'Charm' to Table
<plattenspieler> All Stun markers are removed at the end of the creature’s Action Phase.
<plattenspieler> from codex
<fapostol> ok
fapostol removes 1 Stun marker(s) from Raptor Vine
<plattenspieler> was not sure
<plattenspieler> about that
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
fapostol moves 'Force Crush' to fapostol's Hand
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to plattenspieler's Hand
fapostol moves 'Nullify' to Table
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
fapostol is done with Planning phase
Phase changed to Deploy
fapostol is done with Deploy phase
plattenspieler creates 1 'Vine Marker Green'
plattenspieler turns 'Raptor Vine' face up.
'Raptor Vine' spends Action Marker
Printed casting cost of Raptor Vine is 9
plattenspieler payed 6 mana from pool for Raptor Vine
plattenspieler removes 3 Mana marker(s) from Vine Tree
plattenspieler discards 'Vine Marker Green'
Phase changed to Quick
fapostol targets 'Raptor Vine'
<fapostol> ok
'Druid' spends Quick Cast action
plattenspieler turns 'Seeking Dispel' face up.
Printed casting cost of Seeking Dispel is 2
plattenspieler payed 2 mana from pool for Seeking Dispel
plattenspieler targets 'Card' with 'Seeking Dispel'
fapostol discards 'Nullify'
plattenspieler discards 'Seeking Dispel'
plattenspieler is done with First quick cast phase
'Forcemaster' spends Quick Cast action
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 12 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 11 (-1)
Phase changed to Actions
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Thornlasher'
fapostol removes 1 Mana marker(s) from Forcefield
fapostol targets 'Forcefield'
'Forcemaster' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler is done
fapostol targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Hand of Bim-Shalla'
<fapostol> melee
fapostol targets 'Raptor Vine' with 'Forcemaster'
fapostol rolls 6 attack dice
fapostol rolled 0 normal damage, 0 critical damage and 9 on effect die
<plattenspieler> wtf ?
<fapostol> are you fucking kidding me??
<fapostol> thats what i hate octgn
<plattenspieler> ....
<plattenspieler> crazy stuff
fapostol rolls 4 attack dice
fapostol rolled 2 normal damage, 2 critical damage and 3 on effect die
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
'Dancing Scimitar' becomes used
fapostol targets 'Raptor Vine' with 'Dancing Scimitar'
fapostol rolls 3 attack dice
fapostol rolled 3 normal damage, 0 critical damage and 10 on effect die
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
fapostol is done with Actions phase


