Recently, through our email, Coshade and myself have received more than the average amount of requests for personal MW interaction from newer players. After looking back through our messages I'm happy to say that we've really accomplished what we originally set out to do:
Bring new members into and strengthen the Mage Wars community.
This is a little off the cusp but I just wanted to extend my personal feelings toward this realization.
This is the best non-virtual game I've played (I realize that's specific, but I'm extreeeeeemely picky) and I can tell that a lot of you feel the same way. No matter how much bickering there can be on the occasion it only shows how much you care for this game. I'm serious, some of you go way out of your way to try to make MW better in your own way, and we all appreciate it. You make this game even more amazing than it already is. No art is complete without fans to admire and care for it.
These new players are looking for a positive experience to get into a wonderful game. Remember the best part of Mage Wars that pulled you in: Whether it was the mechanics, the theme, the originality, the community, or whatever. Use that and invite them into the an incredible experience. Right now, they need you, we all need you, to grow this community into something that's unbreakable.
On a personal note; I realize some of you may be wondering why we may have not been as 'active' as before. I assure you, we have. We've been trying to get people to join the stream so we can have a more consistent group of players, we've been heavily involved with the playtesters, we've been bringing more people into the fold, and we've also been working on one of our ultimate goals. I'm not going to tell too much since we haven't figured out all the details, but I can say: Keep playing, and keep practicing