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Author Topic: Code of Conduct  (Read 28867 times)


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Code of Conduct
« on: August 04, 2012, 05:21:28 AM »
Code of Conduct

As part of ARCANE WONDERS’s commitment to make use of its websites (collectively, the "Site") and its products, services, features and functionality (the “Services”), a great experience for users to meet and interact with other gamers around the world, members and guests of the Site and users of the Services agree to abide by our Code of Conduct. You are responsible for knowing and abiding by these conduct rules, the Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy, and any additional operating guidelines to ensure that everyone feels welcome.

All community and social networking aspects of the Site and/or the Services are subject to the Code of Conduct (often referred to as “the CoC”). This includes, without limitation, account names, group/clan names, profile content, blog content and comments, chat and forum activity, e-mail or private messages to ARCANE WONDERS staff.

Violation of the Code of Conduct rules is grounds for your Site account(s) and/or Services to be terminated. Termination includes you forfeiting all product/content associated with and/or contained in your account(s) and being no longer permitted use of our online services or tools in any way. ARCANE WONDERS staff are the final judges of whether a member’s behavior qualifies as inappropriate or a disruption. This Code of Conduct is subject to change at any time at ARCANE WONDERS's sole discretion.

1. Choose your account’s screen names carefully. Screen names that are deemed offensive may be modified or deactivated without notice. For example:
•   Names of offensive or notorious persons, controversial political figures, references to cultural tragedies or of significant religious or occult meaning
•   Names containing profanity, obscene slang, graphic anatomical references, racial, ethnic, sexist, or religious slurs
•   Names with word combinations that produce an offensive result
•   Names of or references to illicit substances or drug-related paraphernalia
•   Names with the intent or effect of harming the reputation of another
•   Names including protocol prefixes and domain suffixes (e.g. http://, .org, .com)
•   Names that impersonate the representation of a specific business or website, including any business or website you may operate or represent
•   Proper names of ARCANE WONDERS staff or their titles Misspellings, phonetic, and alternative spellings of prohibited names are subject to modification or deactivation. Variations of a deactivated screen name, as may be evidenced by your declarations under a new screen name that you are "really" the deactivated name, may also be deactivated and the account holder may have his or her account terminated.

2. Do not use, post, distribute or link to obscene, pornographic, sexually explicit, graphically or gratuitously violent, derogatory, demeaning, malicious, defamatory, abusive, offensive, hateful or discriminatory language or content. This includes "masking" language by using alternative characters/spelling /spacing to get around profanity filters or claims of profanity filter “testing."

3. Do not harass, bully, threaten, harm or cause discomfort for other persons, including any other members. For example:
•   Use hate speech or racial, ethnic, sexist, homophobic or religious slurs
•   Harass a specific person (repeated flaming, personal attacks or posting their private information)
•   Troll or bait the community in general with inflammatory statements, such as ones designed to elicit a negative response from the community
•   Post or otherwise disclose any personal or private information of another person, or any confidential information pertaining to a business, without consent

4. Do not promote, plan, glorify or engage in any illegal activity or otherwise make available content that would encourage or provide instructions for a criminal offense. These topics include crimes relating to drugs, drug paraphernalia, rape, solicitation of a minor, computer hacking, and copyright violation.

5. Do not impersonate other persons, including members or ARCANE WONDERS staff, by screen name or self-representation, or attempt to obtain sensitive information from other members. For example:
•   Falsely claim an official title or to hold position relating to the Site
•   Falsely claim the representation of another business or website
•   Fake an existing member’s screen name by using similar-looking characters
•   “Spoof” or “emote” another member’s text in a chat room
•   Falsely claim to be a law enforcement officer
•   Solicit passwords or personal information from other members

6. Do not disrupt chat, forums, blog comments or other communication channels. For example:
•   Spam through repeated posts, or off-topic content by word or intent to forums or comments (scrolling, flooding, polling, or by "bumping" a post more than once in 48 hours)
•   Make off-topic posts or chat or trades in the wrong forums or chat rooms (casual chat or roleplay in rooms or forums not designated for these types of activities)
•   Advertise trades or sales outside of the designated areas

7. Do not advertise. This includes:
•   Advertising matches that card gamble/play for ante
•   Advertising trades or sales outside of the designated areas
•   Advertise or promote a business or commercial website outside of the designated areas including but not limited to, using account names that reference trading , or using account names referring to any business or commercial venture.
•   Sending unsolicited commercial or purportedly informational messages to any members

8. Do not attempt to use or gain access to another's accounts or service, engage another member under false pretenses or otherwise defraud another member. Anyone linking to, posting, distributing or promoting hacks, modifications, viruses, or password mining websites may face legal action in addition to normal account penalties.

9. Do not attempt to artificially alter the outcome of a league, sanctioned event, or organized game. For example:
•   Bribe or offer compensation in order to change the game outcome
Stall, spam, harass, or behave in any unsportsmanlike manner that affects the game