Similar to the Raven Familiar...
Gork-lisp the Trap Gremlin (Legendary)
Creature (Fairy)
Casting Cost: 10
School: War 3
Range: 0-0
Gremlin: 6 Health, 1 Armor, 1 Attack Dice (Melee), Familiar, Pest, MANA 1, Regenerate 1, Tough -2, Burnproof, Poison Immunity
Special: Once per round as a Full Action a Trap Gremlin can cast a prepared Trap card in the square he occupies as long as no other cards occupy that square, friendly or otherwise. Trap Gremlin CANNOT activate traps with their MANA, only their controlling Mage can. Decoy Traps placed by Trap Gremlin give one extra Mana back to their owners when revealed. Any active trap placed by Trap Gremlin that does damage gains the Piercing +1 trait.
Card Quote: "My favorite traps are the ones that go BOOM! Hehehehe...Chunky-Salsa Effect!"