Atraxus, Dwarf Veteran. Nice idea to have schizophrenic traits based on Initiative (like "when attacking / when defending" cards in Magic). It's too good though, even with anti-synergy (e.g. Bloodthirsty, Charge). I'm not keen on the idea of a stubby legged Dwarf being elusive. Have you considered Goblin Veteran? (Opportunity for humourous flavour text, e.g. "Goblin = moron, Goblin Veteran = oxymoron"). I'd try combo traits. For example: "With initiative, gain Fast and Elusive. Off initiative, gain Vigilant and Intercept" (goblin skirmisher/guardsman). I really like the schizophrenic traits idea, especially if they are anti-synergetic between the 2 combo pairs.
Fantastic theme idea. I may have to steal that (with some subtle attribution, of course):

As you can see, I have nerfed him a bit. (Do we actually know what vigilant does yet? I assume it means you get a guard token at the start of every round, or after taking an action, but I haven't yet seen an official definition).
Why not have the chimaera be a specific combination of three spliced creatures. The original concept of a chimaera was a cross between a lion, a snake and a goat. So it could be an nature 3+arcane 1 animal creature that's treated as a reptile, a cat and a bovid.
Sure, I could do that, but where's the fun in that? Of course, this is not to say that this cannot also be done; another "Classic Chimera" could be created, also with the Chimera subtype.
Chimera. Of course, a nice game mechanics interpretation. It's too expensive on Spellpoints (bound creatures) and too cheap to cast. To alleviate the former, make it Arcane 1 Nature 1. I'd price it at X = highest cost of bound creatures + total spell levels of all creatures bound. Currently, you could have a Fast Flying Grizzly for 20 which is too cheap. This is a combo enabler and because it closes the door to freely inventing creatures in the future ("what if we splice X and Y?"), it's too open to abuse. It gives too much freedom hence restricts design.
Okay - how's this for a solution: Limit it to only level 1-2 creatures. (still with the living, corporeal, non-legendary restrictions) I doubt any combination of such creatures would be terribly crazy; the real shenanigans start somewhere around level 4. Below is a modified Chimera, with some other traits changed (I changed it to arcane, since that is the school that seems most appropriate - might still be overpriced on spellbook points, since you also have to buy the creatures that you are binding. Another idea is to limit the creatures that can be bound to Animals, though I hope that is not necessary.

Psychic Network. A bit limited. Open to abuse with Illusory Tormentor, Nightmare etc. Also this is hardly a double edged sword! I prefer a subtler "see through your eyes" ability. Something like a psychic enchantment that said "the controller of this enchantment may cast spells originating from this creature. When this creature is damaged, the enchantment's controller suffers an equal amount of damage." This would make it more likely to appear in builds outside of mages with psychic spells, granting everyone access to remote casting at a price.
Okay. That sounds like a good idea for a different card ("Painbond"? I'll think on it.). You make a good point about psychic creatures abusing the spell; also, I just realized that most creatures with psychic attacks also have psychic immunity, so they would not be able to make use of the spell anyway. Here's a re-imagined version of the card:

Amulet of Protection. Meh. Hey, you sometimes miss. It should be Holy 1 but still does not compete with the cumulative benefit of current medallion slots. Colossus Belt is really the appropriate "Protection" item. To compete in the Medallion Slot, it must be good and certainly not a situational one-off benefit. Use its ready marker to re-roll an attack on you each turn seems like what a Lucky Charm may grant you?
Yes, that would be a good effect for a lucky charm. I am attached to the idea of an item that saves your life, once, though. This amulet is certainly situational; I suppose it will often be passed over. Here is an alternate change, which makes it function a little like the poor man's Divine Intervention:

Haemonologer. I hate the name. Why not just "Blood Mage"? Keep him a Vampire with all the Vampiress traits as an ability. But also "treat as a Dark creature". I also think the mana acceleration (Channelling 13 with vampirism and regeneration to counter damage) is too much. The Blood Mage spends his precious life blood to pump his spells. And sacrifices his creatures too. Something like "Once before each attack you make or each spell you cast, you may lose 1 life or deal 2 damage to a friendly living creature in your zone to gain +1 Melee or +1 Mana". Whatever the benefit, life loss should be the deterrent, not damage.
Done (Re: the name). Regarding loss of life vs. damage, part of the idea was that he would replenish damage taken with blood, simulating a vampire's relentless hunger, since he would be driven to melee attack as much as possible to fuel his dark arts. I see your point about abuse of regenerative items, though. What if I simply restrict his ability more, and make it more expensive? I also added the option to drain his own creatures for mana, though obviously you would only do this to creatures that are about to die.

Dreamwalker. I love it. Morpheus from Neil Gaiman's The Sandman. But the 1 damage = 3 mana equation is too harsh as ethereal is too much of a silver bullet. I assume also non-Living? (Incorporeal creatures currently has both traits written on them). I think cap mana pool at 30 and 1 damage = 2 mana may be better (also dies if less than 0 mana). Is there an issue with Indestructible and "destroyed"? I don't have rules with me. Tranquilize is too clinical a name. "Slumber" maybe? Why not simply "Sleep and Mass Sleep are cantrips for you?". Makes him more of a ranged creature (as he can teleport to that range 2 target). I may be tempted to make his attack 0 dice Taint to kill off sleepers? Especially if you want him with Dark 1 training (why?). Anyway, the idea is really interesting, it just needs a bit of balancing.
Okay. Changed the damage/mana ratio. Yes, incorporeal means nonliving, and no, there is no issue with Indestructible, which just means that the creature cannot be destroyed by having more damage than life. I also removed his ability to gain armor and gave him a soft mana cap (I don't like the idea of a strict limit on mana, but I recognize the need to stop his "health" from growing out of hand). I don't want to reference specific spells, so no sleep/mass sleep cantrips. I removed the dark training after some thought; it was mostly in there for thematic reasons (due to his origins in dark magic) Anyway, here is a modified version:

Some other alterations, minor and otherwise, to cards:

Here are some new cards, focusing on Murkh's creations. If it is not already apparent, Murkh is basically an orc who hated magic so much that he devoted his life to its eradication, becoming a powerful mage in the process. This is mostly to justify spells for the warlord that make up for his crippling lack of arcane spells. While I recognize that it is better to leave metamagic to the arcane school in order to leave each school its own specialties, I think that as long as these are restricted to the Warlord, they should not be a problem.

Note: this is intended to be a clockwork golem, but my ability to convey that through art is limited. And yes, the parody of Thunderrift Falcon is intentional. Its magic immunity may be a double-edged sword.

Why should you choose the warlord over the Earth wizard? Perhaps this artifact will help with the decision.