As a CCG player, I am accustomed to traveling light for events. I am also partial to playmats. I recently was traveling to a CCG tournament, and planned on teaching some of my teammates to play Mage Wars.
Problem: The Mage Wars board doesn't fit into standard sized carry-on luggage.
Instead, we used CCG playmats as a makeshift board. A standard sized CCG playmat is about half the size of the Mage Wars board. You can make standup dividers, or draw a crid on a mat, but that's not nearly as attractive as the actual board. I have made a couple of quick/generic ideas for more permanent (and attractive) solutions, but I wanted to stimulate some creativity in the community and maybe from the Arcane Wonders.
I am not very good with image editing, so they are... meh.
Note: most custom playmat sites require an image size of 24.5" x 14.5" with the outside .25" border being cut off. 150-300dpi is preferable also.