When you use the deck builder plugin to copy a book to the forum, it would be great when that overview would include a code that you can copy and paste into the deck builder.
Every card - including Mage cards - could get a 2 char ASCI code (a-z,A-Z,0-9). If you avoid the first digit is a number, you can use numbers for the number of cards in the deck and omit the number when only 1 card is present. That way you could address thousands of cards.
The entire book could be represented by a string that way, which you could copy/paste to start working with the book yourself. For example:
Where a1 could be the priestess for example, then 2x card bS, 2x a3, 4x dd, 2x a8, 1x ca etc etc.
What is the right way to request this idea?