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Author Topic: Priestess - 'Standard' Temple Build?  (Read 15263 times)


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Priestess - 'Standard' Temple Build?
« on: April 26, 2013, 01:00:31 PM »
I've often heard of people discussing the "Standard Priestess Temple", but I have not been able to find sample spellbooks.  I'm assuming these spellbooks wold be full of Holy Temple cards, but I'd like to see what else is in these versions of Priestess that makes them so powerful.

Can anyone point me to a discussion on these types of builds or post an example spellbook below?  

Thank you much!


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Re: Priestess - 'Standard' Temple Build?
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2013, 02:25:08 PM »
I have played the Priestess a bit. There are two types of temple builds. One I am familiar with and one I am not. The one I am not uses the Temple of Asyra and Clerics praying to generate Mana to build up a contingent of Holy creatures. I have never tried this.

The second I am more familiar with. It typically uses Temple of Light + Temple of the Dawnbreaker (for the re-rolls) along with a couple of Hand of Bim-Shalla added in to boost the power of the Temple of Light. Add in a couple of bigger creatures (Angles or Knights), Staff of Asyra, Ring of Asrya and other supporting cards and you have the build.

That's the basic's...
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Re: Priestess - 'Standard' Temple Build?
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2013, 02:42:54 PM »
I'm not sure what people mean by "standard" priestess temple build since there aren't enough builds posted for anyone to drawn an "average" from.  

Temples are very good though, in general.  The Temple of the Dawnbringer (with things like Cobra Reflexes on) can be very effective, and the Hand of Bim Shalla is just awesome for its cost.  Not a fan of the Temple of Asyra though, but I'm not a fan of spawnpoints in general (too slow IMO).    

The Priestess also commonly runs lots of Daze/Stun effects in the form of the awesome Temple of Light, the Staff of Asyra and Pillars of Light as well as other cards.  Combine this with some healing and other defensive effects (like Aegis) and the Priestess can be a very tough nut to crack when played right.

She also has several strong creatures that she can get out, like the Angels or the Knights of Westlock, which help her create an excellent offense to go with her stellar defense.


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Re: Priestess - 'Standard' Temple Build?
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2013, 02:46:46 PM »
Quote from: "Koz" post=11838
I'm not sure what people mean by "standard" priestess temple build since there aren't enough builds posted for anyone to drawn an "average" from.  

Yea that's how I felt haha, hence my confusion XD.


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Re: Priestess - 'Standard' Temple Build?
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2013, 03:01:18 PM »
What I can tell you is that if you a rushed and attacked early (round 2 or 3) then the temples rarely get out especially if your are going up against a Swarm or Warlock + 1/2 Baddies + Deathlock. Deathlock completely removes one of the Priestess strongest attributes and since she is weak HP wise as it is she really can not get the temples out and survive the beating that she is taking. If you look at my latest Priestess spellbook has moved far away from her native school spells just to survive.
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Re: Priestess - 'Standard' Temple Build?
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2013, 03:20:37 PM »
Spawnpoints are strong and can win you the mid-late game, but they must, in general, be heavily defended.  Luckily, the Priestess has the most powerful guard in the game; the Knight of Westlock, and cheap Clerics to back them up and "pray" for more mana at her spawnpoint.

The goal should be to survive until you've gotten enough mana to cast an angel.  If you get to that goal, you're in pretty good shape.  After that, get out another angel, and another.  The game should end in your favor soon after.  With her long list of haymaker angels, no mage has a better late-game than the Priestess, in my experience.
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Re: Priestess - 'Standard' Temple Build?
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2013, 03:31:59 PM »
Quote from: "sIKE" post=11845
What I can tell you is that if you a rushed and attacked early (round 2 or 3) then the temples rarely get out especially if your are going up against a Swarm or Warlock + 1/2 Baddies + Deathlock. Deathlock completely removes one of the Priestess strongest attributes and since she is weak HP wise as it is she really can not get the temples out and survive the beating that she is taking. If you look at my latest Priestess spellbook has moved far away from her native school spells just to survive.

It depends on how you play man.  Against a mage that is going to rush me I commonly go with this:

Turn 1 (20 mana): Step forward.  Temple of the Dawnbreaker (8) + Cobra Reflexes (9)  = 17 mana
Turn 2 (13 mana): If enemy mage moved to FC, cast Temple of Light (9) and fire at him (hoping for stun), cast Leather Boots and step back to starting zone = 11 mana

After that, it depends on what your opponent is doing and if they have been stunned by the Temple or not.  Priorities include getting out a creature (Knight of Westlock if possible), a Hand of Bim Shalla and a Staff of Asyra.  Prep Pillars of Light when the enemy mage (or big creature) is going to be in striking distance to add to the Daze/Stun lock, but only cast if you fail to Daze/Stun through another means (otherwise save the mana, Pillars aren't for causing damage).  

