Well...now we know what the Seedling Pod is. It's not a trait, it's an actual card. Hmmm, so the Samara tree spawnpoint is used for spawning these things only, which in turn can spawn other plants at the cost of destroying itself. Not sure how I feel about this yet. I see the design concept here, its the whole "spreading plants" thing. But I'm not sure how well it will actually work. First impressions to follow...
1. I'm not sure how much I like the idea of a spawnpoint (the Samara tree) spawning a specific card, as opposed to a certain type of creature. Too one dimensional for my tastes, but I'll give it a try.
2. Seedling Pods seem like they will be a bit slow. These cards are too fragile to waste a Harmonize on and they have no innate way to generate additional mana like other spawnpoints so they will take a full three turns before they are ready to function...plenty of time for someone to destroy them, which brings me to...
3. They are really fragile. 5 health and Flame +2 means these things will die in droves to the Warlock and/or a Fire Wizard. I have images of Firebrand Imps and Flaming Hellions merrily skipping around the board and burning the arena to ash. They will have the Cantrip trait if you have Samara out, which is something I guess, but you'll need to keep casting them, which brings me to...
4. They are cheap, which is a bit of a saving grace. But are they cheap enough considering how fragile they are? I'm not sure. The Samara tree will pay for 1 mana, but the Druid will still be coughing up 2 if she wants to play them as fast as possible. Then the Seedlings will take three turns before they do anything...
5. They are Vines so they can be used in conjunction with the Druid's Spreading Vines ability. That's a big plus.
So, the question is, can the Druid overgrow the arena with enough targets to the point that the opponent has too many targets to kill them all so they just keep spreading and spreading? Obviously that's the design idea, but we'll have to see how it works in actual play.
Hopefully the Druid will have some way to combat Warlocks and Fire Wizards, otherwise they just seem like they will be facerolled hard. I'm sure there is
something to do it, it HAD to come up in playtesting, we'll just have to see what it is.
Also, hopefully there will be some unique Druid items and/or Incantations that allow these plants to grow faster, or produce mana faster, or whatever. I'm sure there will be.
Can't wait to see what else the Druid has because she seems really interesting and fun. I'm sure most of our fears will be put to rest once we see the rest of the set, or at least I hope so