Be careful about using Wand of Healing in this type of build.... If you need to use it, that usually means somethings gone awfully wrong.
Granted, the builds I've played with and against have been quite different than Shadow's, but the same concept.
You want to stick to your main core strategy as much as possible because it takes soo much effort from your opponent to disrupt it. I find many turns playing one card per turn. I pick a plan A and Plan B.
Plan A is usually Battle Fury or an Attack Spell
Plan B is meta... often Seeking Dispel or Teleport depending on what I'm expecting the opposing mage to do.
I try not to spend any actions attacking non-mage creatures, conjurations, or dispelling curses like magebane or agony.
The strongest opposition I've found is the opponent running, blocking, and reverse attacking.
If rot tokens are killing you, try ignoring them and speeding up your gameplay and focus powerful attacks on the mage only.
The beastmaster can attack with 3 bats on turn 2, but even that cannot out damage your blade and battle fury.
If weak tokens are killing you, try to anticipate them early. Yes, a wizard can surprise you with a rouse'd Gorgan... but any Gorgan should only get one attack against this deckstyle. The core strategy takes so little room in these builds, so you have many, many options to deal with threats. (Hint- use cards with big payouts for short time periods)
Also, you can always heal with the hands in a pinch!
Expect many of these builds at the Gencon tournaments!