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Re: The best match of my life
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2014, 08:49:04 PM »
'Raptor Vine' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Raptor Vine'
<fapostol> def
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 10 (-1)
fapostol rolls 0 attack dice
fapostol rolled 0 normal damage, 0 critical damage and 7 on effect die
'Forcemaster' uses deflect
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes used
plattenspieler targets 'Vine Marker Green' with 'Hand of Bim-Shalla'
Damage removed from 'Raptor Vine'
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes used
'Druid' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler removes 1 Guard marker(s) from Druid
plattenspieler adds a Guard to 'Druid'
<fapostol> thtas the things that make difference on game
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
Phase changed to Quick2
fapostol is done with Final Quick cast phase
Phase changed to
Ready Stage: Performing Initiative, Reset, and Channeling Phases
plattenspieler channels 11
fapostol channels 11
Mana added to 'Vine Tree'
Mana added to 'Battle Forge'
Damage removed from 'Raptor Vine'
Mana added to 'Forcefield'
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 20 (-1)
fapostol is done with Phase Upkeep phase
fapostol moves 'Defense Ring' to Table
Phase changed to Planning
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
fapostol moves 'Invisible Stalker' to Table
murphy has left the game.
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
fapostol is done with Planning phase
'Psi-Orb' becomes used
Phase changed to Deploy
fapostol turns 'Defense Ring' face up.
fapostol removes 1 Mana marker(s) from Battle Forge
fapostol removes 1 Mana marker(s) from Battle Forge
fapostol removes 1 Mana marker(s) from Battle Forge
fapostol is done with Deploy phase
plattenspieler creates 1 'Vine Marker Green'
plattenspieler turns 'Raptor Vine' face up.
'Raptor Vine' spends Action Marker
Printed casting cost of Raptor Vine is 9
plattenspieler payed 8 mana from pool for Raptor Vine
plattenspieler discards 'Vine Marker Green'
plattenspieler removes 1 Mana marker(s) from Vine Tree
Phase changed to Quick
fapostol is done with First quick cast phase
'Druid' spends Quick Cast action
plattenspieler targets 'Raptor Vine' with 'Card'
'Enchanter's Ring' becomes used
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 13 (-1)
Phase changed to Actions
'Forcemaster' spends Quick Cast action
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 19 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 18 (-1)
'Forcemaster' spends Action Marker
fapostol turns 'Invisible Stalker' face up.
'Invisible Stalker' spends Action Marker
Printed casting cost of Invisible Stalker is 15
fapostol payed 14 mana from pool for Invisible Stalker
'Force Ring' becomes used
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes used
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 4 (-1)
fapostol is done with Actions phase
fapostol turns 'Charm' face up.
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 3 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 2 (-1)
'Raptor Vine' spends Action Marker
murphy has joined the game
murphy is ready
Unlocking game
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Raptor Vine'
murphy is ready
Unlocking game
fapostol removes 1 Mana marker(s) from Forcefield
'Raptor Vine' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 12 (-1)
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes used
plattenspieler targets 'Raptor Vine' with 'Hand of Bim-Shalla'
Damage removed from 'Raptor Vine'
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler targets 'Wall of Thorns' with 'Thornlasher'
plattenspieler rolls 3 attack dice
plattenspieler rolled 0 normal damage, 3 critical damage and 5 on effect die
Damage added to 'Wall of Thorns'
Damage added to 'Wall of Thorns'
Damage added to 'Wall of Thorns'
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
fapostol takes control of Tanglevine
'Druid' spends Action Marker
Phase changed to Quick2
fapostol is done with Final Quick cast phase
Phase changed to
Ready Stage: Performing Initiative, Reset, and Channeling Phases
plattenspieler channels 11
fapostol channels 11
Mana added to 'Vine Tree'
Mana added to 'Battle Forge'
Damage removed from 'Raptor Vine'
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 12 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 11 (-1)
'Psi-Orb' becomes used
fapostol removes 1 Damage marker(s) from Wall of Thorns
fapostol removes 1 Damage marker(s) from Wall of Thorns
fapostol is done with Phase Upkeep phase
Phase changed to Planning
fapostol moves 'Repulse' to Table
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
Mana added to 'Forcefield'
fapostol moves 'Repulse' to fapostol's Hand
fapostol moves 'Bear Strength' to Table
fapostol moves 'Jinx' to Table
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
fapostol is done with Planning phase
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to plattenspieler's Hand
Phase changed to Deploy
fapostol is done with Deploy phase
plattenspieler creates 1 'Vine Marker Green'
Phase changed to Quick
fapostol is done with First quick cast phase
Phase changed to Actions
'Druid' spends Quick Cast action
plattenspieler turns 'Corrosive Orchid' face up.
'Druid's Leaf Ring' becomes used
Printed casting cost of Corrosive Orchid is 7
plattenspieler payed 6 mana from pool for Corrosive Orchid
'Corrosive Orchid' becomes ready
'Raptor Vine' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Raptor Vine'
plattenspieler targets 'Forcefield'
<fapostol> let me see something
<plattenspieler> ok
<fapostol> ok
fapostol removes 1 Mana marker(s) from Forcefield
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes used
plattenspieler targets 'Raptor Vine' with 'Hand of Bim-Shalla'
Damage removed from 'Raptor Vine'
'Corrosive Orchid' becomes used
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Corrosive Orchid'
<fapostol> ok
<plattenspieler> now aou can not avoid right ?
<plattenspieler> ok
plattenspieler rolls 2 attack dice
plattenspieler rolled 1 normal damage, 1 critical damage and 9 on effect die
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 5 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 6 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 7 (+1)
plattenspieler removes 1 Mist Token marker(s) from Corrosive Orchid
plattenspieler targets 'Psi-Orb' with 'Corrosive Orchid'
<fapostol> ok
<fapostol> 7
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 10 (-7)
fapostol discards 'Psi-Orb'
plattenspieler is done
'Forcemaster' spends Action Marker
fapostol targets 'Raptor Vine' with 'Forcemaster'
fapostol targets 'Raptor Vine' with 'Forcemaster'
<plattenspieler> sweeeping ?
<fapostol> wait
<plattenspieler> or ds ?
<fapostol> no
'Forcemaster' readies Action Marker
<plattenspieler> ok
'Forcemaster' spends Quick Cast action
fapostol turns 'Bear Strength' face up.
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 10 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 9 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 8 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 7 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 6 (-1)
'Forcemaster' spends Action Marker
fapostol targets 'Raptor Vine' with 'Forcemaster'
<fapostol> double
<plattenspieler> ok
fapostol rolls 7 attack dice
fapostol rolled 2 normal damage, 2 critical damage and 3 on effect die
plattenspieler turns 'Rhino Hide' face up.
Printed casting cost of Rhino Hide is 2+2
plattenspieler payed 2 mana from pool for Rhino Hide
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
fapostol rolls 4 attack dice
<plattenspieler> 5 blanks again
fapostol rolled 6 normal damage, 2 critical damage and 9 on effect die
<plattenspieler> but now ^^
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
<fapostol> ??
'Dancing Scimitar' becomes used
fapostol targets 'Raptor Vine' with 'Dancing Scimitar'
fapostol rolls 3 attack dice
fapostol rolled 0 normal damage, 3 critical damage and 1 on effect die
plattenspieler discards 'Raptor Vine'
plattenspieler discards 'Rhino Hide'
fapostol is done
'Raptor Vine' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 7 (-1)
plattenspieler is done
fapostol is done
<fapostol> pass
'Druid' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler removes 1 Guard marker(s) from Druid
plattenspieler turns 'Dispel' face up.
plattenspieler targets 'Charm' with 'Dispel'
<fapostol> 4
<plattenspieler> not 3 ?
<fapostol> 4
<plattenspieler> 2 + level -1
<fapostol> 3
<fapostol> sorry
<plattenspieler> np
fapostol discards 'Charm'
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 4 (-3)
plattenspieler discards 'Dispel'
plattenspieler is done
fapostol is done
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Thornlasher'
kubigaruma has joined the game
kubigaruma is ready
Unlocking game
kubigaruma is ready
Unlocking game
'Force Ring' becomes used
'Force Ring' becomes ready
'Force Ring' becomes used
<fapostol> def
fapostol rolls 0 attack dice
fapostol rolled 0 normal damage, 0 critical damage and 1 on effect die
plattenspieler rolls 3 attack dice
<fapostol> fucking dices
plattenspieler rolled 1 normal damage, 1 critical damage and 3 on effect die
<fapostol> i jate so much
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 8 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 9 (+1)
plattenspieler is done
'Invisible Stalker' spends Action Marker
fapostol targets 'Thornlasher' with 'Invisible Stalker'
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes used
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 8 (-1)
fapostol rolls 5 attack dice
fapostol rolled 3 normal damage, 4 critical damage and 3 on effect die
Damage added to 'Thornlasher'
Damage added to 'Thornlasher'
Damage added to 'Thornlasher'
Damage added to 'Thornlasher'
Damage added to 'Thornlasher'
Damage added to 'Thornlasher'
Damage added to 'Thornlasher'
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler is done with Actions phase
Phase changed to Quick2
fapostol is done with Final Quick cast phase
Phase changed to
Ready Stage: Performing Initiative, Reset, and Channeling Phases
plattenspieler channels 11
fapostol channels 11
Mana added to 'Vine Tree'
Mana added to 'Battle Forge'
Damage removed from 'Thornlasher'
Damage removed from 'Thornlasher'
fapostol removes 1 Damage marker(s) from Wall of Thorns
Mana added to 'Forcefield'
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 16 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 15 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 14 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 13 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 12 (-1)
fapostol is done with Phase Upkeep phase
Phase changed to Planning
fapostol moves 'Jinx' to fapostol's Hand
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
plattenspieler is done with Planning phase
fapostol moves 'Invisible Fist' to Table
fapostol moves 'Mage Wand' to Table
fapostol moves 'Invisible Fist' to fapostol's Hand
fapostol moves 'Mage Wand' to fapostol's Hand
fapostol moves 'Invisible Fist' to Table
fapostol moves 'Jinx' to Table
Phase changed to Deploy
fapostol is done with Deploy phase
plattenspieler creates 1 'Vine Marker Green'
plattenspieler turns 'Thornlasher' face up.
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
Printed casting cost of Thornlasher is 7
plattenspieler payed 5 mana from pool for Thornlasher
plattenspieler removes 2 Mana marker(s) from Vine Tree
plattenspieler discards 'Vine Marker Green'
Phase changed to Quick
fapostol is done with First quick cast phase
Phase changed to Actions
'Invisible Stalker' spends Action Marker
fapostol targets 'Thornlasher' with 'Invisible Stalker'
fapostol rolls 5 attack dice
fapostol rolled 1 normal damage, 3 critical damage and 7 on effect die
Damage added to 'Thornlasher'
Damage added to 'Thornlasher'
Damage added to 'Thornlasher'
Damage added to 'Thornlasher'
'Invisible Stalker' becomes visible
'Forcemaster' spends Quick Cast action
fapostol turns 'Invisible Fist' face up.
Printed casting cost of Invisible Fist is 4
fapostol payed 3 mana from pool for Invisible Fist
'Force Ring' becomes used
fapostol targets 'Thornlasher' with 'Invisible Fist'
fapostol rolls 4 attack dice
fapostol rolled 1 normal damage, 2 critical damage and 4 on effect die
Damage added to 'Thornlasher'
Damage added to 'Thornlasher'
Damage added to 'Thornlasher'
fapostol discards 'Invisible Fist'
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes used
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 7 (-1)
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Thornlasher'
fapostol removes 1 Mana marker(s) from Forcefield
plattenspieler is done
'Forcemaster' spends Action Marker
fapostol targets 'Raptor Vine' with 'Forcemaster'
fapostol rolls 7 attack dice
fapostol rolled 3 normal damage, 2 critical damage and 1 on effect die
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
fapostol rolls 4 attack dice
fapostol rolled 2 normal damage, 2 critical damage and 12 on effect die
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
'Dancing Scimitar' becomes used
fapostol targets 'Raptor Vine' with 'Dancing Scimitar'
fapostol rolls 3 attack dice
fapostol rolled 1 normal damage, 2 critical damage and 12 on effect die
plattenspieler discards 'Raptor Vine'
'Druid' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler turns 'Seeking Dispel' face up.
Printed casting cost of Seeking Dispel is 2
plattenspieler payed 2 mana from pool for Seeking Dispel
plattenspieler targets 'Card' with 'Seeking Dispel'
fapostol discards 'Nullify'
plattenspieler discards 'Seeking Dispel'
'Druid' spends Quick Cast action
plattenspieler turns 'Dissolve' face up.
plattenspieler targets 'Dancing Scimitar' with 'Dissolve'
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 3 (-5)
fapostol discards 'Dancing Scimitar'
plattenspieler discards 'Dissolve'
fapostol is done with Actions phase
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes used
plattenspieler targets 'Thornlasher' with 'Hand of Bim-Shalla'
Damage removed from 'Thornlasher'
'Raptor Vine' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Raptor Vine'
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 8 (-1)
'Forcemaster' uses deflect
fapostol rolls 0 attack dice
fapostol rolled 0 normal damage, 0 critical damage and 8 on effect die
'Corrosive Orchid' becomes used
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Corrosive Orchid'
plattenspieler rolls 2 attack dice
plattenspieler rolled 0 normal damage, 4 critical damage and 7 on effect die
<fapostol> great dices
<plattenspieler> lol
<fapostol> and mine
<fapostol> shit
<plattenspieler> yeah
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 8 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 9 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 10 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 11 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 12 (+1)
Phase changed to Quick2
fapostol is done with Final Quick cast phase
Phase changed to
Ready Stage: Performing Initiative, Reset, and Channeling Phases
plattenspieler channels 11
fapostol channels 11
Mana added to 'Vine Tree'
Mana added to 'Battle Forge'


