I saw some topics related to the subject, but none, to my knowledge, that answer that very specific question (let me know if I'm wrong please):
Can I put a face down enchantment on an illegal target? (Bear Strength on a non-living creature, Harmonize on an object without channeling, eagle wings on a mage, etc.)
From what I understand, if I reveal the enchantment and the target is illegal, then it is automatically destroyed. However, as long as it's face down, this shouldn't matter, right?
Then, I can use Shift Enchantment or Enchantment Transfusion to put it on a legal target before revealing it.
Also, related question: What if Sersiryx or Sectarus casted a non-curse spell (decoy or anything else.) I guess it would, again, be destroyed when revealed, but as long as it's face down, it doesn't matter.
Why would I do that? To play a mind game against the opponent, of course.
Thank you,