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Author Topic: AVADA KEDA....wait, I actually didn't build a dark mage this time...  (Read 2793 times)


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[spellbookname]Flame On![/spellbookname]
[mage]A Wizard (Fire) Spellbook[/mage]
[mage]built by the OCTGN SBB[/mage]
[mwcard=MW1A04]3 x Fireball[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1A05]1 x Firestorm[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1A06]5 x Flameblast[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWA01A01]1 x Arcane Missiles[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1A12]1 x Ring of Fire[/mwcard]
[mwcard=DNA01]1 x Acid Ball[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTXCKA01]1 x Surging Wave[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWA02]1 x Force Hammer[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1J04]1 x Battle Forge[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX1CKJ02]3 x Wizard's Tower[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1J12]2 x Mana Crystal[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1C18]1 x Gorgon Archer[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1C21]1 x Huginn, Raven Familiar[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX1CKC08]1 x Gargoyle Sentry[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWA01E02]1 x Arcane Ward[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWE02]1 x Circle of Fire[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWA01E07]3 x Gator Toughness[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1E21]2 x Hawkeye[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWA01E10]2 x Iguana Regrowth[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1E36]2 x Rhino Hide[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWPROMO13]1 x Mana Vampirism[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1E29]2 x Nullify[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1E23]1 x Jinx[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1Q06]3 x Dragonscale Hauberk[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1Q10]2 x Fireshaper Ring[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX1CKQ06]1 x Eagleclaw Boots[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWA01Q04]1 x Leather Chausses[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWA01Q06]1 x Repulsion Cloak[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWA01Q10]1 x Wychwood Ironvine[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1Q01]1 x Arcane Ring[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1Q07]2 x Elemental Cloak[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1Q09]1 x Enchanter's Ring[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1Q15]1 x Leather Boots[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1Q16]1 x Leather Gloves[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1Q19]2 x Mage Wand[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1I11]1 x Explode[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFI01]1 x Combustion[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFI05]3 x Ignite[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1I06]4 x Dispel[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWA01I02]1 x Disperse[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX1CKE04]1 x Enchantment Transfusion[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1I21]1 x Purge Magic[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWI13]2 x Seeking Dispel[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWPROMO66]2 x Teleport[/mwcard]
[mwcard=DNI08]3 x Dissolve[/mwcard]
[cost]Total cost: 120 pts[/cost]

So I was just having some fun building a fire wizard, because I never see them played, and this is what I came up with.  I have not tested this out yet so I'm not sure how viable it is but it seems like a pretty fun concept!

I wanted to throw the angel slayer in but he is too expensive, at least for this.  and the fire elemental is not in here because everyone runs 1-2 urging waves and the occasional force hammer :b

The only thing I think I really want to add at some point will be healing spells, at least a minor heal and a mend or something to that effect?
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Re: AVADA KEDA....wait, I actually didn't build a dark mage this time...
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2016, 01:15:35 AM »
Burn em to death :)

Looks strong - few thing i would add/remove.

I might add a crumble or change it for a dissolve.

Don´t like "spot blockers" like you have 3 rings, 2 different boots and 2 cloaks. Would remove Enchanters ring as you have few enchantments.

Id like to celebrate the cheap Battle Forge and bring and extra - maybe have a brave forward one first to draw surging waves/Force Hammer :)

Akiros Favor + Elemental Wand for better offence.

Slightly better healing than the Ironvine. Mend on a wand might be good with high armor and voltaric shield. Heal or Minor Heal would not be bad choices. I think i would bring to Regrowth Belts and a Mend or 2 - others would go Veteran Belt + Regrowths. You already suggested something like this yourself.

Maybe a bit thin on conjurations? Hand of Bim-Shalla and a few Tanglevines?.

Mana Vampirism seems a bit odd. Who is going to melee?

A few curses would be "nice" and thinking about curses a Purify.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2016, 01:49:31 AM by Biblofilter »
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Re: AVADA KEDA....wait, I actually didn't build a dark mage this time...
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2016, 10:01:13 PM »
[spellbookname]Flame On![/spellbookname]
[mage]A Wizard (Fire) Spellbook[/mage]
[mage]built by the OCTGN SBB[/mage]
[mwcard=MW1A04]3 x Fireball[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1A05]1 x Firestorm[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1A06]3 x Flameblast[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWA01A01]1 x Arcane Missiles[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1A12]1 x Ring of Fire[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX1CKA01]1 x Surging Wave[/mwcard]
[mwcard=DNA01]1 x Acid Ball[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWA02]1 x Force Hammer[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1J04]2 x Battle Forge[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX1CKJ02]3 x Wizard's Tower[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1J12]2 x Mana Crystal[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1C18]1 x Gorgon Archer[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1C21]1 x Huginn, Raven Familiar[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX1CKC08]1 x Gargoyle Sentry[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWA01E02]1 x Arcane Ward[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWPROMO1]1 x Akiro's Favor[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWA01E07]3 x Gator Toughness[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1E21]2 x Hawkeye[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWA01E10]2 x Iguana Regrowth[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX1CKE04]1 x Enchantment Transfusion[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1E36]2 x Rhino Hide[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1E29]2 x Nullify[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1E23]1 x Jinx[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1Q06]3 x Dragonscale Hauberk[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1Q08]1 x Elemental Wand[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1Q10]2 x Fireshaper Ring[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX1CKQ06]1 x Eagleclaw Boots[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWA01Q04]1 x Leather Chausses[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1Q23]1 x Regrowth Belt[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1Q01]1 x Arcane Ring[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1Q07]2 x Elemental Cloak[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1Q16]1 x Leather Gloves[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1Q19]2 x Mage Wand[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1I20]1 x Purify[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFI05]2 x Ignite[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWA01I02]1 x Disperse[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1I06]3 x Dispel[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWA01I04]2 x Mend[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1I21]1 x Purge Magic[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWI13]2 x Seeking Dispel[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWPROMO66]2 x Teleport[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MW1I11]1 x Explode[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWA01I01]1 x Crumble[/mwcard]
[mwcard=DNI08]2 x Dissolve[/mwcard]
[cost]Total cost: 120 pts[/cost]

Here is my fire wizard with some updates.  Biblofilter, good catch with the "spot blockers." I went through staple cards that I figured I should have, then went in later and added more spells from academy and other equipment I thought would be useful and never caught the overlap.  As far as mana vampirism, i figured throwing that on the gargoyle since he would be the guard but he is best for intercepting and idk how much i would use that when they are up close as opposed to a different spell.  I also took out circle of fire...not sure if this will make it back in or not?

but i took out ironvine, dispel, 2flameblast, circle of fire, mana vamp, ignite, combustion, leather boots, supression cloak and added 2mend, crumble, purify, eley wand, bf, akiro's favor, regrowth belt

I would love to add a mage bane or 2 but i think that would better be suited for a gate of voltari book - they take damage and you gain mana for each spell they cast  :D
the only thing i see being very difficult is keeping huginn alive  :P

all in all this was made for fun and i am happy with it for now and hope to see some fun play with it.
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Re: AVADA KEDA....wait, I actually didn't build a dark mage this time...
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2016, 04:11:25 PM »
How does the book play against a Warlock with many Flame Immune or Flame -2 creatures? Do you have a back-up plan?

How do you propose to open?

This looks somewhat similar to my Fire Wizard... I'll have to compare my book with yours and see what the differences are. I know I took two Gargoyles only for creatures.
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