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Re: The best match of my life
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2014, 08:49:39 PM »
Damage removed from 'Thornlasher'
Damage removed from 'Thornlasher'
Mana added to 'Forcefield'
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 18 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 17 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 16 (-1)
plattenspieler is done with Phase Upkeep phase
Phase changed to Planning
fapostol moves 'Jinx' to fapostol's Hand
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
fapostol moves 'Decoy' to Table
fapostol moves 'Force Push' to Table
fapostol moves 'Mage Wand' to Table
fapostol moves 'Force Push' to fapostol's Hand
fapostol moves 'Jinx' to Table
fapostol is done with Planning phase
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
fapostol moves 'Jinx' to fapostol's Hand
fapostol moves 'Force Push' to Table
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to plattenspieler's Hand
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
Phase changed to Deploy
fapostol turns 'Mage Wand' face up.
plattenspieler creates 1 'Vine Marker Green'
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 15 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 14 (-1)
fapostol moves 1 Mana marker(s) from Battle Forge to Vine Marker Green
fapostol removes 1 Mana marker(s) from Battle Forge
fapostol removes 1 Mana marker(s) from Battle Forge
fapostol removes 1 Mana marker(s) from Vine Marker Green
fapostol moves 'Force Push' to Table
plattenspieler is done with Deploy phase
Phase changed to Quick
plattenspieler is done with First quick cast phase
Phase changed to Actions
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes used
plattenspieler targets 'Thornlasher' with 'Hand of Bim-Shalla'
Damage removed from 'Thornlasher'
'Corrosive Orchid' becomes used
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Corrosive Orchid'
fapostol removes 1 Mana marker(s) from Forcefield
'Raptor Vine' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Raptor Vine'
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 13 (-1)
'Forcemaster' uses deflect
fapostol rolls 0 attack dice
fapostol rolled 0 normal damage, 0 critical damage and 2 on effect die
<fapostol> fucking dices
plattenspieler rolls 5 attack dice
plattenspieler rolled 4 normal damage, 2 critical damage and 8 on effect die
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 13 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 14 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 15 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 16 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 17 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 18 (+1)
plattenspieler is done
'Forcemaster' spends Quick Cast action
fapostol turns 'Force Push' face up.
fapostol targets 'Druid' with 'Force Push'
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 12 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 11 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 10 (-1)
<plattenspieler> ok
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 9 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 8 (-1)
plattenspieler turns 'Barkskin' face up.
'Druid's Leaf Ring' becomes used
'Force Ring' becomes used
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 13 (-1)
<fapostol> 5 attacks
<fapostol> 2 dices
<plattenspieler> yep
fapostol rolls 2 attack dice
fapostol rolled 0 normal damage, 1 critical damage and 8 on effect die
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 1 (+1)
fapostol rolls 2 attack dice
fapostol rolled 0 normal damage, 3 critical damage and 11 on effect die
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 4 (+3)
fapostol rolls 3 attack dice
fapostol rolled 2 normal damage, 0 critical damage and 3 on effect die
<fapostol> sorry
fapostol rolls 2 attack dice
fapostol rolled 0 normal damage, 0 critical damage and 3 on effect die
fapostol rolls 2 attack dice
fapostol rolled 1 normal damage, 1 critical damage and 11 on effect die
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 5 (+1)
fapostol rolls 2 attack dice
fapostol rolled 0 normal damage, 3 critical damage and 3 on effect die
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 8 (+3)
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes used
fapostol targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Hand of Bim-Shalla'
<fapostol> melee
'Forcemaster' spends Action Marker
'Forcemaster' readies Action Marker
fapostol targets 'Thornlasher' with 'Invisible Stalker'
fapostol rolls 5 attack dice
fapostol rolled 0 normal damage, 5 critical damage and 9 on effect die
'Invisible Stalker' spends Action Marker
'Invisible Stalker' becomes visible
plattenspieler discards 'Thornlasher'
'Druid' spends Action Marker
fapostol is done
plattenspieler turns 'Teleport' face up.
plattenspieler targets 'Thornlasher' with 'Teleport'
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 10 (-3)
plattenspieler discards 'Teleport'
plattenspieler is done
'Tanglevine' spends Action Marker
'Forcemaster' spends Action Marker
fapostol targets 'Raptor Vine' with 'Forcemaster'
fapostol rolls 8 attack dice
fapostol rolled 8 normal damage, 1 critical damage and 1 on effect die
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
murphy has left the game.
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
Damage added to 'Raptor Vine'
fapostol rolls 4 attack dice
fapostol rolled 2 normal damage, 4 critical damage and 9 on effect die
plattenspieler discards 'Raptor Vine'
fapostol is done with Actions phase
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Thornlasher'
<fapostol> ok
plattenspieler rolls 3 attack dice
plattenspieler rolled 0 normal damage, 3 critical damage and 7 on effect die
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 19 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 20 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 21 (+1)
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
Phase changed to Quick2
fapostol is done with Final Quick cast phase
Phase changed to
Ready Stage: Performing Initiative, Reset, and Channeling Phases
plattenspieler channels 11
fapostol channels 11
Mana added to 'Vine Tree'
Mana added to 'Battle Forge'
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 18 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 17 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 16 (-1)
Mana added to 'Forcefield'
plattenspieler targets 'Barkskin'
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 19 (-2)
fapostol is done with Phase Upkeep phase
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 4 (-4)
Phase changed to Planning
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
fapostol moves 'Invisible Fist' to Table
fapostol moves 'Decoy' to fapostol's Hand
fapostol moves 'Force Push' to fapostol's Hand
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to plattenspieler's Hand
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
plattenspieler is done with Planning phase
Phase changed to Deploy
plattenspieler creates 1 'Vine Marker Green'
fapostol is done with Deploy phase
plattenspieler turns 'Vine Snapper' face up.
'Vine Snapper' spends Action Marker
Printed casting cost of Vine Snapper is 7
plattenspieler payed 5 mana from pool for Vine Snapper
plattenspieler removes 2 Mana marker(s) from Vine Tree
plattenspieler discards 'Vine Marker Green'
Phase changed to Quick
<fapostol> i have just 1 card
<fapostol> sorry
fapostol moves 'Minor Heal' to Table
fapostol is done with First quick cast phase
Phase changed to Actions
'Invisible Stalker' spends Action Marker
fapostol targets 'Thornlasher' with 'Invisible Stalker'
fapostol rolls 5 attack dice
fapostol rolled 1 normal damage, 3 critical damage and 9 on effect die
Damage added to 'Thornlasher'
Damage added to 'Thornlasher'
Damage added to 'Thornlasher'
Damage added to 'Thornlasher'
'Forcemaster' spends Quick Cast action
fapostol targets 'Thornlasher' with 'Card'
fapostol turns 'Invisible Fist' face up.
Printed casting cost of Invisible Fist is 4
fapostol payed 3 mana from pool for Invisible Fist
'Force Ring' becomes used
fapostol rolls 4 attack dice
fapostol rolled 3 normal damage, 1 critical damage and 4 on effect die
Damage added to 'Thornlasher'
Damage added to 'Thornlasher'
Damage added to 'Thornlasher'
Damage added to 'Thornlasher'
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes used
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 20 (-1)
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
fapostol is done
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Thornlasher'
fapostol removes 1 Mana marker(s) from Forcefield
'Corrosive Orchid' becomes used
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Corrosive Orchid'
plattenspieler rolls 2 attack dice
plattenspieler rolled 1 normal damage, 1 critical damage and 2 on effect die
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 21 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 22 (+1)
plattenspieler targets 'Corrosive Orchid'
'Forcemaster' spends Action Marker
fapostol targets 'Tanglevine' with 'Forcemaster'
fapostol rolls 7 attack dice
fapostol rolled 2 normal damage, 2 critical damage and 2 on effect die
fapostol removes 1 Action Green marker(s) from Tanglevine
Damage added to 'Tanglevine'
Damage added to 'Tanglevine'
Damage added to 'Tanglevine'
Damage added to 'Tanglevine'
fapostol rolls 4 attack dice
fapostol rolled 3 normal damage, 2 critical damage and 9 on effect die
Damage added to 'Tanglevine'
Damage added to 'Tanglevine'
Damage added to 'Tanglevine'
Damage added to 'Tanglevine'
Damage added to 'Tanglevine'
fapostol is done with Actions phase
'Druid' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler turns 'Teleport' face up.
plattenspieler targets 'Vine Snapper' with 'Teleport'
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 8 (-6)
plattenspieler discards 'Teleport'
'Druid' spends Quick Cast action
plattenspieler turns 'Rouse the Beast' face up.
plattenspieler targets 'Vine Snapper' with 'Rouse the Beast'
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 6 (-2)
plattenspieler discards 'Rouse the Beast'
'Vine Snapper' readies Action Marker
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes used
plattenspieler targets 'Vine Snapper' with 'Hand of Bim-Shalla'
'Vine Snapper' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Vine Snapper'
Daze added to 'Forcemaster'
fapostol removes 1 Daze marker(s) from Forcemaster
'Forcemaster' uses deflect
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 12 (-1)
fapostol rolls 0 attack dice
fapostol rolled 0 normal damage, 0 critical damage and 12 on effect die
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
Phase changed to Quick2
fapostol is done with Final Quick cast phase
plattenspieler is done with Final Quick cast phase
fapostol discards 'Invisible Fist'
Phase changed to
Ready Stage: Performing Initiative, Reset, and Channeling Phases
fapostol channels 11
plattenspieler channels 11
Mana added to 'Battle Forge'
Mana added to 'Vine Tree'
Damage removed from 'Thornlasher'
Damage removed from 'Thornlasher'
plattenspieler targets 'Barkskin'
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 15 (-2)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 22 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 21 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 20 (-1)
fapostol is done with Phase Upkeep phase
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 0 (-4)
Phase changed to Planning
<plattenspieler> epkeepm 4
<plattenspieler> upkeep
plattenspieler targets 'Charm'
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 19 (-1)
plattenspieler targets 'Invisible Stalker'
plattenspieler targets 'Forcefield'
Mana added to 'Forcefield'
fapostol moves 'Hurl Boulder' to Table
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
fapostol is done with Planning phase
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
Phase changed to Deploy
fapostol is done with Deploy phase
plattenspieler creates 1 'Vine Marker Green'
Phase changed to Quick
plattenspieler is done with First quick cast phase
Phase changed to Actions
'Corrosive Orchid' becomes used
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Corrosive Orchid'
fapostol removes 1 Mana marker(s) from Forcefield
'Vine Snapper' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Vine Snapper'
'Forcemaster' uses deflect
fapostol rolls 0 attack dice
fapostol rolled 0 normal damage, 0 critical damage and 2 on effect die
'Force Ring' becomes used
<fapostol> thatrs the difference
plattenspieler rolls 5 attack dice
plattenspieler rolled 4 normal damage, 2 critical damage and 3 on effect die
<fapostol> the shit dices
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 23 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 24 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 25 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 26 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 27 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 28 (+1)
plattenspieler is done
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes used
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 18 (-1)
'Forcemaster' spends Action Marker
fapostol targets 'Forcemaster'
'Forcemaster' readies Action Marker
'Invisible Stalker' spends Action Marker
fapostol targets 'Thornlasher' with 'Invisible Stalker'
fapostol rolls 5 attack dice
fapostol rolled 3 normal damage, 3 critical damage and 9 on effect die
Damage added to 'Thornlasher'
Damage added to 'Thornlasher'
Damage added to 'Thornlasher'
Damage added to 'Thornlasher'
Damage added to 'Thornlasher'
Damage added to 'Thornlasher'
'Forcemaster' spends Quick Cast action
fapostol turns 'Hurl Boulder' face up.
Printed casting cost of Hurl Boulder is 8
fapostol payed 8 mana from pool for Hurl Boulder
fapostol targets 'Hurl Boulder'
fapostol targets 'Thornlasher' with 'Hurl Boulder'
fapostol rolls 7 attack dice
fapostol rolled 4 normal damage, 5 critical damage and 3 on effect die
plattenspieler discards 'Thornlasher'
fapostol discards 'Hurl Boulder'
'Forcemaster' spends Action Marker
'Forcemaster' readies Action Marker
fapostol is done with Actions phase
<fapostol> i play bad
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler removes 1 Guard marker(s) from Thornlasher
plattenspieler adds a Guard to 'Thornlasher'
<fapostol> the dices makes me angry
plattenspieler is done
'Forcemaster' spends Action Marker
fapostol targets 'Vine Snapper' with 'Forcemaster'
fapostol rolls 7 attack dice
fapostol rolled 4 normal damage, 5 critical damage and 6 on effect die
Damage added to 'Vine Snapper'
Damage added to 'Vine Snapper'
Damage added to 'Vine Snapper'
Damage added to 'Vine Snapper'
Damage added to 'Vine Snapper'
Damage added to 'Vine Snapper'
Damage added to 'Vine Snapper'
Damage added to 'Vine Snapper'
Damage added to 'Vine Snapper'
fapostol rolls 4 attack dice
fapostol rolled 3 normal damage, 2 critical damage and 1 on effect die
plattenspieler discards 'Vine Snapper'
'Druid' spends Action Marker
Phase changed to Quick2
fapostol is done with Final Quick cast phase
Phase changed to
Ready Stage: Performing Initiative, Reset, and Channeling Phases
plattenspieler channels 11
fapostol channels 11
Mana added to 'Vine Tree'
Mana added to 'Battle Forge'
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 20 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 19 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 18 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 17 (-1)
plattenspieler targets 'Barkskin'
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 24 (-2)
fapostol is done with Phase Upkeep phase
fapostol moves 'Heal' to Table
fapostol moves 'Minor Heal' to fapostol's Hand
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
Mana added to 'Forcefield'
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to plattenspieler's Hand
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
Phase changed to Planning
plattenspieler is done with Planning phase
fapostol moves 'Force Hammer' to Table
Phase changed to Deploy
fapostol is done with Deploy phase
plattenspieler creates 1 'Vine Marker Green'
plattenspieler turns 'Vine Snapper' face up.
'Vine Snapper' spends Action Marker
Printed casting cost of Vine Snapper is 7
plattenspieler payed 5 mana from pool for Vine Snapper
plattenspieler removes 2 Mana marker(s) from Vine Tree
plattenspieler discards 'Vine Marker Green'
Phase changed to Quick
'Forcemaster' spends Quick Cast action
fapostol turns 'Heal' face up.
Printed casting cost of Heal is 9
fapostol payed 9 mana from pool for Heal
fapostol rolls 8 attack dice
fapostol rolled 3 normal damage, 4 critical damage and 4 on effect die
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 27 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 26 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 25 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 24 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 23 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 22 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 21 (-1)
fapostol discards 'Heal'
fapostol is done with First quick cast phase


