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Author Topic: 16 questions to rules.  (Read 8565 times)


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16 questions to rules.
« on: May 20, 2013, 03:25:13 PM »

Since i have been making spellbooks the last couple of days i have come up with a variety of questions:

Is it possible  to reveal Falcon Precision AFTER the enemy revealed a block / reverse attack Thus making the block / reverse attack wasted and the attack succesful?

What happens when a Forcemaster takes control  (mind control) of a creature with upkeep? Who pays the creature upkeep? If its the Forcemaster can he let the creature die this way?

Jinx vs seeking dispell.
The wizard casts a jinx on the warlock. The warlock uses seeking disepell to destroy the hidden enchantment. How is this resolved ? will Jinx refund him mana and sent seeking dispell back to the spellbook?

Chain lighning vs block and reverse attack.
I believe if chainlightning at any point runs into a block, then it will stop attacking right there.
What happens when chainlightning hits a Reverse attack. Will the enemy mage be able to hit only 1 target ? (the wizard? )
wizard casts chainlightning:  --> wolf takes damage --> gorilla takes damage --> bobcat reveals reverse attack ?
What if the first target has reverse attack. Do the enemy get to bounce the chainlightning until it runs out of targets or stops doing damage?
Goblin bomber x 2
 gets pushed through a wall with attack trait and dies. On death he can roll the effect dice and 7+ he triggers explosin. What zone will the attack happen in? Starting zone or ending zone?

What happens if goblin bomber has chains of agony with 1 hp left and takes a move action. What zone will he die in, in case explosin triggers?

Supression cloak
Probaly a silly question - will supression cloak work vs enemy mages so they have to pay 2 mana for melee attacking?
Do supression cloak stack with Pacify?
A creature with pacify revealed attacks a wizard with Supression cloak. Does it pay 2 or 4 mana?

When do Caltrop triggers:
Casting caltrops in a zone with an enemy spawnpoint, will it make its attack vs creatures summoned from spawnpoint?
If a mage summon a creature in a zone will it trigger caltrops?
If a creature is teleported into a zone with caltrops will it trigger caltrops?
Creature pushed?
Creature returning from banish?

8 )
Lord of Fire sweeping attack.
Can he sweep 1 flying and 1 ground unit in the same full round attack?

What happens when Archer using Archer's tower behind a wall of stone attacks a creature with reverse attack?

Teleport trap. Does it require LOS? the up to 2 zones away is calculated from the zone teleport trap was lying in right?

Blue Gremlin:
Blue Gremlin has an activaton. Can it move through wall of Fog after activation or must it have LOS when using this kind of movement?
Will it trigger caltrops?
Do blue Gremlin pay to Supression orb when teleport moving?

Decoy casted on a creature with nullify. Will decoy refund mana to caster?

Supression Orb. A creature using a full action to move and then a quick action to move again for a total of 2 zones moved. Do they pay 1 or 2 mana to supression orb for this?


Is double reverse attack possible?

Daze and guardmarker.
A melee creature with daze declares an attack on a creature with a guard marker.  He fails the daze roll. Will the guard marker be removed?

Can forcewave be used to bash creatures against walls?

Thats all i could come up with for now :)



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Re: 16 questions to rules.
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2013, 06:40:58 PM »
1- I think so, but not certain enough to confirm

2- The Forcemaster becomes the controller, and thus inherits the upkeep.

3- There was a thread on this before, but I forget what the final ruleing was.  I *Think* the Seeking Dispel wins.. might need to double check that.

4- In the FAQ, Reverse Attack sends it back to the last target it bounced from

5- Passage Attacks occurs before the move, so he would blow up in his starting zone.   I think Chains of Agony would hit him for moving, so he blows up in the new zone. 

6- Yes, Yes, 4 Mana if it was revealed before the Declare step.

7- When you enter the zone via walking, being pulled, pushed or teleported.  Summoning creatures does not trigger them (which is lame.)

8- Yes.  When attacking a non-flying creature he loses flying till the end of the attack (so as to be subject to counter attacks) Then re-gains it when starting the new second attack of his sweep.

9- The Archer gets hit... his attack itself gained "Indirect", and so when reversed it still has the trait and bypasses the wall.  Even if it didn't Reverse attack's attack doesnt have to be legal according to the FAQ

10- Requires no LOS, measured from the trap itself.  "choosing" a zone is different than "targeting" a zone.

11- He does not need LOS on the square he is moving to, movement does not require LOS as no targeting is involved.  He does trigger caltrops.  His movements are still move actions and are subject to supressions and penalties.

12- Decoy is conutered at the counter step and never gets a chance to happen

13- Moving twice is two move actions, and thus any fees are doubled unless it says it only triggers "the first time" on the card.

14- Not on the same attack, A creature cannot have to Reverse attacks on it.  Unless you mean can a reversed attack be sent back in the event of the attacker also having a RA on him, in which case I believe the answer is yes (not 100% sure on that one.)

15- Yes, Guard marker is removed as long as the guard is targeted by a Melee attack regardless of the outcome

16- Yes


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Re: 16 questions to rules.
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2013, 06:42:55 PM »
Actually, I think #1 is a no now that I think about it.  I think its too late because its already passed the phase where Unavoidable would have stopped it (attack has already been cancelled)


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Re: 16 questions to rules.
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2013, 07:41:40 PM »
I think the Baron is right, you would have to revel during the Counter Spell stage...
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Re: 16 questions to rules.
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2013, 11:51:37 PM »
2) If forcemaster reveal enchantment in upkeep phase - she reveal it in the end of upkeep phase.
(rulebook p.23 or rulebook v2.0 p.19)


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Re: 16 questions to rules.
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2013, 08:32:32 AM »
1: It is too late for this attack. It would need to be revealed at or before the avoid attack step.