With your inital set up of Cobra Reflexes plus Dawnbreaker plus second turn Temple of Light your opponent will be forced to react to your defenses or spend a lot of time swinging at air.  They will of course be playing things like Knockdown, or Falcon's Percision, or whatever to get around your defenses, but that's all good, because it's giving you tempo to hit them with things like Pillar of Light to get them Daze/Stunned and hopefully make them miss anyway.  Once you have Temple of Light, Staff of Asyra a Pillar here and there as well as a possible Circle of Lightning you will Daze/Stun lock your opponent if they only have a couple of targets against you.  Against swarms you will need to rely on Circle of Lighting and Blinding Flash.  

If your opponent spends and extra action casting Deathlock on their side of the board at the beginning of the game that gives you one more turn of breathing, allowing you to get a creature out for sure before they get to you.  Later in the game, if you are struggling, you'll have to plan a well timed Divine Intervention to teleport to your opponents side of the board and start swinging at the Deathlock.  Hopefully it will be destroyed before they can get back over there to come at you.

Obviously this is all dependant on the actual game state and what your opponent is doing.  But what I outlined for the first two turns are very difficult to disrupt and are strong plays vs anyone that looks to be rushing you.


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Re: Priestess - 'Standard' Temple Build?
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2013, 03:55:14 PM »

It is fascinating to hear this! You only have a 50% chance of stun at round two. The Warlock has cast LOH and moved a couple of times, then casts Adramelech, Lord of Fire. He Bear Strengths himself and the Demon, who then precedes to open a can of Whoop Arse, even if one is stunned the other is banging on you, your defense is only good once a round so if neither is stunned only one misses and there is a pile of dice of damage coming your way. 32 vs. 38 HP with no healing she is quickly toasted.

KoW are very good at slowing the rush down. But the demon once again attacks the KoW and the guard marker goes away and then the LOH bashes you with 8-9 die of damage. Now I can continue to build on my Temple strategy or I pull out explode and start down other paths that let me survive long enough that I can grab tempo back and win the game.

Honestly, I like to think that after 16 or so games that I have a decent grasp of the mechanics of the game and maybe I just suck at rolling the effect die. But once I get the Temples out, I have tried to do as you described but I have founds the burns are a lot me effective than the stuns. Get three or four of those on you and you hear the Doctor yelling clear! As he brings the paddles down to your chest...
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Re: Priestess - 'Standard' Temple Build?
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2013, 04:38:40 PM »
Knight of Westlock guard + daze/stun from Staff of Asyra, Temple of Light, and Pillar of Light + defense gives you plenty of ways to avoid getting hit for lots of damage. Use Elemental Cloak and Dragonscale Hauberk if you're so concerned by LoH and LoF. They'll be forced to destroy anything that gives fire resist rather than focusing on stacking more damage, or their LoH and LoF will be much weaker. If you have both on, you can completely ignore LoF, at least so far as defending your mage is concerned.

It always seems odd to me when people are super concerned about Deathlock when playing the Priestess. My goal as the Priestess is to make it so that I don't need to heal, and my opponent taking the time to play Deathlock helps me accomplish that. Maybe I just haven't played enough against aggressive opponents.
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Re: Priestess - 'Standard' Temple Build?
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2013, 04:43:48 PM »
Quote from: "sIKE" post=11853

It is fascinating to hear this! You only have a 50% chance of stun at round two. The Warlock has cast LOH and moved a couple of times, then casts Adramelech, Lord of Fire. He Bear Strengths himself and the Demon, who then precedes to open a can of Whoop Arse, even if one is stunned the other is banging on you, your defense is only good once a round so if neither is stunned only one misses and there is a pile of dice of damage coming your way. 32 vs. 38 HP with no healing she is quickly toasted.

I think you hit reply a bit too quickly and didn't actually take time to think about what I typed.  You're forgetting about the Pillars of Light which Daze on a 4+.  Daze gives a 50/50 miss chance and when stacked with your Defense die backed by Temple of Dawnbreaker you have a VERY solid defense.  You don't have to rely on Stunning, but that is obviously better.

KoW are very good at slowing the rush down. But the demon once again attacks the KoW and the guard marker goes away and then the LOH bashes you with 8-9 die of damage. Now I can continue to build on my Temple strategy or I pull out explode and start down other paths that let me survive long enough that I can grab tempo back and win the game.

You make it sound like the Priestess is just standing there watching this all go down.  What she is actually doing is swinging with the Staff of Asyra and/or hitting with Pillars of Light/Blinding Flahes to maximize the Daze/Stun chances.  Perhaps you haven't noticed just how high the chances to Daze are on the Holy stuff?  Pillar of Light Daze/Stuns on a 4+ and Staff Daze/Stuns on a 5+.  That's very effective stuff so to say this stuff isn't good at fighting against a melee-mage + big creature build is just completely ignoring the math.  

Honestly, I like to think that after 16 or so games that I have a decent grasp of the mechanics of the game and maybe I just suck at rolling the effect die. But once I get the Temples out, I have tried to do as you described but I have founds the burns are a lot me effective than the stuns. Get three or four of those on you and you hear the Doctor yelling clear! As he brings the paddles down to your chest...

Maybe the dice gods are cruel to you, I don't know.  But I know from experience that stacking that many miss chances forces your opponent to alter their plays to compensate (such as casting Drain Life instead of swinging the LoH or something like that).  Whenever you can force your opponent to go to "plan B", you are coming out ahead as long as you are still implementing your "plan A".