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Re: The best match of my life
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2014, 08:50:05 PM »
Phase changed to Actions
'Invisible Stalker' spends Action Marker
fapostol targets 'Corrosive Orchid' with 'Invisible Stalker'
fapostol rolls 5 attack dice
fapostol rolled 3 normal damage, 2 critical damage and 1 on effect die
Damage added to 'Corrosive Orchid'
Damage added to 'Corrosive Orchid'
Damage added to 'Corrosive Orchid'
Damage added to 'Corrosive Orchid'
Damage added to 'Corrosive Orchid'
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes used
fapostol targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Hand of Bim-Shalla'
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 20 (-1)
fapostol is done with Actions phase
'Druid' spends Quick Cast action
'Invisible Stalker' becomes visible
plattenspieler turns 'Nightshade Lotus' face up.
'Druid's Leaf Ring' becomes used
Printed casting cost of Nightshade Lotus is 7
plattenspieler payed 6 mana from pool for Nightshade Lotus
'Nightshade Lotus' becomes ready
'Corrosive Orchid' becomes used
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Corrosive Orchid'
fapostol removes 1 Mana marker(s) from Forcefield
'Nightshade Lotus' becomes used
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Nightshade Lotus'
plattenspieler rolls 3 attack dice
plattenspieler rolled 1 normal damage, 0 critical damage and 12 on effect die
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 21 (+1)
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler removes 1 Guard marker(s) from Thornlasher
plattenspieler targets 'Invisible Stalker' with 'Thornlasher'
<fapostol> ok
plattenspieler rolls 3 attack dice
plattenspieler rolled 2 normal damage, 2 critical damage and 7 on effect die
'Forcemaster' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler targets 'Invisible Stalker'
fapostol targets 'Druid' with 'Galvitar, Force Blade'
<plattenspieler> no snatch
<fapostol> no damage
<fapostol> is incorporeal
<plattenspieler> incorpereal
<fapostol> must damage with 1 on dices
fapostol targets 'Tanglevine' with 'Galvitar, Force Blade'
fapostol targets 'Corrosive Orchid' with 'Galvitar, Force Blade'
fapostol targets 'Nightshade Lotus' with 'Galvitar, Force Blade'
fapostol targets 'Corrosive Orchid'
fapostol targets 'Druid'
fapostol targets 'Nightshade Lotus'
murphy has joined the game
murphy is ready
Unlocking game
<fapostol> 7
murphy is ready
Unlocking game
fapostol rolls 7 attack dice
fapostol rolled 5 normal damage, 3 critical damage and 9 on effect die
Damage added to 'Nightshade Lotus'
Damage added to 'Nightshade Lotus'
Damage added to 'Nightshade Lotus'
Damage added to 'Nightshade Lotus'
Damage added to 'Nightshade Lotus'
Damage added to 'Nightshade Lotus'
Damage added to 'Nightshade Lotus'
Damage added to 'Nightshade Lotus'
fapostol targets 'Corrosive Orchid'
fapostol rolls 4 attack dice
fapostol rolled 3 normal damage, 3 critical damage and 6 on effect die
plattenspieler discards 'Corrosive Orchid'
fapostol targets 'Tanglevine'
fapostol rolls 4 attack dice
fapostol rolled 2 normal damage, 2 critical damage and 8 on effect die
fapostol gives control of Tanglevine to plattenspieler
fapostol targets 'Druid'
fapostol rolls 4 attack dice
fapostol rolled 0 normal damage, 5 critical damage and 3 on effect die
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 5 (+5)
plattenspieler discards 'Tanglevine'
<murphy> wow the fm isn't giving up
<fapostol> if the god of dices want to be justice
<murphy> she countinues fighting brave
fapostol is done
'Druid' spends Action Marker
<murphy> maybe she wins in the end?
plattenspieler turns 'Force Push' face up.
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Force Push'
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 10 (-3)
<murphy> when all the plants are slashed
plattenspieler discards 'Force Push'
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes used
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 4 (-1)
Phase changed to Quick2
plattenspieler is done with Final Quick cast phase
<murphy> the tree is chopped
Phase changed to
Ready Stage: Performing Initiative, Reset, and Channeling Phases
fapostol channels 11
plattenspieler channels 11
Mana added to 'Battle Forge'
Mana added to 'Vine Tree'
plattenspieler targets 'Barkskin'
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 19 (-2)
<fapostol> you have 5 damage
plattenspieler targets 'Hand of Bim-Shalla'
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 0 (-4)
plattenspieler is done with Phase Upkeep phase
Mana added to 'Forcefield'
Phase changed to Planning
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
<murphy> hadn't u 5 dmg before?
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
<murphy> should be 1 now?
fapostol moves 'Force Hammer' to fapostol's Hand
fapostol moves 'Jinx' to Table
<plattenspieler> 1 with bim shala
<murphy> ah
<plattenspieler> 4 with reg/bond
<murphy> i see
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to plattenspieler's Hand
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
plattenspieler is done with Planning phase
fapostol moves 'Minor Heal' to Table
Phase changed to Deploy
fapostol is done with Deploy phase
plattenspieler creates 1 'Vine Marker Green'
plattenspieler turns 'Bloodspine Wall' face up.
Printed casting cost of Bloodspine Wall is 4
plattenspieler payed 3 mana from pool for Bloodspine Wall
plattenspieler removes 1 Mana marker(s) from Vine Tree
plattenspieler Rotates 'Bloodspine Wall'
Phase changed to Quick
'Druid' spends Quick Cast action
plattenspieler turns 'Force Push' face up.
Printed casting cost of Force Push is 3
plattenspieler payed 6 mana from pool for Force Push
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Force Push'
plattenspieler discards 'Force Push'
<fapostol> ok
<fapostol> 8
fapostol targets 'Forcefield'
plattenspieler targets 'Forcefield'
fapostol removes 1 Mana marker(s) from Forcefield
<plattenspieler> ?
<plattenspieler> whats up wuth this then ?
<murphy> 2x4 dice
<plattenspieler> ok
<fapostol> 8
plattenspieler rolls 8 attack dice
plattenspieler rolled 3 normal damage, 2 critical damage and 11 on effect die
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 22 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 23 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 24 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 25 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 26 (+1)
'Forcemaster' spends Quick Cast action
fapostol turns 'Minor Heal' face up.
Printed casting cost of Minor Heal is 5
fapostol payed 5 mana from pool for Minor Heal
fapostol rolls 5 attack dice
fapostol rolled 4 normal damage, 4 critical damage and 4 on effect die
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 25 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 24 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 23 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 22 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 21 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 20 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 19 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 18 (-1)
<murphy> lol
fapostol discards 'Minor Heal'
fapostol is done with First quick cast phase
Phase changed to Actions
<murphy> your aren't giving up the fight
<fapostol> i will win
plattenspieler targets 'Invisible Stalker'
<fapostol> he is out of creatures
<murphy> and now you may chop down the tree
<plattenspieler> can he hinder ?
<fapostol> no
<plattenspieler> ok thx
murphy has left the game.
<fapostol> your move
<plattenspieler> thinming
'Druid' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler is done
'Forcemaster' spends Action Marker
fapostol targets 'Vine Tree' with 'Forcemaster'
murphy has joined the game
murphy is ready
Unlocking game
murphy is ready
Unlocking game
fapostol targets 'Vine Tree' with 'Vine Marker Green'
fapostol targets 'Vine Tree' with 'Forcemaster'
fapostol rolls 7 attack dice
fapostol rolled 5 normal damage, 1 critical damage and 3 on effect die
Damage added to 'Vine Tree'
Damage added to 'Vine Tree'
Damage added to 'Vine Tree'
Damage added to 'Vine Tree'
fapostol targets 'Bloodspine Wall' with 'Forcemaster'
fapostol targets 'Wall of Thorns' with 'Vine Marker Green'
fapostol rolls 4 attack dice
fapostol rolled 4 normal damage, 1 critical damage and 2 on effect die
Damage added to 'Bloodspine Wall'
Damage added to 'Bloodspine Wall'
Damage added to 'Bloodspine Wall'
Damage added to 'Bloodspine Wall'
Damage added to 'Bloodspine Wall'
