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Author Topic: Coshade dukes it out with Lord0fWinter  (Read 21654 times)


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Re: Coshade dukes it out with Lord0fWinter
« Reply #15 on: October 12, 2015, 05:47:50 PM »
One point I am curious about.

I didn't think the Vine tree mana could be used for placing the extra vine marker. I always played that mana had to come from the Druid's supply. This was due to the Spawnpoints rules.

Am I the only one playing it that way?
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Re: Coshade dukes it out with Lord0fWinter
« Reply #16 on: October 12, 2015, 08:10:19 PM »
That's the way that I play the Vine Tree.
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Re: Coshade dukes it out with Lord0fWinter
« Reply #17 on: October 12, 2015, 09:15:49 PM »
I didn't think the Vine tree mana could be used for placing the extra vine marker. I always played that mana had to come from the Druid's supply. This was due to the Spawnpoints rules.

I believe you are correct. It should have come from my supply, not from the tree.

There was another mistake I made as well. I cast a Dodge on my Timber Wolf right before it got attacked one round but I actually had an Arcane Ward on it which should have triggered. The reason I say this is because when this Wolf is later destroyed and I transfuse everything, I don't move the Arcane Ward and discard it instead, presumably because there was one on the other wolf already.

That means that the other Arcane Ward should have also triggered at some point when I targeted the wolf with another enchantment. I guess I lost track of what was on the wolves since I had so many enchantments on them. I need to keep better track next time.
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Re: [New Videos] Coshade dukes it out with Lord0fWinter
« Reply #18 on: October 13, 2015, 02:56:40 PM »
Very interesting so far!

Quick question. Why'd LoW choose Druid for his build? He could use basically the same strategy but better with straywood beast master, using only one wolf (and petting it too) along with fellela and transfusing enchantments to the Mage rather than another wolf when the wolf dies. He'd get a lot more dice in that way, and his opening wouldn't be  so slow. He doesn't need the tree on because the beastmaster has regrowth belt, and he can deal with deathlock and poisoned blood easily enough with force hammers or purify, not to mention the battering ram promo. And the extra life from the tree bond isn't necessary because the straywood beastmaster already starts with 36 life.

As for your priest build coshade, do you have reinforce in it? Holy Avenger only works as a deterrent to melee attacks against your temple, not ranged. Additionally the Malakai priest wants to be melee attacking the enemy. If the enemy rushes him he wants to stay back, but if the enemy turtles he wants to rush. The priest's abilities and training mean he is meant to recklessly start attacking the enemy Mage with light attacks, landing dazes to make it harder to hit him back, and burns to do a little extra damage. The holy avenger is meant to either deter enemies from attacking the priest and his stuff, or to punish them severely if they try.

After watching this. I realize that people underestimate how efficient healing spells are. Regrowth and regrowth belt each cost one quick action and each heals 2 a round. A regular heal spell costs 9 and heals anywhere between 0 and 16 one time.

They might spend 5 rounds to get you to almost dead, and one heal can potentially cut all that damage in half, whereas a regrowth belt won't do that.

Minor heal costs 5 mana and does 5 dice of healing. Compare that to a flame blast, which costs the same amount but deals 4 dice of damage plus the effect die. Seems like it's just as efficient right? No quite! Aside from the burn conditions, flameblast can't ignore armor. On the other hand, healing is always entirely direct. It ignores armor. Furthermore each heal only costs one quick action. Generally speaking it usually takes at least 2 quickspells to do 8 dice of damage (or one full spell). With that in mind, one quick action and 9 mana for 8 dice of healing using the regular heal spell is amazingly efficient.

With this temple build, you spend a quick action on a mana crystal that you wouldn't need with the priestess, and the only advantage that the priest's abilities have over the priestess here is that if they try to melee attack your temple you can punish them for it. But they're more likely to use attack spells instead anyway so that's kind of moot.

Great match so far! I can't wait to see more!

Hey Sailor! Thanks for response. I hope I can answer my thought process (although it may not be the perfect way). I don't have reinforce in it. Although that I would definitely consider it! I do have 2 guardian angels and a defend so I could swap one of those guys out for reinforce and some other fun.

I absolutely agree the Priest is really good with attacking people. Currently I think the staff is really too expensive so I rely on [mwcard=MW1Q27]Dawnbreaker Ring[/mwcard] and [mwcard=MW1E01]Bear Strength[/mwcard] if I see the opportunity. I mostly use the Priest to attack when it's an early game rush. That is actually ultimately why I think the Priest is better vs rushes over the Priestess. I think ultimately buddy builds just don't work for the Priest and if you don't use the temple you are going to have hard a time matching blow for blow in a turn 4-6 engagement. I've been looking at the Holy Avenger as just another way to buff my low level creatures (as opposed to just putting a [mwcard=MW1E01]Bear Strength[/mwcard] on them.

I absolutely think people don't consider healing unless they have tons of armor already. While armor and healing is efficient, it's also a lot of SP points and actions that could be used for creatures or buffing creatures to win the game. Healing and the holy creatures really have a unique flair.

I think you outlined the best part of healing, that you can usually heal more damage with one action then they can dish out. It allows your mage to use other actions toward killing the mage (or dismantling his plans).

