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Author Topic: Dancing Scimitar and Guard  (Read 2886 times)


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Dancing Scimitar and Guard
« on: November 29, 2014, 06:10:09 PM »
hello i dont find anything about this and im not sure.

This afternoon a ForceMaster with a dancing Scimitar attack a wolf with guard, the other player says that the wolf loose his guard, and you can counterattack because the attack its does for dancing scimitar, not for the forcemaster, this it´s true?

Dancing scimitar must attack to the same target at the same time as forcermaster do?  Who attacks first?
If forcemaster kills the target , Dancing scimitar can attack another?

Thanks, and sorry if i disturb, i make the last two question because it´s occur me now, and i dont search. No time pals xd..


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Re: Dancing Scimitar and Guard
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2014, 07:09:15 PM »
This afternoon a ForceMaster with a dancing Scimitar attack a wolf with guard, the other player says that the wolf loose his guard, and you can counterattack because the attack its does for dancing scimitar, not for the forcemaster, this it´s true?

Dancing scimitar must attack to the same target at the same time as forcermaster do?  Who attacks first?
If forcemaster kills the target , Dancing scimitar can attack another?

The Codex section of the Forcemaster vs. Warlord rules says that an attack from an Autonomous piece of equipment can only be made at the end of the Mage's action (so the Mage would already have had to attack first, if it was going to do so, and the Scimitar must immediately attack after the Mage uses its action marker, if it is going to do so). Also, the Codex says that it will not trigger a counterstrike (or damage barrier), and will not remove a guard marker from the target.

In addition, the Dancing Scimitar's attack may only be made once per round, and only if it has not been used as a defense that round.

There is nothing that I am aware of that requires the Dancing Scimitar to attack the same target that the equipped Mage attacks. In fact, in cases where there are two enemy guards and where both the Mage and the Dancing Scimitar were to attack, they would have to attack to different targets, since the Dancing Scimitar must abide by the guard rule, just as the Mage does.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2014, 07:11:59 PM by DaveW »
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Re: Dancing Scimitar and Guard
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2014, 09:52:06 PM »
DaveW is 100% correct. As he stated, the most important reference for your questions is the codex section for Autonomous which you can find in the Forcemaster vs Warlord Rules or in the Comprehensive Codex.