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Author Topic: Ranged Attacks Question  (Read 1968 times)


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Ranged Attacks Question
« on: June 22, 2013, 07:41:01 PM »
Are there any cards in the game that add to the range of a character's ranged attack? In other words, let's take Goblin Sniper, which has a range of 1-2, is there any way in the game to increase his range so that he may attack 3 or more zones away?

If I am interpreting the rules correctly, cards which grant Ranged +1 (ex. Archer's Watchtower, Hawkeye, Fireshaper Ring, Dawnbreaker Ring, Lightning Ring, etc.) only add an extra attack die when making a ranged attack - but don't actually increase the number of zones that the range attack can "land" into (i.e., Hawkeye does not increase the Goblin Sniper's range from 1-2, to 2-3).

I think this from the FAQ answers my question?

"Ranged +X only increases the amount of dice the creature rolls when making ranged attacks. It does not increase the range of the attacks, and it does not give the creature the ability to make ranged attacks if the creature does not already have that ability."

Is this correct?


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Re: Ranged Attacks Question
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2013, 08:43:24 PM »
It is correct, at this time there are no cards that give an addition or as subtraction of Range.
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Re: Ranged Attacks Question
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2013, 10:08:31 PM »
thank you, that's what i thought! :)