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Author Topic: I've been playing for about four months and I've only "won" once. Any advice?  (Read 7390 times)

Sailor Vulcan

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I've been on an EPIC losing streak since I started playing this game in August. I love Mage Wars, but I can't help feel that I'm REALLY bad at it. I've played countless games, and I've lost EVERY SINGLE ONE.

I only "won" once, but that was because my opponent rage-quitted. He basically had me on the ropes, although he was too aggravated to realize it.

Now that I think of it, the huge discrepancy in skill level between me and most of the OCTGN Mage Warriors could be part of what's impeding my progress. I've been unable to develop my tactics by experimenting because what I'm capable of at my current level is quite unlikely to win me games against any of the professionals that OCTGN is filled with, and therefore I'm unable to find out what could work for me and build off of it. Instead I've only found a million strategies that don't work, and a combination of practice and process of elimination does not seem to be kicking in for me AT ALL. It's extremely discouraging.

On top of that, I'm struggling to find people to play this game with in real life. I have only gotten to play in real life once, and that was because I had to fill in for my older sister in the demo I was doing for her and a friend.

It's not that much of a stretch to say that Mage Wars is one of the only really interesting things in my life right now, and I don't want to think that I bought the core set for nothing. Yet it sits on my shelf gathering dust while I play all my games online.

Is it just because Mage Wars isn't that popular yet since it's such a young game? How long do you think it might take until the game is popular enough that it won't be nigh-impossible to find local real life opponents that I actually stand a chance against?
  • Favourite Mage: Salenia Forcemaster
I am Sailor Vulcan! Champion of justice and reason! And yes, I am already aware my uniform is considered flashy, unprofessional, and borderline sexually provocative for my species by most intelligent lifeforms. I did not choose this outfit. Shut up.


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For the game to get more popular, word of it has to spread. I recommend taking it to your local gaming store, pull out the spellbooks, and charm some Magic players over to your table for a demo. I have done this about a half dozen times and it has gone over great. I have had several requests to bring it back and try it again. Unfortunately due to transportation issues, I can't do it often. When taxes come in I plan on fixing my transportation issues and running Mage Wars on a weekly basis at the store.

As for OCTGN, I lose the vast majority of my games as well. I'd say 4 out of 5. People on there are really good (and a lot of them use Promo cards, which I refuse to). Perhaps we could help each other to improve.


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I am new in this game too. I am from Spain and it is not very spread here yet. I have only played thrice so it would be very good to find someone of my level for playing in OCTGN.  My name there is Madelvi.

Enviado desde mi GT-I9300 usando Tapatalk 2


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Thats great to here Zuberi- its players like you who make the game great!

And thats just what I would suggest. You really need someone who you can talk to after the match and go over the game with you. I would say that after discussing a match, even a little,  you walk away a much better player.

I typically ask myself these questions after each match. "What did I do wrong? what did I do right? Where did the match take a turn? Could I have prevented that turn? What did I play, and what did I play against? How did I win, and how could I have won faster?"

Doing that with another person will help out immensely. Truly the best way to improve is to talk about it. I just can't stress it enough. Talk about your matches. You will learn something.

And on another note- Mage Wars is just so different from any other game. Im not saying anyone here, but, I have noticed alot of players (My group) that are not used to not having an excuse for being a bad player or, losing. there is no, "I got mana screwed" you got luck sacked. You spent more on your army then me" ect.

The only excuse you can use in MW is "I play to have fun". Well....losing isn't fun, and with that attitude you have already set yourself up for a loss.

The point of this being said is: there is no reason another player cant sit down and talk about the match. They cant say "well you got lucky" as in other games.

MW is also different that there really isn't just a landslide "Im going to win this match" before it even begins type of it is really hard to learn where you are going wrong.

And yeah- take your game to your FLGS- I would have never tried the old Mage Knight or warhammer if it was not for a person, sitting by themselves at a table and me talking to them. I would walk up and ask if they played MtG, and they would say "No, but I have this game" and I would play. Mage wars will garner interest.

My and a buddy played in a FLGS and people gathered. The game is just so visually interesting, its hard not to watch. And hell- I would set up a demo and sit there...if anyone ask tell them "a friend was going to show up, but couldn't make it" (If your insecure about it....)