fapostol targets 'Wall of Thorns' with 'Forcemaster'
fapostol rolls 4 attack dice
fapostol rolled 4 normal damage, 2 critical damage and 5 on effect die
Damage added to 'Wall of Thorns'
Damage added to 'Wall of Thorns'
Damage added to 'Wall of Thorns'
Damage added to 'Wall of Thorns'
Damage added to 'Wall of Thorns'
Damage added to 'Wall of Thorns'
fapostol is done with Actions phase
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler adds a Guard to 'Thornlasher'
plattenspieler is done
'Invisible Stalker' spends Action Marker
fapostol targets 'Invisible Stalker'
fapostol targets 'Nightshade Lotus' with 'Invisible Stalker'
fapostol rolls 5 attack dice
fapostol rolled 5 normal damage, 2 critical damage and 10 on effect die
plattenspieler discards 'Nightshade Lotus'
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes used
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 17 (-1)
'Vine Snapper' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler adds a Guard to 'Vine Snapper'
Phase changed to Quick2
plattenspieler is done with Final Quick cast phase
Phase changed to
Ready Stage: Performing Initiative, Reset, and Channeling Phases
fapostol channels 11
plattenspieler channels 11
Mana added to 'Battle Forge'
Mana added to 'Vine Tree'
Damage removed from 'Bloodspine Wall'
Damage removed from 'Bloodspine Wall'
Damage removed from 'Wall of Thorns'
Damage removed from 'Wall of Thorns'
teberger has joined the game
teberger is ready
Unlocking game
Damage removed from 'Vine Tree'
Damage removed from 'Vine Tree'
Damage removed from 'Vine Tree'
Damage removed from 'Vine Tree'
teberger is ready
Unlocking game
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 24 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 23 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 22 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 21 (-1)
fapostol targets 'Barkskin'
<murphy> hi teberger
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 19 (-2)
plattenspieler targets 'Barkskin'
<teberger> hey man
fapostol is done with Phase Upkeep phase
Phase changed to Planning
<murphy> u missed an interesting game
fapostol moves 'Hail of Stones' to Table
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
<murphy> the fm was almost dead
fapostol is done with Planning phase
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to plattenspieler's Hand
<murphy> and it seemed like a hopeless position for her
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
<murphy> but she kept sturdy
<murphy> and slashed all the plants
<murphy> after surviving a wall push
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to plattenspieler's Hand
<murphy> she looks in a good psition now
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
<teberger> so it seems... though has quite a bit of damage to make up to match the druid in damage
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to plattenspieler's Hand
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
<murphy> it was much worse moments ago
Phase changed to Deploy
fapostol is done with Deploy phase
plattenspieler creates 1 'Vine Marker Green'
plattenspieler turns 'Tanglevine' face up.
Printed casting cost of Tanglevine is 5
plattenspieler payed 4 mana from pool for Tanglevine
plattenspieler removes 1 Mana marker(s) from Vine Tree
Phase changed to Quick
'Forcemaster' spends Quick Cast action
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 20 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 19 (-1)
fapostol is done with First quick cast phase
Phase changed to Actions
<fapostol> sorry
<fapostol> wast the card
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 20 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 21 (+1)
<plattenspieler> ok
fapostol turns 'Hail of Stones' face up.
Printed casting cost of Hail of Stones is 8
fapostol payed 8 mana from pool for Hail of Stones
fapostol turns 'Hail of Stones' face down.
<fapostol> i make a mistake
<fapostol> my bad
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 14 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 15 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 16 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 17 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 18 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 19 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 20 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 21 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 20 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 19 (-1)
<fapostol> thats i
<fapostol> it
<fapostol> my action
'Forcemaster' spends Action Marker
fapostol targets 'Vine Tree' with 'Forcemaster'
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes used
fapostol targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Hand of Bim-Shalla'
<fapostol> melee
fapostol rolls 8 attack dice
fapostol rolled 4 normal damage, 2 critical damage and 12 on effect die
Damage added to 'Vine Tree'
Damage added to 'Vine Tree'
Damage added to 'Vine Tree'
Damage added to 'Vine Tree'
fapostol targets 'Vine Marker Green'
fapostol rolls 4 attack dice
fapostol rolled 2 normal damage, 1 critical damage and 3 on effect die
plattenspieler discards 'Vine Marker Green'
<fapostol> i cant play
<fapostol> with this fucking dices
fapostol targets 'Vine Tree'
<fapostol> 1 damage
Damage added to 'Invisible Stalker'
<plattenspieler> from what ?
fapostol moves 1 Damage marker(s) from Invisible Stalker to Vine Tree
fapostol targets 'Die roll area'
<plattenspieler> ok
fapostol is done
<murphy> he didn't attack the vine marker
plattenspieler creates 1 'Vine Marker Green'
'Druid' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Card'
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 13 (-2)
<plattenspieler> ok ?
fapostol turns 'Jinx' face up.
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 18 (-1)
plattenspieler moves '[?}' to plattenspieler's Discard
fapostol discards 'Jinx'
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 15 (+2)
'Druid' spends Quick Cast action
plattenspieler turns 'Corrosive Orchid' face up.
'Druid's Leaf Ring' becomes used
Printed casting cost of Corrosive Orchid is 7
Mana added to 'Forcefield'
plattenspieler payed 6 mana from pool for Corrosive Orchid
'Corrosive Orchid' becomes ready
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes used
plattenspieler targets 'Thornlasher' with 'Hand of Bim-Shalla'
<plattenspieler> armor
<fapostol> ok
plattenspieler is done
fapostol is done
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler is done
Stun added to 'Invisible Stalker'
fapostol removes 1 Stun marker(s) from Invisible Stalker
'Invisible Stalker' spends Action Marker
fapostol targets 'Thornlasher' with 'Invisible Stalker'
fapostol rolls 5 attack dice
fapostol rolled 0 normal damage, 4 critical damage and 2 on effect die
Damage added to 'Thornlasher'
Damage added to 'Thornlasher'
Damage added to 'Thornlasher'
Damage added to 'Thornlasher'
plattenspieler removes 1 Guard marker(s) from Thornlasher
henry_ketchup has joined the game
henry_ketchup is ready
Unlocking game
henry_ketchup is ready
Unlocking game
fapostol is done with Actions phase
<plattenspieler> but now it stys ?
<plattenspieler> charm ?
'Vine Snapper' spends Action Marker
<fapostol> charm is for me
plattenspieler targets 'Charm'
<plattenspieler> ok
Phase changed to Quick2
fapostol is done with Final Quick cast phase
Phase changed to
Ready Stage: Performing Initiative, Reset, and Channeling Phases
plattenspieler channels 11
fapostol channels 11
Mana added to 'Vine Tree'
Mana added to 'Battle Forge'
plattenspieler targets 'Vine Tree'
fapostol is done with Phase Upkeep phase
Damage removed from 'Vine Tree'
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 28 (-1)
Damage removed from 'Vine Tree'
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 27 (-1)
Damage removed from 'Vine Tree'
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 26 (-1)
Damage removed from 'Vine Tree'
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 25 (-1)
Mana added to 'Forcefield'
plattenspieler targets 'Barkskin'
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 18 (-2)
Damage removed from 'Bloodspine Wall'
Damage removed from 'Bloodspine Wall'
Damage removed from 'Wall of Thorns'
Damage removed from 'Wall of Thorns'
Damage removed from 'Thornlasher'
Damage removed from 'Thornlasher'
Phase changed to Planning
fapostol moves 'Hail of Stones' to fapostol's Hand
fapostol moves 'Hail of Stones' to Table
fapostol moves 'Jinx' to Table
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
fapostol is done with Planning phase


