Right, how the game went.
In the opening turn, the Warlock dropped a mana crystal and I can't remember what else, the beastmaster cast a harmonized lair in NC, the Priest placed a Temple of Asyra and I played Cheetah Speed on my Forcemaster, advanced 2, and put a Battle Forge in FC. From there things went the way you'd expect, on turn 2 the Warlock and Priest cast Necropian Vampiress and Knight of Westlock respectively, the Beastmaster cast Bear Strength on my Forcemaster, and I pulled out Force Ring and Galvitar and started working on the Priest.
In the mid game the priest tried to defend himself from the Forcemaster, the Warlock tried to curse/vamp attack the Forcemaster out of the fight, and the Beastmaster healed/buffed the Forcemaster while summoning a swarm of level 1s + Cervere from the Lair.
I eventually locked the priest down with a Force Crush, so he used Divine Intervention to teleport himself to the opposite corner of the arena. That put him out of the fight for several rounds, so I decided to ignore him. By that point I was very low on health myself, but had Vampirism thanks to the Beastmaster, so I spent a few turns double-striking the vampiress to regain some health. In the meantime the Beastmaster's swarm went to work on the Warlock and eventually brought him down (but not before most of them got incinerated by a Ring of Fire). With the Warlock gone and the Priest low on health, the Priest conceded (I was still pretty weak, but the Beastmaster had only gotten hit once or twice).
Overall I was pleased with the game. I was playing dangerously with no creatures and a very aggressive tempo, and there were several moments when a better attack roll by the Warlock could have killed me outright. However, I felt like I was able to control the pace of the game, which threw the other team off-balance. It also kept the game from going too long (we finished the whole thing in 2 hours).