The thread is about undoing, which is why he would carry the max amount of undoing spells possible. Spell Levels primarily affect the book building process increasing from level 1 to level 2 means a mage will carry 2 less. This really doesn't hurt the efficiency of the spell itself. Undoing works very well, when given enough time to pump channeling and equipment to reduce casting costs. When they arrive at the proper balance,they can use both QC and Mage Actions to cast highly effective combos (10 -14 mana range) timed with spike damage based off of Initiative. If you want these staples Dispel/Dissolve/Seeking Dispel to no unbalance the meta, they should be more costly mana wise so they cant pull off a 4 spell cast blitz over two rounds.
I suppose you're right. Maybe the level of the enchantment to be destroyed should be added to the mana cost of dispel? And the same sort of thing for dissolve?
Do you think this will make enchanters wardstone and armor ward too powerful? I'm guessing not, since there are plenty of ways to counter an enchantment besides destroying it. Although harshforge plate might become problematic. I don't think it will, since it's effect is kind of like a continuous but otherwise weaker version of nullify, and the warlord pays triple for nullifies. This will probably make warlords less likely to be dependent on arcane spells.
I'm guessing seeking dispel might be better if its mana cost was just increased to 3.
I'm starting to wonder if maybe the designers aren't considering spellbook points enough when costing cards. Seeking dispel is a level 1 spell that costs two mana. I can fairly easily use it to destroy a level six spell like mind control, if they don't reveal it immediately after casting. And if they do, dispel. Most of the time mind control doesn't do anything but stun a creature for a round or two. While that is impressive, it's not enough for the mana and spellbook point cost.