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Re: The best match of my life
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2014, 08:50:55 PM »
Phase changed to Deploy
fapostol is done with Deploy phase
plattenspieler creates 1 'Vine Marker Green'
Phase changed to Quick
'Druid' spends Quick Cast action
plattenspieler turns 'Dispel' face up.
plattenspieler targets 'Forcefield' with 'Dispel'
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 6 (-12)
fapostol discards 'Forcefield'
plattenspieler discards 'Dispel'
'Forcemaster' spends Quick Cast action
plattenspieler is done
fapostol targets 'Druid' with 'Force Push'
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 24 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 23 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 22 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 21 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 20 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 19 (-1)
fapostol targets 'Vine Marker Green'
plattenspieler targets 'Bloodspine Wall'
fapostol rolls 3 attack dice
fapostol rolled 0 normal damage, 1 critical damage and 1 on effect die
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 1 (+1)
plattenspieler is done with First quick cast phase
Phase changed to Actions
'Corrosive Orchid' becomes used
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Corrosive Orchid'
<fapostol> ok
plattenspieler rolls 2 attack dice
plattenspieler rolled 0 normal damage, 0 critical damage and 8 on effect die
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 18 (+1)
plattenspieler removes 1 Mist Token marker(s) from Corrosive Orchid
plattenspieler targets 'Defense Ring' with 'Corrosive Orchid'
fapostol discards 'Defense Ring'
<fapostol> 3
<plattenspieler> no wait
<plattenspieler> i do not want to use it
fapostol moves 'Defense Ring' to Table
<plattenspieler> ok ?
<plattenspieler> ok
Mana added to 'Corrosive Orchid'
<fapostol> may remove
'Druid' spends Action Marker
<fapostol> on the first attack
fapostol discards 'Defense Ring'
plattenspieler turns 'Burst of Thorns' face up.
Printed casting cost of Burst of Thorns is 5
plattenspieler payed 5 mana from pool for Burst of Thorns
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Burst of Thorns'
plattenspieler discards 'Vine Marker Green'
<fapostol> must pay frist
fapostol moves 'Defense Ring' to Table
fapostol targets 'Defense Ring'
fapostol targets 'Corrosive Orchid' with 'Defense Ring'
<fapostol> must pay 3
<plattenspieler> i asked to take it back
<fapostol> or dont destroy
<fapostol> no
<fapostol> must remove
<plattenspieler> no destroy
<fapostol> tha card says
fapostol removes 1 Mana marker(s) from Corrosive Orchid
<fapostol> must remove the mist token
<murphy> it say u may
<plattenspieler> yep
<murphy> i choose not to
<murphy> he* choose not to
<fapostol> ok
fapostol targets 'Burst of Thorns'
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Burst of Thorns'
fapostol targets 'Burst of Thorns'
<fapostol> roll
plattenspieler rolls 4 attack dice
plattenspieler rolled 2 normal damage, 0 critical damage and 11 on effect die
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 19 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 20 (+1)
plattenspieler discards 'Burst of Thorns'
'Forcemaster' spends Action Marker
<plattenspieler> bleed
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes used
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 19 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 20 (+1)
fapostol targets 'Hand of Bim-Shalla'
<fapostol> heal
plattenspieler is done
<plattenspieler> ok
fapostol targets 'Druid' with 'Forcemaster'
'Forcemaster' readies Action Marker
Stun added to 'Invisible Stalker'
'Invisible Stalker' spends Action Marker
fapostol removes 1 Stun marker(s) from Invisible Stalker
<fapostol> 4 att
plattenspieler rolls 2 attack dice
plattenspieler rolled 0 normal damage, 0 critical damage and 10 on effect die
plattenspieler rolls 2 attack dice
plattenspieler rolled 0 normal damage, 1 critical damage and 12 on effect die
Damage added to 'Invisible Stalker'
plattenspieler rolls 2 attack dice
plattenspieler rolled 0 normal damage, 0 critical damage and 8 on effect die
plattenspieler rolls 2 attack dice
Damage added to 'Invisible Stalker'
plattenspieler rolled 0 normal damage, 1 critical damage and 4 on effect die
fapostol targets 'Corrosive Orchid' with 'Invisible Stalker'
fapostol rolls 5 attack dice
fapostol rolled 0 normal damage, 3 critical damage and 10 on effect die
plattenspieler moves 1 Action Green marker(s) from Forcemaster to Invisible Stalker
<plattenspieler> oh sry
fapostol removes 1 Action Green marker(s) from Invisible Stalker
<plattenspieler> you cannot ataack
plattenspieler targets 'Wall of Thorns'
<fapostol> ???
<plattenspieler> last sentence
<fapostol> ok
'Forcemaster' spends Action Marker
'Forcemaster' readies Action Marker
'Forcemaster' spends Action Marker
'Forcemaster' readies Action Marker
fapostol is done
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes used
plattenspieler targets 'Druid' with 'Hand of Bim-Shalla'
<plattenspieler> armor
'Vine Snapper' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler is done
'Forcemaster' spends Action Marker
fapostol targets 'Corrosive Orchid' with 'Forcemaster'
fapostol rolls 7 attack dice
fapostol rolled 3 normal damage, 4 critical damage and 1 on effect die
Damage added to 'Corrosive Orchid'
Damage added to 'Corrosive Orchid'
Damage added to 'Corrosive Orchid'
Damage added to 'Corrosive Orchid'
Damage added to 'Corrosive Orchid'
Damage added to 'Corrosive Orchid'
Damage added to 'Corrosive Orchid'
fapostol rolls 4 attack dice
fapostol rolled 2 normal damage, 2 critical damage and 7 on effect die
plattenspieler discards 'Corrosive Orchid'
fapostol is done with Actions phase
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler adds a Guard to 'Thornlasher'
'Thornlasher' readies Action Marker
plattenspieler removes 1 Guard marker(s) from Thornlasher
plattenspieler targets 'Wall of Thorns' with 'Thornlasher'
plattenspieler rolls 3 attack dice
<fapostol> ok
plattenspieler rolled 2 normal damage, 1 critical damage and 4 on effect die
Damage added to 'Wall of Thorns'
Damage added to 'Wall of Thorns'
Damage added to 'Wall of Thorns'
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
Phase changed to Quick2
fapostol is done with Final Quick cast phase
Phase changed to
Ready Stage: Performing Initiative, Reset, and Channeling Phases
plattenspieler channels 11
fapostol channels 11
Mana added to 'Vine Tree'
Mana added to 'Battle Forge'
Damage removed from 'Wall of Thorns'
Damage removed from 'Wall of Thorns'
Damage removed from 'Bloodspine Wall'
Damage removed from 'Thornlasher'
Damage removed from 'Thornlasher'
Damage removed from 'Vine Tree'
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 0 (-1)
plattenspieler targets 'Barkskin'
plattenspieler moves 'Barkskin' to plattenspieler's Hand
plattenspieler is done with Phase Upkeep phase
Phase changed to Planning
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 29 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 28 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 27 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 26 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 27 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 28 (+1)
fapostol moves 'Force Hammer' to Table
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
fapostol moves 'Hail of Stones' to fapostol's Hand
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
fapostol is done with Planning phase
Phase changed to Deploy
fapostol is done with Deploy phase
plattenspieler creates 1 'Vine Marker Green'
Phase changed to Quick
'Forcemaster' spends Quick Cast action
fapostol is done with First quick cast phase
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 27 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 26 (-1)
Phase changed to Actions
'Forcemaster' spends Action Marker
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes used
fapostol targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Hand of Bim-Shalla'
<fapostol> melee
fapostol rolls 8 attack dice
fapostol rolled 3 normal damage, 3 critical damage and 1 on effect die
<fapostol> half 0
<fapostol> FUCKING DICES
<plattenspieler> on what was this att ?
<fapostol> 56 damages
<plattenspieler> lol
<fapostol> 6
fapostol targets 'Druid' with 'Forcemaster'
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 6 (+6)
fapostol rolls 4 attack dice
fapostol rolled 0 normal damage, 1 critical damage and 6 on effect die
<fapostol> su made
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 7 (+1)
<fapostol> fucking octgn
<fapostol> is the same shit always
<murphy> the dice really hate u
<murphy> aren't they?
'Druid' spends Quick Cast action
plattenspieler targets 'Druid' with 'Card'
'Enchanter's Ring' becomes used
fapostol turns 'Jinx' face up.
<plattenspieler> ok ?
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 25 (-1)
fapostol discards 'Jinx'
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to plattenspieler's Hand
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 13 (+1)
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 12 (-1)
<murphy> uh nice trick
'Druid' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler turns 'Teleport' face up.
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 6 (-6)
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Teleport'
<murphy> with little luck with dice the druid would be now on 20+ dmg
plattenspieler discards 'Teleport'
plattenspieler is done
'Invisible Stalker' spends Action Marker
fapostol targets 'Druid' with 'Invisible Stalker'
fapostol rolls 5 attack dice
fapostol rolled 5 normal damage, 0 critical damage and 12 on effect die
plattenspieler discards 'Tanglevine'
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 12 (+5)
'Vine Snapper' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler removes 1 Guard marker(s) from Vine Snapper
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Vine Snapper'
<fapostol> def
'Forcemaster' uses deflect
'Force Ring' becomes used
fapostol rolls 0 attack dice
fapostol rolled 0 normal damage, 0 critical damage and 12 on effect die
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler adds a Guard to 'Thornlasher'
fapostol is done with Actions phase
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes used
plattenspieler targets 'Druid' with 'Hand of Bim-Shalla'
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 11 (-1)
Phase changed to Quick2
fapostol is done with Final Quick cast phase
Phase changed to
Ready Stage: Performing Initiative, Reset, and Channeling Phases
plattenspieler channels 11
fapostol channels 11
Mana added to 'Vine Tree'
Mana added to 'Battle Forge'
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 35 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 34 (-1)
fapostol is done with Phase Upkeep phase
fapostol removes 1 Damage marker(s) from Wall of Thorns
fapostol moves 1 Damage marker(s) from Wall of Thorns to Vine Marker Green
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 9 (-2)
fapostol removes 1 Damage marker(s) from Vine Marker Green
Damage removed from 'Wall of Thorns'
Phase changed to Planning
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
fapostol moves 'Dispel' to Table
fapostol is done with Planning phase
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
Phase changed to Deploy
fapostol is done with Deploy phase
plattenspieler creates 1 'Vine Marker Green'
plattenspieler turns 'Tanglevine' face up.
Printed casting cost of Tanglevine is 5
plattenspieler payed 2 mana from pool for Tanglevine
plattenspieler removes 3 Mana marker(s) from Vine Tree
Phase changed to Quick
'Druid' spends Quick Cast action
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Card'
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 13 (-2)
plattenspieler is done with First quick cast phase
Phase changed to Actions
<fapostol> your move
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler is done
'Forcemaster' spends Quick Cast action
fapostol turns 'Force Hammer' face up.
fapostol targets 'Druid' with 'Force Hammer'
Printed casting cost of Force Hammer is 9
fapostol payed 8 mana from pool for Force Hammer
'Force Ring' becomes used
fapostol rolls 6 attack dice
fapostol rolled 2 normal damage, 2 critical damage and 2 on effect die
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 13 (+4)
fapostol discards 'Force Hammer'
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes used
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 19 (-1)
fapostol targets 'Vine Snapper' with 'Forcemaster'
'Forcemaster' spends Action Marker
fapostol rolls 7 attack dice
fapostol rolled 0 normal damage, 3 critical damage and 7 on effect die
Damage added to 'Vine Snapper'
Damage added to 'Vine Snapper'
Damage added to 'Vine Snapper'
<fapostol> see that
fapostol rolls 4 attack dice
fapostol rolled 2 normal damage, 1 critical damage and 10 on effect die
Damage added to 'Vine Snapper'
Damage added to 'Vine Snapper'
Damage added to 'Vine Snapper'
<fapostol> not fair
<plattenspieler> yeah
<murphy> something wrong with yout account
<plattenspieler> i know this
<fapostol> yeap
'Vine Marker Green' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler removes 1 Action Yellow Back marker(s) from Vine Marker Green
<fapostol> always the same shit
'Druid' spends Action Marker
'Enchanter's Ring' becomes used
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 12 (-1)
'Invisible Stalker' spends Action Marker
fapostol targets 'Druid' with 'Invisible Stalker'
plattenspieler targets 'Vine Snapper' with 'Card'
fapostol rolls 5 attack dice
fapostol rolled 3 normal damage, 2 critical damage and 6 on effect die
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 18 (+5)
plattenspieler turns 'Falcon Precision' face up.
Printed casting cost of Falcon Precision is 2+2
plattenspieler payed 2 mana from pool for Falcon Precision
<murphy> but let me tell the plattenspieler had the same bad luck in out last three games ;)
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes used
<fapostol> ok
plattenspieler targets 'Vine Snapper' with 'Hand of Bim-Shalla'
Damage removed from 'Vine Snapper'
'Vine Snapper' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler targets 'Forcemaster' with 'Vine Snapper'
plattenspieler rolls 5 attack dice
plattenspieler rolled 1 normal damage, 4 critical damage and 7 on effect die
<murphy> maybe it's just a reward for him now?
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 20 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 21 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 22 (+1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 23 (+1)
<plattenspieler> ^^
fapostol is done with Actions phase
<plattenspieler> 5
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 24 (+1)
Phase changed to Quick2
fapostol is done with Final Quick cast phase
Phase changed to


