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Author Topic: Terrifying Warlock  (Read 6945 times)


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Re: Terrifying Warlock
« Reply #15 on: August 17, 2016, 10:24:19 AM »
Hmm i think you are underestimating Tanglevine a bit.

I donĀ“t think you be able to one shot it that often.

Your Sword is 5 dice, if you have the Dancing Scimitar out and its not dissolved then your at 8 dice.

8 dice still doesnt kill it every time, besides i always run agony and/or tangleroot in nature books.
Your only ranged attack is your curses and you would prefer to deliver those with the sword, so i see a Druid being very tuff for you. Hard to kill the tree, something as simple as bleed might hurt a lot.

You might run a few big to help you out and cast them early so you have a lot of dice in your zone.
Zombie Brute, Necropian Vampire or even Lord of Fire.

One of your biggest assets might be the "endless" Raise Dead on your opponents creatures. Id consider another and why not a [mwcard=MW1Q21]Moloch's Torment[/mwcard] ? (replace Moonglow Amulet w a Mana Crystal)

What about the Battleforge - where are you going to place it?

Still as always weak vs. non-living , no ethereal attacks and some flying weakness. (Necro/Wizard seems bad news)

http://forum.arcanewonders.com/index.php?topic=7591.0   old Lord of Terror build - still worth a read.
If you ever run into piousflea hes still a guy you want to ask about strategies etc.

http://forum.arcanewonders.com/index.php?topic=14473.msg40486#msg40486 Laddinface Curses build - another sword build.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=warbGKax9tY  Charmyna video where he plays a Druid vs Schwenkgotts Warlock sword build - as always in Charmynas videos tons of good advice/considerations.

I'm about to go to bed, so I don't have time to respond to all this, or look through the videos/links here, but I can easily get a lot more than 5 dice very quickly. An attack could be as much as 12 dice assuming things go the way I want. And I can almost always add another 4 on top of whatever I have for 5 more mana.


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Re: Terrifying Warlock
« Reply #16 on: August 17, 2016, 10:28:45 AM »
If you get lucky yeah. The tanglevine problem is a little deeper than your seeing though. A tanglevine has 8 life, even with 5 dice its still statistically going to steal 2 actions of yours to deal with it. If you get agonyd it will take at least 3. Add an etherian lifetree and it has 10 life and your only swinging 5 dice or less.  Now its looking like you're not getting out any time soon and your burning full actions trying to destroy a 5 mana conjuration over and over again.
What do you do when you blow 24 mana on adramalech and he gets put to sleep and teleported away?  You've only got 2 dispels, what happens when you face a fatigue forcemaster?  Or a dot druid.
All we are saying is that there are a few common issues you're gonna run into that maybe you aren't as prepared to deal with as you might currently believe. That's all.
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Re: Terrifying Warlock
« Reply #17 on: August 17, 2016, 12:38:33 PM »
The main idea is to abuse the defenses to stay alive, while not letting up the attacks with the sword until they're dead.

- As mentioned already, there are plenty of ways to make attacks unavoidable, from using attacks like Flameblast or Surging Wave to enchanting a creature with Falcon Precision.
A defense helps, sure, but you shouldn't rely on it too much. I've played enough Forcemaster to realize that.

- You may have plenty of defenses in your book but you still can use only 1 defense during the "avoid attack" step of an attack.
If that defense "misses", the attack goes through and all other defenses you may have on you do "nada".

- If your opponent plays only one or just a few creatures, a rather common occurrence, it may turn out he makes only two/three attacks per round. That means you may have far too many defenses in your book who are basically all "dead weight" aka wasted SBP's.

- The goal of the game is still to win it by killing the enemy mage and, as useful as they may be, defenses still do not inflict damage on the opposing mage so I am very sceptical about the winning chances of a strategy that focuses on "abusing Defenses".

- The major weakness of the book however is that your whole strategy hinges on the presence of just 1 card : Sectarus.
All it takes is one Dissolve ( just ONE card, imagine that ) and your whole strategy is finished.
There is no ( competitive ) spellbook that doesn't run at least one of those and that sword WILL be targeted at least once, you can count on that.
You have no back-up swords and no Nullify or Armor Ward to somehow help prevent that destruction.
Do you really expect your opponent to leave your Sectarus untouched all game ?
« Last Edit: August 17, 2016, 12:51:32 PM by Borg »
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