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Author Topic: Runelord/Glyphmaster  (Read 6498 times)


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« on: August 08, 2013, 01:35:15 PM »

The Runelord would very simply have mastery over making any type of rune or glyph.
Rune glyph would manifest itself in game basically in the form of Conjurations/Enchantments (basically like trap cards for zone runes, or buff enchantments for glyphs).
Pro:  Highly versatile (multiple school of magic, primarily elemental)
Con:  VERY Enchantment focused, which has positional and dispellable limitations

Although it might sound a little similar to the Elementalist idea, it really isn’t since it isn’t spell (incantation/creature) focused, it is rune enhancement focused.

I’m not exactly sure on school of magic and points but just to toss something out there it would basically be something like:
Primary school – Arcane *
Secondary school(s) - Single cost for all elements Enchantment spells only
I don’t really see a need to make anything triple cost unless you think there should be?

*Arcane would make sense because of enchantment control and Enchanters Stone.  * I think that is name of it.

Some general ideas for how this works and plays out in game…

Runes – conjuration/traps (think fire trap like, but expand the options)

* Lightning runes – small damage plus stun any enemy walking on rune (trap)
* Water runes – small healing (regen) for any friendly creatures on rune (zone)
* Wind/Air runes – grants flying to non mage friendly creatures on rune (buff)
* Earth runes – hinders/slows enemy movement (trap)
* Fire runes – small damage plus burning any enemy walking on rune

You get the idea – they basically work like traps but they aren’t 1 time use they are “runes” that the Mage casts on the zone so they have a persistent effect.
Runes would work like conjurations – so they can be destroyed (like Caltrops).  Also for balancing issues so it isn’t too powerful maybe for the Mage to maintain the rune effect it would cost 1 mana per upkeep per rune (this would eliminate having 20+ runes floating all over the arena).  You would have to ‘select’ which ones to devote your magic to maintain and which are no longer needed and they would disappear/wink out.

Glyphs – enchantments (think Bear Strength, but you can’t cast these on people you cast glyphs on Equipment to enhance it’s effect or give it other magical abilities.)

* Wind/Zephyr boots – Boots of the Zephyr (yes I borrowed that from EQ Next), it would grant the wielder of those boots the ability to temporarily fly by spending 1 mana (same as Necropian Vampiress fly ability) – I think flying mages is too powerful hence the temp limitation
* Earth glyph – can be cast on chest slot equipment – strengthens and toughens the item enchanted granting +1armor & +1toughness
* Water glyph – can be cast on any ring slot equipment – water glyphs imbue the item with magical regeneration granting +1 regen +2 fire resist
* Lighting glyph - can be cast on a weapon slot equipment - lighting glyphs imbue the weapon with a lightning damage proc (2 dice damage & 8+ effect stun chance)

You get the idea.  I’m trying to think of clever ideas to ‘combine’ a couple effects for each glyph, but not make them too strong.  All the enchantments in game now mainly do ONE thing (+2 regen, +2 armor, etc) so I like them doing more than 1 thing but to a lesser effect because you could mix and match runes to great effect and more versatility vs the mage you are fighting and situation you are in.

-Since there are limitations glyphs (enchantments) are carved/imbued into the equipment itself so it does NOT require mana per upkeep to maintain the effect similar to maintaining zone runes.

Limitations (purposefully built in for power balance):

You are enchanting EQUIPMENT not creatures.  I think eventually the game should let you equip CREATURES not just equip mages (why can’t I give my angel a sword which gives it an attack ability choice or equip it with armor?) but regardless it limits it because if the equip is destroyed it destroys both.  I am trying to give a wide range of flexibility without being too powerful so working within magical limitations.  I am also trying to make equipment be more versatile and valuable, imbued boots or a sword with a lightning proc would be a bigger deal if it was disolved.

The other limitation is simply that conjurations and enchantments can be destroyed dispelled.  Again I'm not intending the arena to get cluttered with persistent effect cards, plus thematically that wouldn't make sense, and gameplay wise would be too powerful, so this provides I think balance but also adds a fun element with more variety.  There are TONS of ways you can go with runes and glyphs, I only tossed out a couple ideas.  The other fun thing is any mage could use them (just like most other cards not in their primary class) but would just cost them more, so it would add fun options to ALL the mages so if you have a favorite mage you can use these on them too!