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Author Topic: Making the Warlord more viable  (Read 4406 times)


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Making the Warlord more viable
« on: July 22, 2013, 09:13:22 PM »
I've been putting some thought into how to make the Warlord a more viable mage. (I've gone through three or four decks and I'm still trying to find one that works well)

His biggest handicap by far is the triple-cost arcane school. Other decks that have triple cost spells can simply avoid playing that school. But the arcane school is a must have for dispels and seeking dispels, if nothing else. The dispel wand would have been a good fix for this, except it's nerfed - it costs too many spellbook points (2 arcane times three for the Warlord) and it can only dispel level 1 spells. I might as well stock a mage wand (same spellbook cost) since it's more flexible. 
arcane one-handed weapons. So he has to choose between using his +1 melee skill with a two handed weapon or using Horn of Gothos (or paying a triple-cost premium to use the mage staff)

His second biggest handicap, IMO, is the total lack of non-arcane one-handed weapons. So he has to choose between using his +1 melee skill with a two handed weapon or using Horn of Gothos (or paying a triple-cost premium to use the mage staff)

The second problem could be easily solved by the addition of a one-handed melee weapon in the war class. I think there's a promo card along those lines already. The first problem is tougher. One solution would be to create a non-arcane alternative to dispel which can be used against both unrevealed or revealed enchmantments, but whichs costs more mana than ordinary dispel.


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Re: Making the Warlord more viable
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2013, 10:00:43 PM »
Warlord is one of my favorite Mages because he is the underdog. The Conquest expansion gave him a few more options and the dice tower promo cards have a number of great cards (who knows when they will be official released though).

But yes I feel he is the weakest of the bunch. As it stands the other Mages can do what he does albeit better, he seems to be really lacking a niche. Finally you can work around Arcane a little bit, but triple is a huge hit!


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Re: Making the Warlord more viable
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2013, 11:20:09 PM »
Dispel and Nullify cost 1 extra point each, compared to the other agro / attrition books. That's not the end of the world; just bite the bullet and pay it. You shouldn't need any out of school creatures between Earth and War, and your Battle Fury is one point less to help compensate. And you can play Spiked Pit for 2 points, which is pretty great.

It's Teleport that hurts. 4 points is already on the high side, and 6 is Lord of Fire territory.
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Re: Making the Warlord more viable
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2013, 11:37:02 PM »
If the OP was more specific with what enchantments are a problem, maybe I could offer more help.  Arcane isn't the be-all-end-all school beginners make it out to be; there are plenty of ways of solving a problem in most schools.

And the Warlord's Hammer is one of the best equips.  His horn is much more situational.

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Re: Making the Warlord more viable
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2013, 09:26:41 AM »
In my experience, ever since Conquest was released (Enchanter's stones) everyone runs exceptionally Enchant-heavy, far more than in pre-Conquest play.

This is a problem for the Warlord because he simply cannot carry enough Dispels to deal with hostile enchants. Enchanter's stone may make dispels mana-inefficient, but often times there is That One Enchant that you absolutely have to deal with or you lose. (your Mage is Enfeebled! your Thorg is Charmed!)

With other beatdown decks, it's completely reasonable to run 2 seeking dispels and 3-4 dispels, or 2 dispels and a Purge. The Warlord gives up a ton of spellpoints to do so. (a minimum of 15 points for 2 seeking and 3 dispel)