Obviously our experiences differ, but at least the math is on my side of the argument  ;)


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Re: Priestess - 'Standard' Temple Build?
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2013, 04:53:53 PM »
Quote from: "sdougla2" post=11856
Knight of Westlock guard + daze/stun from Staff of Asyra, Temple of Light, and Pillar of Light + defense gives you plenty of ways to avoid getting hit for lots of damage. Use Elemental Cloak and Dragonscale Hauberk if you're so concerned by LoH and LoF. They'll be forced to destroy anything that gives fire resist rather than focusing on stacking more damage, or their LoH and LoF will be much weaker. If you have both on, you can completely ignore LoF, at least so far as defending your mage is concerned.

Exactly.  I don't know what people are doing wrong when they say they can't stop, or at least significantly slow, a rush down with all of those tools, but they ARE doing something wrong.  The math is clear.

It always seems odd to me when people are super concerned about Deathlock when playing the Priestess. My goal as the Priestess is to make it so that I don't need to heal, and my opponent taking the time to play Deathlock helps me accomplish that. Maybe I just haven't played enough against aggressive opponents.

Agreed!  I try to play the same way and just not heal, and if I do I try to do it with Regeneration.  If you set up your Daze/Stun lock build you hopefully won't need to heal because the goal is to have board control to the point where you are taking next to no damage while still dishing it out.


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Re: Priestess - 'Standard' Temple Build?
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2013, 05:02:35 PM »
I would suggest this opening instead:

T1: Cleric, Temple of Asyra (5 mana)

T2: Knight of Westlock (2 mage mana, 2 spawnpoint mana w/pray)

T3: Knight of Westlock + Sacred Ground on zone (0 mage mana, 0-1 spawnpoint mana)

Support your Knights, gain life, and guard.  A LOT.
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Re: Priestess - 'Standard' Temple Build?
« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2013, 05:24:09 PM »
Of course she is not just standing there, but when you pull out the Pillars of Light you are not casting a Temple. You can either stock up 6 in your book or add a wand in and bind it to a wand. Once again not casting Temples. Which was my point, I can easily get two Temples out which are ok and then I have to move to either defending myself from attacks or spending mana to "prevent" these attacks or equipping up.

Yes when the stun hits it messes up the other mages timing. But have not found that by round three it (Temple Strategy) gives me such of an action advantage that I can win. I have found just the opposite, I have spent mana on a half developed strategy that could be much more usefully spent on other spells such as equipment or non-school spells that deal damage like Hurl Bolder. My opponents spell book is designed specifically to kill the Priestess he has literally dropped everything to get into face.

Rd 1 QC - Deathlock / Move twice
Rd 2 QC - LOH Move Attack or Move Move
Rd 3 FC - Adramelech, Lord of Fire QC Hurl Boulder
Rd 4 LOH / QC Reverse Attack (PoL stun yourself)
rinse and repeat
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Re: Priestess - 'Standard' Temple Build?
« Reply #13 on: April 26, 2013, 06:14:31 PM »

My favorite methods of healing are Regrowth Belt and Vampirism.


Temple of Asyra is far and away the weakest of the temples in my opinion. It's just too slow and not efficient enough. The only spawnpoint I regularly use is Battleforge, and if I was going to choose a creature spawnpoint to build around, I'd choose the Lair or Gate of Voltari (maybe Barracks if I can get a Warlord to work properly).


If you're using Temple of Light, attack with that after your opponent drops the enchantment in case it's a Reverse Attack. If your opponent casts Hurl Boulder and misses due to a rerollable defense, you're in pretty good shape. Even if your opponent lands the Hurl Boulder, you can have a pretty strong defense stacked up by that point.

You should play Dragonscale Hauberk and/or Elemental Cloak after seeing LoH AND LoF.

If you can stun your opponent at the end of round 2 or round 3 before their activation, they'll miss dropping LoF for a turn, which buys you significant breathing room.

You don't play many temples against a rushdown build like LoH -> LoF. If you've stabilized, you may play them later on, but you can't really afford to play more than 2 early if your opponent is being really aggressive. Just Temple of the Dawnbreaker -> Temple of Light can make a big difference though.
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Re: Priestess - 'Standard' Temple Build?
« Reply #14 on: April 26, 2013, 07:08:26 PM »
The contents of the spellbook may vary greatly. When I say the standard priestess temple build I am talking about a style of play more than the contents of the spellbook. Which, now that I think about it, is somewhat misleading. Shame on me.

The goal of the standard priestess build is to control the tempo of the game by stacking miss chances, supplemented by guarding and to a much lesser extent healing.

The spellbook contains:

Temples - always the Temple of Light.
Strong defensive creatures such as the Knight of Westlock.
Equipment and/or enchantments that grant defense rolls.
Attack spells that cause daze/stun effects.

It frequently contains:

Staff of Asyra
An angel
Armor - usually cheap or with resistances
A little bit of healing or regeneration

Those are the basics. Even within that group there is a lot of variability possible.