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Author Topic: Warped Mage Wars Cards.  (Read 2644 times)


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Warped Mage Wars Cards.
« on: June 02, 2015, 12:34:50 PM »
First off, I apologize if this is the wrong location to post this; I've been reading the forums for a little while, but haven't posted until now.

Over the past month or two I've been acquiring the various Mage Wars expansions. To keep this succinct, on two expansions I received: Conquest of Kumanjaro and Forcemaster/Warlord, after removing the cards from their packs and looking through them, they began to develop either a concave or convex warping to them instead of sitting flat on the table.

Has anyone else experienced this issue? Any ideas on how to fix it? After a cursory search on here and google, I came up empty.

I can post pictures of them when I figure out how.


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Re: Warped Mage Wars Cards.
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2015, 01:05:45 PM »
You can place them in spell books and weight them down and leave them that way for a few days. that might work.

I sleeve all of my cards, so I don't have any issues.
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Re: Warped Mage Wars Cards.
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2015, 02:31:57 PM »
Do you live somewhere particularly humid?  I tend to store card games (Mage Wars, Magic, Lord of the Rings, etc.) in those standard white card boxes, and I sometimes toss a few silica packs in with the cards to keep them dry.


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Re: Warped Mage Wars Cards.
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2015, 05:46:41 PM »
Thanks for the replies so far!

If it helps, I live in Ontario, Canada so it tends not to get too humid here.

The strange thing about this is it's not all my cards that are affected, simply the cards in the two expansion that I mentioned.

As for storage, I keep them in the boxes they came with or within the core set and have so far not had issues storing the other cards like that.

I also tried this with some books I own, by sandwiching the cards between several books and leaving it for 2-3 days. In the end when I took them out, it helped slightly but they also went back to the same shape they were before.


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Re: Warped Mage Wars Cards.
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2015, 03:55:48 PM »
From what I have heard and seen, Arcane Wonders does a pretty good job of quality control (especially for being a new and small company).  If you can't fix the cards yourself, I would recommend either bringing the products back to the retailer you acquired them from and attempting to refund them for another version, or getting in touch with Arcane Wonders directly.  You can do so by emailing them at