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Author Topic: Greetings fellow Mages  (Read 4173 times)


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Greetings fellow Mages
« on: January 27, 2014, 09:02:14 PM »
Hello everyone. I am very new to Mage Wars, but have been reading these forums ever since I bought the game (about a month now). I have only 3 games under my belt at the time of this post, and those were all against my good friend who is literally the ONLY person in my area that I know that will play any game I throw at him. I have downloaded OCTGN as well and registered under same name in hopes I can play more of this amazing game with anyone interested. Don't worry,I am a humble learner.I look forward to being a part of the community, and seeing how the future of Mage Wars unfolds. Now for anyone who cares, I will give a little insight as to how I stumbled across this gem and my experiences so far.

I purchased Mage Wars in hopes it would pry my gaming group away from a certain card game we will refer to as "That which should not be named". All joking aside, I think we know to what game I am referring to. Being a player of unsaid game off and on since Revised (yes its MtG in case you were of the 1% still not on board) I obviously love it, but yes for the same reasons as most, I grew to hate drawing that ONE card and it not being a land.....or being too much land.....or maybe its the ONLY copy of some 10 mana creature who wont see the light of day for at least 4 more turns. I'll just stop there before I derail. When I started playing Magic, I loved the theme of dueling mages right away. That's what drew me to the game more than anything. I loved it so much, I saved money for certain rares. I collected complete sets.  I read all the card flavor texts. I later read the novels. Looking back I've probably spent enough on MtG, and its outlets to put me in a pretty moderate sports car. This game for me really "fixes" those frustrations that I have about playing MtG, while at the same time giving me a more realistic feeling of BEING a magic user. I mean in this game, if I don't get to do something, its because I don't have enough "magical power" to do so. In my fantasy brain, my mind is exhausted from the decisions I made the round before, NOT because I could not simply draw what card I needed at that specific time.  I have the ability to correct my mistakes, or capitalize on someone else's at just the right time. Also I feel like when I lose, that I was BEATEN. I don't feel like I just got robbed because I didn't get that counter just before my opponent played that one spell that interacts with the outcome of this spells ability, and when that happens oh guess what, I get to take as many turns as I want, and therefore you lose.......Wait....what just happened? Was there some kind of "magic" that just took place? Losing in Mage Wars to me just feels more rewarding. Maybe its because the game is still relatively new to me or perhaps because I have only lost once (again only 3 games in)....but it still felt great . It was a tense game from start to finish. No part where I was bummed out for making a bad play or "waiting" for victory to fall into my hands. The dice rolls were exciting, and it really felt like our creatures were FIGHTING. Neither of us knew the outcome, and it was a surprise to see a smaller creature emerge victorious in some battles. That aspect of this game really appeals to me, and I hope it continues to get better.

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" Sir! Texas Sir!"


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Re: Greetings fellow Mages
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2014, 01:57:53 PM »
Welcome to the arena.


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Re: Greetings fellow Mages
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2014, 06:43:36 AM »
Welcome to the game. Enjoy!


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Re: Greetings fellow Mages
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2014, 08:12:31 AM »
Welcome.  Where do ou live?  There maybe more people in yourr area


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Re: Greetings fellow Mages
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2014, 04:01:40 AM »
I live in north Texas. Denton or Dallas is probably the closest gamer haven around, and those are about an hour away. My group of MtG buddies are probably my best bet right now as far as breathing opponents. I have managed to play a few games on OCTGN now so that's good, but with my schedule, its looking like my best option to play with other people for now.


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Re: Greetings fellow Mages
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2014, 11:30:30 AM »
I live in north Texas. Denton or Dallas is probably the closest gamer haven around, and those are about an hour away. My group of MtG buddies are probably my best bet right now as far as breathing opponents. I have managed to play a few games on OCTGN now so that's good, but with my schedule, its looking like my best option to play with other people for now.

AW main office is around the Dallas area.
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Re: Greetings fellow Mages
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2014, 01:54:20 PM »
Welcome to the arena. May your battles be fierce.
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What we must all remember is no matter the game we were all newbies at one point.


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Re: Greetings fellow Mages
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2014, 11:48:09 AM »
Yep, bit far away from me to drop in.  Seems my teleport spell won't make it either