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Re: The best match of my life
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2014, 08:51:13 PM »
Ready Stage: Performing Initiative, Reset, and Channeling Phases
plattenspieler channels 11
fapostol channels 11
Mana added to 'Vine Tree'
Mana added to 'Battle Forge'
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 36 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 35 (-1)
fapostol is done with Phase Upkeep phase
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 16 (-2)
Damage removed from 'Vine Snapper'
Phase changed to Planning
fapostol moves 'Force Push' to Table
fapostol is done with Planning phase
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to plattenspieler's Hand
teberger has left the game.
Phase changed to Deploy
plattenspieler creates 1 'Vine Marker Green'
plattenspieler is done with Deploy phase
Phase changed to Quick
fapostol is done with First quick cast phase
Phase changed to Actions
'Forcemaster' spends Action Marker
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes used
fapostol sets fapostol's Damage counter to 23 (-1)
fapostol targets 'Vine Snapper' with 'Forcemaster'
fapostol rolls 7 attack dice
fapostol rolled 4 normal damage, 1 critical damage and 2 on effect die
Damage added to 'Vine Snapper'
Damage added to 'Vine Snapper'
Damage added to 'Vine Snapper'
Damage added to 'Vine Snapper'
Damage added to 'Vine Snapper'
fapostol rolls 4 attack dice
fapostol rolled 3 normal damage, 0 critical damage and 6 on effect die
plattenspieler discards 'Vine Snapper'
plattenspieler discards 'Falcon Precision'
fapostol is done
'Druid' spends Quick Cast action
plattenspieler targets 'Druid' with 'Card'
'Enchanter's Ring' becomes used
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 20 (-1)
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler removes 1 Guard marker(s) from Thornlasher
plattenspieler adds a Guard to 'Thornlasher'
'Hand of Bim-Shalla' becomes used
plattenspieler targets 'Druid' with 'Hand of Bim-Shalla'
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 15 (-1)
plattenspieler is done
'Invisible Stalker' spends Action Marker
fapostol targets 'Druid' with 'Invisible Stalker'
fapostol rolls 5 attack dice
fapostol rolled 1 normal damage, 4 critical damage and 2 on effect die
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 20 (+5)
'Druid' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler targets 'Bloodspine Wall'
plattenspieler rolls 3 attack dice
plattenspieler rolled 2 normal damage, 2 critical damage and 12 on effect die
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 24 (+4)
plattenspieler adds 1 Bleed marker(s) on Druid
<fapostol> bleed
fapostol is done with Actions phase
plattenspieler turns 'Dissolve' face up.
Printed casting cost of Dissolve is X
plattenspieler targets 'Mage Wand' with 'Dissolve'
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 15 (-5)
fapostol discards 'Mage Wand'
fapostol discards 'Force Push'
plattenspieler discards 'Dissolve'
Phase changed to Quick2
'Forcemaster' spends Quick Cast action
fapostol turns 'Force Push' face up.
fapostol targets 'Druid' with 'Force Push'
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 34 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 33 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 32 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 31 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 30 (-1)
<murphy> lol
'Force Ring' becomes used
fapostol rolls 3 attack dice
fapostol rolled 3 normal damage, 0 critical damage and 1 on effect die
<murphy> nice move
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 27 (+3)
fapostol discards 'Force Push'
fapostol is done with Final Quick cast phase
Phase changed to
Ready Stage: Performing Initiative, Reset, and Channeling Phases
plattenspieler channels 11
fapostol channels 11
Mana added to 'Vine Tree'
Mana added to 'Battle Forge'
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 40 (-1)
fapostol sets fapostol's Mana counter to 39 (-1)
fapostol is done with Phase Upkeep phase
qige668 has joined the game
plattenspieler removes 1 Bleed marker(s) from Druid
qige668 is ready
Unlocking game
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 26 (-1)
qige668 is ready
Unlocking game
Phase changed to Planning
<fapostol> why you remove bleed??
qige668 has joined the game
qige668 is ready
Unlocking game
<murphy> heal
qige668 is ready
Unlocking game
<fapostol> he doesnt heal
<fapostol> transfer is not heal
<plattenspieler> ok
<murphy> right
plattenspieler adds 1 Bleed marker(s) on Druid
fapostol moves 'Psylok' to Table
fapostol moves 'Psylok' to fapostol's Hand
fapostol moves 'Force Bash' to Table
fapostol moves 'Force Bash' to Table
fapostol moves 'Dispel' to fapostol's Hand
fapostol is done with Planning phase
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
qige668 has left the game.
qige668 disconnected, please wait. If they do not reconnect within 1 minute they will be booted.
qige668 disconnected, please wait. If they do not reconnect within 1 minute they will be booted.
<fapostol> still there?
<murphy> y
<murphy> everything is fine
<fapostol> pl
<fapostol> ok
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
Phase changed to Deploy
plattenspieler creates 1 'Vine Marker Green'
fapostol is done with Deploy phase
plattenspieler turns 'Bloodspine Wall' face up.
plattenspieler discards 'Vine Marker Green'
plattenspieler removes 2 Mana marker(s) from Vine Tree
Printed casting cost of Bloodspine Wall is 4
plattenspieler payed 2 mana from pool for Bloodspine Wall
plattenspieler moves 'Card' to Table
plattenspieler turns 'Bloodspine Wall' face up.
Printed casting cost of Bloodspine Wall is 4
qige668 has left the game.
plattenspieler payed 5 mana from pool for Bloodspine Wall
plattenspieler Rotates 'Bloodspine Wall'
<fapostol> ???????
<fapostol> you cast 2 walls on deploy?
<plattenspieler> extend
<fapostol> ok
Phase changed to Quick
'Druid' spends Quick Cast action
plattenspieler targets 'Druid' with 'Card'
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 18 (-1)
plattenspieler Rotates 'Enchanter's Ring'
'Enchanter's Ring' becomes used
plattenspieler Rotates 'Enchanter's Ring'
plattenspieler Rotates 'Enchanter's Ring'
plattenspieler Rotates 'Enchanter's Ring'
fapostol is done with First quick cast phase
plattenspieler is done with First quick cast phase
Phase changed to Actions
<fapostol> move
'Thornlasher' spends Action Marker
plattenspieler is done
'Forcemaster' spends Quick Cast action
fapostol turns 'Force Bash' face up.
Printed casting cost of Force Bash is 8
fapostol payed 7 mana from pool for Force Bash
fapostol targets 'Druid' with 'Force Bash'
'Force Ring' becomes used
plattenspieler turns 'Barkskin' face up.
'Druid's Leaf Ring' becomes used
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Mana counter to 17 (-1)
fapostol rolls 2 attack dice
fapostol rolled 1 normal damage, 2 critical damage and 10 on effect die
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 28 (+2)
fapostol rolls 2 attack dice
fapostol rolled 1 normal damage, 1 critical damage and 4 on effect die
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 29 (+1)
fapostol rolls 2 attack dice
fapostol rolled 0 normal damage, 2 critical damage and 8 on effect die
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 31 (+2)
fapostol rolls 2 attack dice
fapostol rolled 0 normal damage, 2 critical damage and 2 on effect die
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 33 (+2)
<plattenspieler> ^^
fapostol rolls 2 attack dice
fapostol rolled 0 normal damage, 1 critical damage and 7 on effect die
plattenspieler sets plattenspieler's Damage counter to 34 (+1)
fapostol discards 'Force Bash'
'Forcemaster' spends Action Marker
<murphy> wow
fapostol turns 'Force Bash' face up.
fapostol targets 'Druid' with 'Force Bash'
Printed casting cost of Force Bash is 8
fapostol payed 8 mana from pool for Force Bash
<plattenspieler> :-)
fapostol rolls 2 attack dice
fapostol rolled 1 normal damage, 0 critical damage and 11 on effect die
fapostol rolls 2 attack dice
fapostol rolled 0 normal damage, 3 critical damage and 4 on effect die
<plattenspieler> :-)
<fapostol> hahahahahaha
<fapostol> i know it
<murphy> wow
<fapostol> thanks for the game man
<fapostol> great great match
<murphy> great game
qige668 has joined the game
qige668 disconnected, please wait. If they do not reconnect within 1 minute they will be booted.
<plattenspieler> yeah it was really fun :-)
<murphy> very interesting
<plattenspieler> very gg
<fapostol> very
<murphy> i wanted to sleep
<fapostol> wow
<plattenspieler> ^^
<murphy> but i had to watch this
<fapostol> thats exhausting
<plattenspieler> yeah
<murphy> boith of u fought well
<fapostol> i have a headache because the dices
<murphy> congrats to the winner
<fapostol> thaks man
<plattenspieler> thx, and i hope you had fun to watch :-)
<murphy> i had
<murphy> and i hope that heny will write a stroy about this match
qige668 has left the game.
qige668 has joined the game
qige668 is ready
Unlocking game
qige668 is ready
Unlocking game
<murphy> it was one of the best i ever saw
<plattenspieler> :-)
<plattenspieler> so i hope to cya soon here
<plattenspieler> thx 4 gaming fapostol
<murphy> such a hard fight between players being both experts with their mages
<murphy> wihc could be no more different
<fapostol> thanks platt
<murphy> cu guys!
<plattenspieler> cya
<fapostol> cya
<qige668> CU
<plattenspieler> good n8
<murphy> gn8
<fapostol> another day can have a rematch
<plattenspieler> sure
<plattenspieler> :-)
<murphy> u need to advertise this then
<plattenspieler> lol
<murphy> there will be alot of specatators then
<henry_ketchup> that was kind of cool
<henry_ketchup> sorry i missed a lot of it
<fapostol> good
<fapostol> wow
<fapostol> what  a match
<murphy> hi henry
<henry_ketchup> hi
<henry_ketchup> i'm about to post the first chapter on the forums
<plattenspieler> maybe taking money for the next matches here, lol
<murphy> will u write a stroy about this match
<plattenspieler> nice
<henry_ketchup> i should
<murphy> pls do it
<henry_ketchup> i'll copy and paste this log
<henry_ketchup> and do it later
<henry_ketchup> remind me pls
<murphy> this is really a wothy match
<murphy> ok
<murphy> cu
<henry_ketchup> crap
<henry_ketchup> can't
<murphy> ?
<henry_ketchup> i don't have access to the whole log
<henry_ketchup> can you copy and paste it?
<henry_ketchup> and send it to me?
<murphy> nope
<henry_ketchup> darn
<murphy> i went to the other game several times
<henry_ketchup> i should have asked platten or fapostol while they were still here
<henry_ketchup> dang it
<fapostol> i can
<henry_ketchup> oh your'e still here.


