I like the idea of using a Unicorn but then what do I cut to make up for it's cost? It's fine for a Priestess to cast them but they'd be the most expensive thing in my spellbook. Still I may give it a try.
Just a warning Silverclaw, Unicorn is only for a swarm build (like BM Swarm stickied - it had one until Aylin added a cooler idea).
I totally agree about the prohibitive points so very situational.
I've never really felt like I was in a situation where I should summon Redclaw as opposed to a Grizzly, Cervere, or another Timber Wolf.
I agree (this is getting an embarrassing habit). You have to really commit to Dog Swarm to justify Redclaw.
Although I'm intrigued by the "Redfang" idea by Cvntvs (easy to remember as Polish uses v instead of u).
It's of course suboptimal but looks a fun take on the Necromancer, not everyone plays Tier 1 spell books.
Emerald tegu is the best pet 3 armor and 11 life with rot chance. He is a bee to kill and if he is on perm guard it hurts to try
In following my new "try something new" philosophy, I really must give Tegu more of a chance.
I used to be very phobic of d12 effects, defences etc (that dice hates me) but I'm better now
However, I don't think current meta (we recently got Undead, Jellies, Healing Wand) is not right for a Tegu
Until they solve Jokhtari issue (I'm trying, been called "a pain" = my job is done), it's Tier 2 with Dire Wolf
Darkfenne bat is also a good pet, let's him take a mediocre hit before death. Tegus 11 mana and bat is 7 both have rot and makes them great targets so BM can smash face
Oh aquestrion, you were doing so well - and then you spoilt it!

I've always found bats too slow, fragile, and they cost 2 SPs too
While I can see them fixing the Wolf > Tegu issue, it's going to be hard to fix the Falcons > Bats issue
I think it was you who suggested Ichthellid Larvae on own Bats? (it's difficult to co-ordinate, is it legal?)
Apart from that, I just find it really difficult to justify Bats, especially with Pestilence so common current
My issues is with Tegu vs. Wolf and Bats vs. Falcon are:
1 more dice is on average 1 more damage now (maybe killing it before it attacks back)
This is because if you can't attack the mage, you eliminate threats 1 at a time, not spread damage
Also if you go with 1 less dice, that small amount of armour will become more effective
Quite often, you can't attack the mage so might as well nibble on the Mana Crystal with 1 less dice
Falcons are the only true skirmishers so far, Fast Flying safe/unhindered, unblocked by walls, just awesome
In an aerial dog fight, I'll run away until I have off initiative last move attack then follow-up if kill if it is still alive
The poor bats really don't have a chance comparing to one of the most under-costed creatures in the game
I think the Rot mechanic is great for a rare slower more control build that kills its opponent slowly
I really hope AW release mechanics that promote slow kill because it's far more fun than turbo kill