I agree with you on the Priestess being better in the long game. The Mana crystal would rock with the Priestess. Additionally I think the Pirestess is just better for the long game because even though you still run out of mana, you can still equip a mage wand with purify for free and give yourself free health every round with your off action. That ultimately makes your mage much more durable for when your opponent wants to engage.

Hope you enjoyed the match!
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Re: [New Videos] Coshade dukes it out with Lord0fWinter
« Reply #19 on: October 13, 2015, 03:04:23 PM »
Will you have it now?

I remember that after one very short game i had as an old warlord, i was including mana prism in my book for like a 6 months. It was unnecessary and just psychological :)

This is an interesting question. I find [mwcard=MW1I21]Purge Magic[/mwcard] to be a great counter unless they have the [mwcard=MWSTX1CKJ01]Enchanter's Wardstone[/mwcard] out (and they sometimes run 2)!
Recently I put in a mage wand, and it's been doing this book wonders. I think instead of purge magic, I would use the mage wand with disperse or dispel and target key enchantments. In this match I would probably go for the elusive trait a lot more. This would allow me to not only guard effectively, but also reduce the dice by 2 and piercing 1.

Also it feels awful when you get disperse used on you. They basically net 2 mana and you feel like you're losing ground. If you can put yourself in a position where you don't need the full action, then I really encourage at least 1 disperse in your book!

I actually ran a [mwcard=FWJ05]Mana Prism[/mwcard] for awhile in this book too. It's a really nice card! To run it on your warlord is intense! I took it out though as I think I have enough ways of dealing with conjurations.

Thanks for the question it really helped me define the play a bit more.
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Re: [New Videos] Coshade dukes it out with Lord0fWinter
« Reply #20 on: October 13, 2015, 03:11:29 PM »
I like the ideas of both books, but I feel like both of them could be improved with some refinement and switching mages. The Priest is able to daze with his attack, but the Priestess can cast healing spells much more efficiently, and is better at stacking armor in order to make healing spells even more efficient. Your opponent can't strip your armor off with corrodes very effectively when you can just remove them all with one action. The higher base channeling would also help with being able to summon slightly larger creatures.

Healing spells should not be an alternative to armor, they should complement armor. The stronger you are defensively, the more efficient a healing spell on you is, since it takes more work to deal that much damage to you.

The Druid could have been at least 2 rounds faster, and hit harder as a Beastmaster. Yes, the Druid has more defensive wiggle room, but you want to go on the offensive if your opponent is playing a stronger economy than you. Spamming enchantments can let you do a reasonable amount of damage, but eventually an opponent that has 5 times as many creatures as you will overwhelm you.

You spent too much on playing every conceivably useful enchantment when you could have had another creature up with similar enhancements and another backup creature in case one of those got killed instead. You put too much emphasis on that one threat at a time, which made it much easier to deal with. Your opponent was able to keep pace with you by just casting a healing spell every round, which means you weren't getting to the point of dealing enough damage, although a Poison Blood would help.

Why play Harmonize on Fellella? That just makes her a more tempting target, and it's not that more efficient than other economy options.

I like this as an opening better:

Turn 1 (19): Fellelle, Pixe Familiar -> Enchanter's Ring (5)
Turn 2 (14): Pet Timber Wolf -> FD Enchantment -> FD Enchantment (0)

The Timber Wolf gets stronger faster, you can use Joined Strength, and the option to use Vampirism + Packleader's Cowl makes it much harder for your opponent to win a direct engagement.

The way you were playing, it would have been better to put Teleport on a Mage Wand and Teleport the Timber Wolf out immediately after attacking each round. That way it wouldn't have gotten overwhelmed, and you could have tried to force your opponent to move out, where your vine markers could have come into play more meaningfully.

Thanks Dougla you always give good advice.

While I like the idea of stacking armor, I would ultimately choose the priestess because of the health gain ability. While I think high armor and vet belt is very good, I think the spell book costs are to high (but I think both styles do work!). I've been finding that [mwcard=MWSTX2FFE04]Brace Yourself[/mwcard] is enough to handle most bursty books. Otherwise this book does run 2 sets of armor, [mwcard=MW1E12]Divine Protection[/mwcard], [mwcard=MW1E17]Force Orb[/mwcard], and a [mwcard=MW1E32]Regrowth[/mwcard]. Usually though I just take blows straight to the face and hope my clerics can roll standard healing to keep me in the lead (on top of my healing spells).

Always good to hear your opinions!
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Re: Coshade dukes it out with Lord0fWinter
« Reply #21 on: October 13, 2015, 03:15:45 PM »
I think that Vampiric would also alter the whole game greatly.

There was a point with corrode markers and barkskin. If you regen during upkeep first and then dont pay upkeep, you would loose those two corrodes. Then you would be able to cast barkskin again.

Stil, very nice game and i enjoy it very much. I would really like to see coshade with priest to fight another mages. I build something similar and name it Asyra Swarm but never actually play it. I cant wait to see spell list :)

Looking forward to next episode.

I've been streaming a lot while playing the Priest. He's a pretty fun build! I'm glad you enjoyed the match. I always have a blast!
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