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Re: The best match of my life
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2014, 05:27:11 PM »
Can I get a highlight reel?
« Last Edit: April 01, 2014, 06:09:34 PM by ringkichard »
I can take the fun out of anything. It's true; here, look at this spreadsheet.


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Re: The best match of my life
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2014, 05:40:43 PM »


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Re: The best match of my life
« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2014, 06:10:04 PM »
Like, in 100 words, can you tell me what happened? That's a lot to read and puzzle out without seeing the board.
I can take the fun out of anything. It's true; here, look at this spreadsheet.

Sailor Vulcan

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Re: The best match of my life
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2014, 09:01:24 PM »
I think it would REALLY help to double space it. If you could do that I would really appreciate it.
  • Favourite Mage: Salenia Forcemaster
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Re: The best match of my life
« Reply #12 on: April 02, 2014, 03:48:56 AM »
As i understand the game ends with 2 x forcebash through wall of thorns.

The extra 3 mana to push through a wall with the attack trait doesnt appear to be paid.

« Last Edit: April 02, 2014, 03:50:51 AM by jacksmack »

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Re: The best match of my life
« Reply #13 on: April 02, 2014, 11:37:37 AM »
As i understand the game ends with 2 x forcebash through wall of thorns.

The extra 3 mana to push through a wall with the attack trait doesnt appear to be paid.

Wow. You're right. It looks like he had enough mana to do so though, but it's hard to tell since it's a bit difficult to read. I seem to have underestimated my ability to recreate a game in writing from the log alone without actually watching much of the game. I might still be able to, but it will be difficult.
  • Favourite Mage: Salenia Forcemaster
I am Sailor Vulcan! Champion of justice and reason! And yes, I am already aware my uniform is considered flashy, unprofessional, and borderline sexually provocative for my species by most intelligent lifeforms. I did not choose this outfit. Shut up.


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Re: The best match of my life
« Reply #14 on: April 26, 2014, 08:35:10 AM »
Give us a summary, the large wall of text is very hard on the eyes. Most people will see that and not read it.