2: Yes the FM pays and the FM can let the creature die

3:This is a long discussion that has been written about before. It depends on what SD is targeting. If SD targets the jinx the jinx can not be turned face up, but if SD targets another enchant and you have a jinx the jinx turns face up and then you choose to pay the reveal cost then it returns SD to the book and refunds the mana used to cast SD. This in effect buys you 1 turn.

4: This should be in the FAQ ( If not I will answer)

5a: Bomber dies before getting past the wall
5b: Depends on wording of Chains of Agony
Does it when this creature takes a move action or after this creature takes a move action?

6a: From what I remember the cloak does not state non-mage so all creatures need to pay.
6b: Need to see the wording on Pacify.

7a: No for balance reasons
7b: No for balance reasons
7c: Yes
7d: Yes
7e: Yes

8: Yes all sweeping check for is 2 different targets in the same zone. It starts a new attack sequence beginning with the Declare Attack Step. Note: The second attack cannot be made against the same target as the first attack.

9: Unless Reverse Attack states LoS matters the attack is reversed.

10a: If it does not list it requires LoS then it does not.
10b: From the zone the trap is in.

11a: It does not require LoS to use it teleport
11b: Yes
11c: It is still a move action so it has to pay

12: Posted in the FAQ

13: A full action may be used to
Move 1 zone then move again (if this is used it is 2 separate move actions so you have to pay each time)
Move 1 zone and make a quick attack
Move 1 then guard
Make a full attack
Move 0 and guard
Move 0 and make a quick attack
Do nothing

14: No the step when Reverse Attack would be revealed has passed by the time the second one would flip

Rulebook v2 page 22
When you attack, you must follow these steps in order:
  1. Declare Attack
  2. Avoid Attack - (If the attack “missed” because of a failed Daze roll, or was avoided by a Defense Rulebook v2 Page27)
  3. Roll Dice
  4. Damage and Effects
  5. Additional Strikes
  6. Damage Barrier
  7. Counterstrike
  8. Attack Ends
Rule Book ver 2 Page 29
If a guard is the target of a melee attack, you must remove the guard marker when the attack is complete, at the end of the Counterstrike Step, even if the attack is unsuccessful.

So yes the guard marker is removed

16: Yes

By my count that is about 25 questions.  :P
« Last Edit: May 22, 2013, 06:50:11 AM by Shad0w »
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Re: 16 questions to rules.
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2013, 09:26:12 AM »
Thx for the replies.

@ Shad0w

CL is indeed in the FAQ, but i still need answer to part of the question.
If wizard casts CL and meets RA on first target. Then it hits back on the wizard. Do the wizard then pick the next target or the owner of the RA get to choose? or will the CL simply stop bouncing right there?

If a wizard casts CL like this:
1. creature (5 dice) --> 2. creature (4dice) --> 3. creature has RA and chooses to pay the reveal cost of the sake of it --> 2. creature gets hit again (3dice) --> who gets hit now?

RA = reverse attack
CL = Chain lightning


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Re: 16 questions to rules.
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2013, 11:32:25 AM »
Shadow, I thought that Nullify would counter Decoy before Decoy resolved rather than destroying it, so the mana would not get refunded.
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Re: 16 questions to rules.
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2013, 02:45:32 PM »
At work can not double check this but if so I will fix. 1 sticker for the first person to find it.

From FAQ

If Decoy is destroyed while still unrevealed (e.g. by a Seeking Dispel), its controller still gains the 2 mana, because enchantments are always automatically revealed whenever they are destroyed.

If Decoy is countered (e.g. by Nullify), its controller does not gain the 2 mana, because the enchantment never got onto the battlefield to have its effect.


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Re: 16 questions to rules.
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2013, 04:32:53 PM »
Both you and Baron get a sticker and thanks for looking just got home 15min ago
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Re: 16 questions to rules.
« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2013, 07:10:58 PM »
You need to reword that entry, because it sounds like the text takes affect because of the reveal. Wouldn't that also be true for all Enchantments that say "when revealed...do x" like Divine intervention.



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Re: 16 questions to rules.
« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2013, 01:41:57 AM »
If Chain Lightning triggers Reverse Attack, it gets sent back to the last target (it only bounces back to the caster if this is the first strike). The controller of Reverse Attack only gets to make that one attack with Chain Lightning. The rest of the resolution of Chain Lightning is controlled by the player that cast Chain Lightning.
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Re: 16 questions to rules.
« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2013, 06:39:22 AM »
If Chain Lightning triggers Reverse Attack, it gets sent back to the last target (it only bounces back to the caster if this is the first strike). The controller of Reverse Attack only gets to make that one attack with Chain Lightning. The rest of the resolution of Chain Lightning is controlled by the player that cast Chain Lightning.

Thanks. Makes most sense this way.


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Re: 16 questions to rules.
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2013, 06:49:01 AM »
You need to reword that entry, because it sounds like the text takes affect because of the reveal. Wouldn't that also be true for all Enchantments that say "when revealed...do x" like Divine intervention.


I will post it later and just remove it for now
"Darth come prove to meet you are worthy of the fighting for your school in the arena and not just another scholar to be discarded like an worn out rag doll"

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