Excuse me, but do people have a problem with block formats or something?
I think we should be encouraging more people to play in block formats. They're more friendly to newer or poorer players who don't own as many expansions yet. If almost no one is playing simply because they don't want to use spellbooks from an older block, that's kinda sad.
Yes - I am utterly opposed to them.
I DO play mages from older blocks, but with new cards in them (where applicable). The biggest problem MW has is not enough cards coming through quickly enough, why would I make that situation worse on myself, and go back to playing 2013 books?
If that works for you then great, but it's absolutely the opposite direction to my desire and interest. I want massively bigger environments and cardpools - the entirety of MW is about equivalent to a single old MtG block, let alone a Standard environment (2x blocks + base set).
No, playing with anything other than all cards available is of no interest, until the card pool grows far bigger than it's likely to get in the next 10 years.