Here are the basics for those who would like to come
Please begin showing up by (or before) 3pm to register you Spellbook for check in.
-There are currently no banned cards with us at this time.
-Try and bring a print out of your Spellbook list to speed things up it will help. Pages will be provided to write Spellbooks down on otherwise.
- Please bring your Mage, Spellbook and any mage specific tokens (Voltic Shield, Treebond, etc.) we will supply all other tokens to minimize clutter. -If you are borrowing a Spellbook please get a piece of paper and put the owners name on the paper and slide it into one of the front page pockets.
-If you are unable to show up before 4pm please let one of use know, you are welcome to still come play and will be awarded a bye round.
-There will be many items for prizes, and some conditional prizes as well based on Storyline Kit clauses (these are fun!)
Any questions on game play will be handled by Benjamin Burton or me with assistance from other players if we are stumped. Time will not be stopped for calling a rules review.