Just wondering.
I saw in one of the games in the Chicago convention Friday to Sunday that there is some free game for Magewars. I am wondering if this is being done by a vendor or just by a fan?
The convention has the normal comics + movies crowd but they have some gaming. The convention is in McCormick Center (biggest convention center in Chicago).
I'll see if I bring some of my spell books tomorrow if anybody shows up for some gaming or I can just play and demo it for others to see (I'll just beat my co-worker) with my own spell book (knowing that he would not know how to play it). I demoed the game to at least 2 co-workers and at least one bought his own core set. The other one has not bought yet because he probably just need to pick one up in a store if he sees one. He may pick up one tomorrow if there is a vendor over there that sells Magewars.
Not sure if Arcane Wonders will show up in Chicago convention this weekend.
Anyway, if I do not see Arcane Wonders this weekend, I'll just shoot to see them in Gencon.