TL:DR- Read it anyhow....or don't. Im just a post, not a cop.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2013, 08:01:30 AM by DarthDadaD20 »
Where does my greatest enemy lie?
It has been around since the dawn of time,
it follows your loved ones as well as mine,
takes the form of a mountain as well as a flower,
it cannot be outrun by the greatest of power.
Where does my greatest enemy lie?
Within Shad0w.

Sailor Vulcan

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Thanks for the all the advice everyone. Zuberi and SyrioForel, I accept your challenges and look forward to facing you in the arena.

Also, I don't really have a specific "regular" time that I'm on OCTGN. Although I have some relatively strong tendencies in terms of my online status there, any "regular" time I set has potential exceptions because I'm a college student who has difficulty with organizational skills like time management. I tend to be available approximately every other weekend I think, sometimes more, sometimes less, but that's generally what it's been.

DDD, I suppose I'm worrying too much. Perhaps my recent experiences with, for want of a less supernaturally term, deep "soul-crushing" boredom is biasing my perspective? I suppose it even made me sound whiny and dramatic. Me and my anxiety, lol.
  • Favourite Mage: Salenia Forcemaster
I am Sailor Vulcan! Champion of justice and reason! And yes, I am already aware my uniform is considered flashy, unprofessional, and borderline sexually provocative for my species by most intelligent lifeforms. I did not choose this outfit. Shut up.


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I spend a lot of time with in the rule book (as you see with the cursed equipment I am still learning), studying the cards (target bar is a focus), and building my spellbooks. I haven't got to play as of late as I have been very busy with my travels. But playing and studying the 1 v 1 will generate the best results for you.
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Some tips:

Plan 3 or 4 rounds with any book your playing before you even start to game vs a real opponent.

If your book has multiple openings, note down all of them such as:
Spawnpoint opening.
Agro opening.
Semi agro Forge opening.

Now you only have to choose what strategy to apply.
This depends on the enemy mage and especially what the enemy mage does round 1.

A rule of thumb - be very careful with spending much more mana on building up (mana generators and spawnpoint(s) than your opponent.

If he plays 1 crystal and moves 2 zones round 1, then you might even wanna consider only casting 1 of the 2 prepared crystals - but you certainly dont wanna double crystal round 1 and then throw more in round 2.

After round 2 is done, then you should have a clue about what the opponent is on to.

Another thing i have given alot of thoughts is how and when to engage, in particular how its most optimal when both have 1 or 2 bigs.

Having initiative and moving in and attacking a guarding creature can result in up to 3 attacks (not counting QC) on your creature which very likely can kill it, and you will be at a great disadvantage.

I have experimented alot with not so obvious builds, and most of them didnt work such as Warlord running redclaw wolf together with bannered Dwarf Pantzer for +2 melee and armor to timberwolfs and dire wolfs.
Dont expect to win when experimenting - especially not if you play vs a book that is optimized to wtfpwn opponents.

And as other have mentioned... Ask for advice or discuss the match afterwards.


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Hello imaginator,

I would be very happy to play you several times on OCTGN and talk through the tactics as we play. Kind if joint learning if you like. I did that with Charmyna a couple of times and found it very helpful in terms of expanding my thinking.

I am Fentum on OCTGN. Tend to be on line in the evening on GMT..


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I didn't mention it, but my name on OCTGN is Zuberi. I am available at most times, most days, to play although I don't remain logged into OCTGN constantly. This means you'll see me on there sporadically throughout the day when the mood strikes me. It also means that if you can let me know when to meet you in the Arena, I should be able to accommodate since my schedule is very flexible.


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I'm in a similar situation. I bought the game when it first came out, but I haven't played it even a single time yet, and I have no local game store to take it to.

I just installed OCTGN and I'm attempting to learn both the game (watching videos mainly/reviewing rulebook) and how to play it on OCTGN.

Going to attempt to play some apprentice solo games to get a feel for it, and then try some OCTGN games this weekend. You're welcome to beat up on me, if you like.


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I wish I could be more helpful but I would say try to put yourself in the shoes of your opponent. Think about what you would do in their situation and try to prevent them from doing just that. Perhaps your opponent will do something more clever than you imagined and that will give you some ideas of your own. Even subtle things like when you use your quickcast can have huge effects on the game. Definitely learn how to capitalize on initiative and learn when you need to be focusing on the opponent's creatures or the opponent themselves. Good luck. I would say most of what I have learned about Mage Wars simply comes from playing a lot of games and losing a lot of games.

"See you space cowboy..."