Eh, you see I wasn't being hostle, just stating a fact. This particular forum is entitled strategy and tactics, unless I'm incorrect and in which case I'll need to check my eyesight. And name calling it did not, although swear I did. I apologize sincerely if I offended you, or anyone else for that matter, it was not meant to harm, rather to point out a fact. It seems about half of these strategy threads these days degenerate into a rules argument about silly, yes, silly things like if your opponent should know what Mage you are. It's public information on your Mage card so, if asked, yes it is required to spell out what schools you are trained in. Pray tell, why would the wizard be any different than any other Mage? This argument is senseless as well as in the wrong place. Again, I apologize for the hostle tone, but my stance remains the same.